More than One Blog

January 31, 2010 1:49am CST
I've been addicted to blogging for years now and I'm thinking of organizing my blog. I'm using Multiply now for my personal blog and photos. I'm also write reviews about restaurants, foods, places, movies that I like (I avoid writing bad reviews) and I also like posting my artworks (earrings that I made, vector art, photography, painting, etc). The question is, shall I combine my artwork/portfolio and reviews or shall I use two different accounts? I'm thinking of using blogger for my reviews and wordpress or tumblr for my artwork. I still have my deviantart but I'm thinking of deleting it. What do you guys think?
1 response
• Australia
31 Jan 10
Deviantart is a great site I don't think you should delete it at all! You just have to figure out which server suits the needs for each blog. is blogger better for text? or for photos? It really depend on how much stuffing around you want to do. If one server does everything you want then why not just create multiple blogs on the one site? that's what I have done.
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
A lot of people are using Deviantart but I don't put so much time into it (maybe because I still don't have any recent artwork). I read at your other discussion that you're monetizing your blog. Do you prefer blogger than wordpress?
• Australia
31 Jan 10
I solely use blogger. I haven't tried any others yet mainly because I feel comfortable with blogger and it works for me how I want. I probably should have a look at others such as wordpress though.
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Some even use tumblr and wordpress. I used to have blogdrive ( i don't know if that still exist). I just signed up at wordpress and try blogging there since I've already tried blogger. I still haven't tried tumblr though.