Women has the right to abortion?
By careguarden
@careguarden (5670)
January 31, 2010 7:22am CST
Our life is a gift from God, thus most people believe that we don't have the right to end ones life. But when it comes to abortion, they said that it's a women's right to do whatever she wants with her body, thus she has the right to abort the baby on her womb. What do you think? Do you accept that kind of reasoning?
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19 responses
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 10
I really don't agree with women who told that they right to do everything to their self except they have no God.If they would not have a baby,why they do***.A good woman will not do abortion.Many woman who would like to have baby but God have no give them yet. So,why they did not grateful with the gift from God.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 10
A good woman will not do abortion.
EXCUSE ME?? so you are saying I'm NOT a good woman then because I had an abortion??

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Feb 10
yes everyone has different opinions and of course we are all entitled to them etc but you didnt answer my question..
Are you saying that I'm NOT a good woman because I had an abortion?
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
1 Feb 10
Hi..It's my opinion.I don't agree with woman who do abortion except healthy reason Sometimes, docters suggest woman who pegnance to do abortion because the baby is not healthy or other medical reason.I'm Sorry if you was offended or you did not agree with my opinion.Different people has different opinion.

@rupsyco (38)
• Malaysia
1 Feb 10
Well, abortion is the removal or espulsion of the uterus of the embrio or fetus, thus also the commonly called miscarriage is an abortion. Then in that case the "gift" is revoked? Or when a woman is raped and gets pregnant what kind of gift is that?! How about if somebody doesn't want the gift... I know is usually considered rude, but we have the right to refuse a gift, or not?
First of all, I would not comment on the gift from God, because this is your belief, other religion doesn't believe as such or in a one god only.
I think that an induced abortion is necessary whenever there's the need of saving the pregnant woman, or preserve her physical and mental health. I also think that it should be practiced if at the end the baby is going to have helth problems associated with a low probability of survival whithin the first year. The preservation of the mental health of the gravida includes rape cases, I don't think that in that cases if the baby is unwanted the woman would have regrets if voluntarely decides to abort.
One important factor for me is when to abort... before the third trimester I don't consider it a crime, ideally during the first trimester. If I was involved in any I would push to continue gestation if after the fourth month and the pregnant partner didn't want the baby. The man there should take their portion of responsibility too. Too often they just wash their hands of the thing and leave all the responsibility to the woman. Law in that sense should do something on the paternal side as well, as I know that there's single mother status, but no single father. To reproduce (at least in the traditional enjoyable way) takes two, so it's boths responsibility and now with DNA the paternity can't be discussed...
In short, woman has the right to abort, and nobody has the right to murder. What is murder is perhaps chance for another debate.
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
You have your point based on your own perceptions, we grown up in different cultures and belief, as I could not say that yours is right and mine is wrong and vice versa. Me, I grown up in a quite religious family, as a Roman Catholic we're against of divorce as it's against the law of God. Yeah, life is a gift and we have the right to either accept or refuse, but life isn't a kind of gift that we can buy it's not a material things, so there should be exemptions. I think it could be right to abort if it's really necessary for the health of the mother or both. But to abort simply because the woman is not ready or whatever reason, I don't think that's acceptable.
Abortion is killing an innocent child, everybody should be cautious and responsible enough to take the consequences of their actions. Abortion is just taking the easy way out of the problem. Well that's just my thoughts and opinions, it may completely differ from yours but that's my belief. And I respect yours. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
When people used their mind to live not their heart, they often loss sight of what is essential. It's only heart can see, what is essential is invisible to the eyes, as the saying goes. Jesus Christ/God lives in our heart not in our mind.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Its not as simple as it just being about a woman having the right to do what she wishes with her body....Abortion is far more complex than that....My abortion wasnt about me decided "well its MY body, I can do what I want"....it was about what was best psychologically, emotionally and so on for me AND my husband and two (at the time) young children considering the circumstances and what we'd all just been through..
I have yet to meet a woman who chose to abort on the reason that "its my body i can do what I want" in fact out of all the women (except for one) I DO know that had to abort, there was a very personal reason behind it...
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Well for me I'm against abortion, we have different views and perceptions regarding this matter. And I do respect yours, that's how you grown up and understand those things. For me people take abortion simply because that's what they think is best for them, but not for the child. They only focus on their own situation and welfare, they are not responsible enough for their actions. I've a friend who abort her baby simply because she's not ready and so as her boy friend. But she live a life with regret, she's got nightmare from what she did to her baby, and too bad she can't have a baby anymore causes by her abortion. So I really felt bad for her. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!

@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Yeah, life is precious, people should learn to value life and love life. They should not take abortion as the solution to their problem. They should learn to be brave to face the consequences of their actions. They should not be selfish, they should fear God. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@rupsyco (38)
• Malaysia
2 Feb 10
"How would any of you feel had your parents aborted you."
you would be talking to ghosts! Even if they tried and I was to quick to be born I can't remember anything prior to 4-5 yrs. old... do you remember when you where in the whomb? But yes, life is precious.
@TickleMeBreathless (590)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I have to say that while I don't believe in purposely ending another human's life, in or out of the womb, that there are specific circumstances that would make me reconsider abortion. Normally I don't believe in it, but I do believe a woman has the right to do with her body what she feels she needs to. For example, I knew a little girl, 10 years old, who was repeatedly raped by her father, yet nobody would do anything. In addition to that, he beat her physically and emotionally over and over, because he was a drunk. When she was 10 years old she got pregnant, and the doctors told her and her father [because that event sobered him up real quick] that if she delivered she would die. Her only chance for survival would be to abort. What would you do? Yes it's taking another human's life, but she was 10, she never had the chance to live herself. Her father let her get an abortion, and she was awarded to the state as they found her father abusive [you think?].
Personally I'm a little biased, because my mother was raped when she was my age, and while she was at first going to have an abortion, she decided to at least give birth and consider adoption. However, she kept her baby, and because of that I have a half brother. He's quite a bit older than me, and got into a lot of trouble, but at least I know him and we love each other.
But in her situation - how could you not consider it? Would you really want that horror inside you? That knowledge that you were carrying the child of a rapist? My mom explained all the emotions that went through her, and I have come to the conclusion that in the end it really is the mother's decision, in special circumstances. Are they strong enough to handle it, physically and emotionally? Was it their fault for getting pregnant or not? I mean, there are so many things to consider.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 10
But in her situation - how could you not consider it? Would you really want that horror inside you? That knowledge that you were carrying the child of a rapist?
Being a surivor of two rapes myself I cna honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that I would have aborted immediately...Like I'm sure your mom explained the trauma of rape is hell beyond belief and can affect you for MANY yrs to come....There is NO WAY I could ave handled carrying my attackers fetus ON TOP OF the extreme trauma I went through..no way at all..
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 10
ugh posted too soon LOL
I also wanted to say OMG to that poor child!! again something I am personally familar with (minus the drinking and there was never any penetration)...I hope that once she was put into State care she not only got all the help she needed but also was one of the fortunate ones who was put into a good loving home...
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Well for me when it comes to that situation, it's a child choice to either abort her baby or not, she want to live or let her baby live. Those people who's rape victim and got pregnant, it's not their choice of course,but they'd been emotionally hurt and I don't think abortion is the right answer, it will only adds the emotional trauma they already experienced. It could be best to support and show them much love and affection, so they will able to get through the pain, it takes time, but the thing is you show and taught them to value life, you taught them about love, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. Those were the things they need, those were the things they lost when they're abused. And abortion is just making them more angry with themselves and with the world.
They maybe carrying the child of a so 'called monster,rapist' but the child is innocent and not going to be like his/her father. If only you want it to be. The world needs people who's willing to love,accept and care others, not the one who can give an easy solution to a problem, by running away the responsibility. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!

@egvistal (18)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Oooppppsss!!! That's a B-I-G NO NO.. Abortion is one of the mortal sins that a human must not commit.. We don't have the right to take away ones life by any means.. Especially women you got preggy and wanted to abort her child.. Even if that's her own body and womb where she carries the baby, still she doesn't have the right to abort/kill the baby in it..

@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Yeah, it's against the law of God and even in a person with a right head and conscience killing an innocent baby is an evil act. But it's sad that there are so many people who didn't give importance with it. They love their self more than anything, as they don't care the baby in their womb whom they are responsible for it. Those who didn't dear Jesus Christ were the one who commit abortion. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!

@ralf_jay (213)
• Sweden
31 Jan 10
nope its not the womens right to kill the one inside her. first they have to feel whats in their body . its a baby, its a life , you are going to give birth to the one with your blood . u should feel that from your heart then you never do any mistake of abortion and all. just think of it once you do that . its a big mistake going for an abortion. turn things on and try to save the child.
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Yeah, having an unwanted baby is mistake and doing an abortion is a mistake as well, so how can a problem solve with adding another mistakes. They might think that abortion is not a mistake, is killing an innocent baby is right?preventing someone to live is good? If they answer no, then abortion is definitely a mistake. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@Naylani (111)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Yes, I do. Not because I am for or against abortion. It is because we live in a world of many beliefs, morals, and opinions. What is wrong to one mass of people may be right to another mass of people. I believe that most things come down to perception and you can talk til you are blue in the face to try to get someone to see our side, but because of a person's perceptions something always gets missed. These are the things that start wars and needless conflict over things that if we really thought about it, would not mean a hill of beans in a persons life. Now, like you, I believe that all life is precious and a gift. I am a mother. I look at my child's sleeping face and know that I could never have had an abortion. Yet let us ask the abused, negleted, exploited, hungry, and unloved people of the world. Would they choose this existance...if they had a choice?
I also think that we should practice minding our own business, unless we are asked.
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Yeah, you're right, we have different perceptions, values,beliefs and cultures. But we are are talking about humans existence, and I believe we're connected with one another. And we need each other. You can't just sit down be happy while others live in misery and pain. Let say for an example other people believe that it's fine to kill and eat humans, and we ignore them because that's their business and you didn't do anything, I'm sure one day, you'll be the one who killed and eaten. Those people didn't know what they're doing, so it's only right to remind them and let say stand against their kind of belief. Those abuse and neglected could be given an assistance and support and love in order for them to learn to love and value life. They should not be taught to kill, but rather they should be taught to love and live. Abortion is just an easy and temporary solution. The problem won't go away rather it will become a shadow that will hunts the person every day.When it comes to life, there should be exemptions. Well anyway, I'm just expressing my thoughts and opinions. I didn't mean to offend or whatever. I hope you understand. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@iridium (431)
28 Feb 10
Until the baby is capable of independent life then its part of the woman's body do with as she pleases. It should not be possible to condemn a woman to an unwanted and dangerous pregnancy (and pregnancy is always dangerous) just because you personally thinks that contraception is 100% or rape doesn't happen. its not your call. its up to the woman who finds herself in that situation.
@john_ronald (383)
• Hong Kong
1 Feb 10
No to Abortion because every life forms you made or all of us have made will be our lucky charm.. If you do not want to be in there use contraceptives..
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Yeah, the baby in the womb of a woman signifies gift and life that's given to God, it signifies great responsibility that's why so many people don't want to have that child. They want an easy life, where they're free and can do everything they want. That's too bad. ANyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@OYGAK2005 (371)
• Saudi Arabia
1 Feb 10
it is a crime to abortion ...a serious crime!!!
to abortion si = kill a innocence man.....
@mutpal74 (314)
• India
1 Feb 10
Yes I heard the argument long back.It started from some American and European countries.Yes they can do anything ,can pass any bills, can give n numbers of arguments favoring the women stating their personal and social outcomes.I hope in some countries this bill already passed.But my question is if you allow to kill an innocent life inside the mothers womb,(Of course with the permission of the Mother) then what is wrong to kill unwanted street children baggers, and old persons? I mean whats the difference killing an egg and a chicken?Can they pass a similar bill? No they can't after all we are not animals , we are human beings.And those favoring the abortion bills are also human beings minus humanity.
@meldred (94)
1 Feb 10
No!! one thing that we should always remember that Life is from God...Life a special creation of God & He is the owner of everthing we have..& we don't have the right to end ones life. My suggestion is...if you're not ready to face responsibility, think first before you do it. Always think the circumstances in doing such thing, Think of your baby in the womb. You want to become a criminal of your own baby? ...Don't u give He him/her a chance to live in this earth? or maybe sooner or He'll/she'l become a great help to our country.Lastly abortion is SIN.
@enyniya (299)
• Bulgaria
31 Jan 10
Abortion is not that bad. Most ppl think that they ruin smb's life by abortion but I think this is not true. You can ruin it even if you give birth to that child. Also if you get pregnant and dont want the child you can contribute to the stem cell research by donating your embryo
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Abortion can affect both physical and psychological aspects in a person. Although it may differ in ones belief, like when you grown up believing that it's a mortal sin to abort a baby and you did commit abortion, so it's going to be a hard for you, but if you grown up believing it's fine to kill a baby in your womb then that won't have that much impact. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
1 Feb 10
I believe that it's solely the woman's decision because they have to carry the life around inside them. I don't understand why we allows like sixty year old politician to decide on the legality of abortion when a lot of the people making the final vote can't even conceive a child. I think that if the female wants to have the abortion but her male partner wants to keep the baby then I think we should try to make some kind of agreement on that.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Abortion is very inhumane with the silent scream of the new born it is very terrifying any women who undergo abortion would surely bother by her conscience is the greatest prosecutor after one undergo with her free will to do the process of expulsion of the unborn child.
@cycle6060 (118)
• India
31 Jan 10
Yes even I feel the women has the right to decide what she wants. Because it is her life and future that is at stake and the whole decision depends on it.
@Intra_Trader (241)
31 Jan 10
Where is wrote that the woman has right to abortion? I don't think Christians accept that as normal thing... Anyway, abortion is murdering your own baby, it doesn't matter that you have no money to grow him, or don't have any place to live... Always appears someone who helps. If woman is pregnant, that mean it must be.
@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
31 Jan 10
That has been a very debated subject for many years, but one thing is our opinion and another thing is what the law say. According to the Supreme Court, it is the right of the woman if she wants to end her pregnancy or not. In my personal opinion, no one should bring an unwanted baby to this world, those babies suffer a lot, because due to the fact that adoptions process are so hard in USA and Europe, all those babies that are given on abortion grew up without any love because they can't be adopted, besides even if they are at some point of their life they are going to have to face the fact that they were abandoned by his/her parents, feeling very rejected, this brings horrible consequences in child self esteem.