what do you guys think about Obama thus far?
By DannyRawr
@DannyRawr (28)
United States
January 31, 2010 12:24pm CST
Man makes a million promises and delivers on like 2 percent of the time. He's a horrible president in my opinion. I think the only reason he got elected was because he's a man of color and the whites felt guilty, what do you think?
13 responses
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
1 Feb 10
I think he was elected because Bush was a horrible president and Obama offered hope and was computer savvy. To be honest, I was surprised he was elected. He is a very intelligent man, but I thought he came in too soon. Yet, he has surrounded himself with very smart people which we need in these times. It would take any man a while to right the mess Bush put us in. And most of those who dislike him, do so because "he is a man of color." From the birth certificate and the tea parties to our struggles with health care, the economy, and joblessness, those who hate people of color already had their minds made up. I feel he should have said something to Pelosi and the far left leaning Liberals. If he did, he could have had health care passed already. But the right wing folks are talking about how Liberal he is, even though the Liberals are mad at him for moving towards the center -- which is the smart thing to do, if he's going to do anything for this country. He has a predominately Democratic congress that could just as well be predominately Republican because they're not doing anything either. For those of you who hate Obama, I still hope you take advantage of the "making work pay" credit which is on this years tax return. That is his baby and it's for people who worked last year.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
1 Feb 10
Personally I believe Obama was put in office to bring the US Economy down. I think all this was planned long in advance of him being elected. When it is all said and done the major money people of this world will wind up owni ng most of the prime real estate in the US aqnd some other countries. All this real estate that has been foreclosed now belongs to the people that loaned the money to buy it. If he had not been black he would not have been elected.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
1 Feb 10
In other words, they want him to fail? I sort of think along those lines. People who have lots of money don't have to worry about things getting worse. That's why many conservative Republicans can't wait until 2012. The sad part is that many people won't last until 2012. So personally, I see the major people of the world not wanting to open up more jobs. They have workers working for peanuts while they get richer. Your response reminds me of a story I tried to publish when Bush was in office. I see the feudal lord coming back with the rest of us being peasants. Without a job, some folks will have to committ crimes. Myself, I'm fighting a big corporation for my unemployment benefits. After the corporation lost many protests, the state used parts of a law for athletes and have disallowed my clim and is is now telling me to pay back the money. Open up debtors prisons and put me in there because I don't have any money.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I voted for him because I liked his stand on the issues and his eloquence. I didn't feel compelled by guilt. Initially I supported Hillary Clinton but when she did not get the nomination, I had no trouble switching my vote over to Obama. I still like him. I think he's trying to keep his campaign promises and that's all I ask of him.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Feb 10
We keep hearing we haven't given Obama enough time in office to be judging him. Maybe that's so. I don't know. But here are some things I have against him.
1. With a deficit of $1.4 trillion, he has shattered the budget record for a first year president spending nearly double what his predecessor did his first year.
2. He has granted terrorists constitutional rights.
3. He has endangered the security of our nation.
4. Nationalization of industries - auto and banks
5. He is distroying competition and jobs
6. He's too quick to blame others. Nothing is ever his fault.
7. No leadership ability, even with a super majority in both houses of congress.
8. He puts down the United States.
9. He only wants to work with the opposing party if they agree with him, otherwise, he lies and says they have brought nothing to the table.
10. He runs thousand page bills through without giving the people time to read and understand them.
11. He promised an open door policy but has worked behind closed doors.
There are probably other things I have against him that just aren't coming to mind right now. I think this will do for starters, though.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
2 Feb 10
I'm more upset with the American ignorant public. As a nation, we stupidly demanded from politics, things it couldn't deliver to begin with, and when Obama gave people the promises they wanted, we acted surprised when they didn't work.
Of course Obama didn't keep those lame promises. It wasn't possible to keep them to begin with. It's stupid Americans who were inexcusably dumb enough to believe them, that caused this whole mess.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
3 Feb 10
I find the man who calls himself Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, and other aliases, repugnant. I have felt the evil aura around this imposter since I first laid eyes on him during campaigning. He is not our president, but a deceiving usurper, traitor, dual national, illegal alien, and even an enemy operative whose mission is jihad, the destruction of America. The gambit of those who helped to put him in power was to use the race card to get their figurhead elected and to prevail upon the emotions of minorities and the collective guilt of Americans in general to implement their radical agenda and put the race issue constantly in play to prevent any dissent against any policy he implemented.
This has been articulated by so many black people themselves who have noted, as have so many of every race, that this man was chosen because of his color, and not because of his character, because he is totally void of good character and a deceiver and liar of the worst kind. It is painfully obvious that he hates America and his allegiance is to our enemies.
Alan Keyes was the first to articulate the fact that O has a seared conscience. Jesse Lee Peterson discussed his intended socialist agenda and its detriment to blacks in particular, as well as his use of the race card to intimidate those who dissent. James David Manning has tirelessly spoken out about the illegitimacy of this man.
Barack Hussein Obama, a man of several aliases, multiple social security numbers, jihadist intent, and, along with his wife, hatred of America, is a racist and his jihadist agenda is clear.
Even though very few really know anything about him, it is known that his associates are, like him, criminals and radicals of the worst kind. It's sad that so many have allowed themselves to be fooled by this "great pretender" who pays millions of our hard-earned tax dollars (illegally, of course) to keep his vital records sealed. He has not even a nodding acquaintance with truth and wants to be sure American cannot find any truth about just who this vile masquerader is.
It is ironic that those who chose this fiend, who is half-white, and who the NAACP refused to recognize and endorse as a black candidate until George Soros handed them a tidy and large amount of money, portray this criminal as a savior, and as a great representative of the black community, since he and his wife have defrauded poor blacks in their U of Chicago healthcare scheme and scam.
This is a man of great arrogance, little intelligence, and no character and he is of no worth to America. While those who slumber in their complacency and stupor refuse to discern truth, this evildoer's machinations continue, behind closed doors and always in darkness.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
31 Jan 10
As a "white" person, I would like to say I did not vote for him and I do not feel "guilty".
The reason he was elected was the fact that our country was in trouble and he kept promising "change". If you didn't like something about our country; he would promise to "change" it.
I saw through his "promises" and voted against him; but, a lot of people were suckered in by these "promises".
Instead, once he got to Washington; he proved he was just another lying politician who would say anything to get into office.
What is really telling, is the fact that since he got into office; he has been doing the things that McCain said he would do in the exact same way that McCain said he planned to do.
Makes you think - either McCain is an "honest" politician OR he planned to do the things that Obama was promising in his campaign speeches?
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
1 Feb 10
Obama is just a puppet.. He was told what to say, where and when. The only difference between him and the wooden-head Pinocchio is his nose doesn't grow every time he tells a lie. What do I think about him....hummm lets see, I think we should impeached the basturd.(intentional misspelling) I don't blame him for all that is bad because he doesn't have sense enough to know he is being used or maybe he just doesn't care as long as he can have the title of "president" and live the good life. He isn't a man of color as you have called him, he is a person of mixed race. What makes you think the "whites" felt guilty??? I just feel sorry for our country and the way things have gotten out of hand. The New World Order is closer than we think....The only thing I feel guilty about is keeping quite when it is our constitutional right to be heard and try to save a country we all once loved.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Feb 10
Every Presidential candidate makes what SEEMS like millions of promises only to discover once they take office that it's not as easy as it seemed. I think President Obama has done his best to do what he'd said he would and he HAS delivered on more than 2%! To say he's a "horrible" President at this point even if you disagree with everything he's done is WAY premature.
I respectfully disagree with you about President Obama having been elected "because he's a man of color and the whites felt guilty". Even if there were a tiny shred of truth to what you said there IS the matter of secret ballots! Someone can say whatever they want to say but once they go into the voting booth nobody else knows who they vote for.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
1 Feb 10
I could never understand how anyone could justify putting someone with such little experience as Obama into one of the most important positions in the country. He really had nothing to recommend him and I believe the way he has conducted himself in office is proof of that. Say what you will, you'll never convince me that he was put into office on his merits. He was elected, not only because many voters were angry with the Republicans, but also because Obama is well spoken, knows how to campaign and because he knows how to fool some of the people all of the time with promises he knew he would never keep. Nixon's arrogance was nothing to compare to Obama's. I hope the time will come when he realizes he doesn't know it all and will make an effort to listen to other points of view, even Republicans and the opinion of ordinary citizens. I also wish he's quit trying to turn us into a socialist country.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I did vot for Obama and agree that it's a little too soon to judge him on the job that he's doing. His predescessor left this country an incredible mess and it's not something that can be fixed in a month or two. That being said, I am disappointed with all of the rhetoric from the President and the Democratic controlled congress. Tired of talk. Looking for something to be done. My keys issues are the War in Iraq and health care and if Obama doesn't deliver what he committed to do on both of those issues, I will not be voting for him for a second term. Promises were made to bring our troups home and I won't settle for anything less. It's looking more and more to me that John McCain was right after all about the war.
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Obama promised the moon like every other politician. The problem was most of his supporters actually believe that crap. No one person could possibly deliver all that was promised during the elections. Now our grandchildren will have to bail us out of this huge debt.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I'm not big on politics, but I really think a tonnn of people are too quick to judge.
It takes a lot longer for things to get done (and "change to come") than what they were planned for- I think we really need to patient and give at least another year or so before we truly judge or grade him.