If you could only have 1 child, would you want a Boy or a Girl?

United States
February 1, 2010 4:01pm CST
It's amazing to me to see how many different customs there are when it comes to children. There are those here in the US that budget and plan for their children and only have 1 or 2. Then there are those here that have children with no planning or concern for how to support them. We have only 1 child, a daughter and she has many cousins and friends locally. I do wish we'd be able to have a little brother for here since it would be wonderful to have one of each! I grew up with 3 siblings and even tho there were arguements, we all got along fairly well and I think it really added to how I deal with people and life in general. If you had to choose and could only have 1 child, which would you choose to have, a boy or a girl? And Why?
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34 responses
@MrKennedy (1978)
1 Feb 10
Being a male, I would naturally prefer a son since I believe I would be able to develop a stronger connection with him and share my tips and experiences about life more comfortably and relevantly. However, if I had a girl, I would be equally proud and love her all the same
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
ohh... how sweet...
• United States
2 Feb 10
I think that many men would agree with you! There are some things that one can bond with better when it's the same gender child. I count my blessings to have a daughter cause it's a life changing experience. I sometimes do wish that my hubby could have had a son of his own to mentor. Tho he adores his daughter and I am sure we would both never change the fate we were dealt with our blessing! Thanks for sharing! Be well!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
2 Feb 10
Definately a boy. They are much easier to handle. You can save a lot on smart dresses and the new fashion, that girls just have to have. Make-up - not even worth mentioning. And they can fight their own battles much better than girls can, although a few girls can really throw a mean punch. The only thing you as parent have to worry about is, good manners, respect for every girl or women, straight priorities and of course, keeping them out of trouble when it comes to girls.
• United States
6 Feb 10
LOL...yes I agree that clothes and fashion and makeup wise, girls are far more expensive. But with boys, there's the sports items and gear. Children are just plain expensive but worth every penny! And I'm one of those girly girls but years ago when some creep grabbed at part of my anatomy that he had no business being anywhere near, I almost decked him. His nose was gushing blood and his eyes were bulging out in pain and shock. I might be on the short side but touch me without permission and I attack. Maybe he'll think twice about trying to violate another women when he realizes that some of us will attack right back and rather violently. Now that my daughter is a preteen, we'll be sitting down to have a chat about how I was grabbed at and how I reacted. Who knows how far he would have tried to go if I hadn't reacted so quickly and with no hesitation for the damage I might do to his face? And if she wants to go to self defense classes, we'll happily pay for them. She has expressed interest in martial arts so maybe that will fit right in. As far as being easier to handle,,not sure I agree there. Teenagers of both genders can be a real handful! Thanks for sharing! Be Well!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
6 Feb 10
I never in my whole life laughed so hard and loud. I wish i could see that guy. Not good what he did, but you sound awesome. You just go girl and let your girl take martial arts, better self defence you will not find. You should have made a girl out of that man, then you would have seen his face. Damn stupid b***********d. And yes, no matter what we have, we will always treasure and love them. Happy mylotting.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
2 Feb 10
hubby and i have two girls and i am an only child so i dont think it really matters that much. i like having daughters and i think when they are younger, they are easier than little boys, but when they hit teenaged years, i think boys are way easier!
• United States
2 Feb 10
Time will indeed tell! There are so many wonderful things about both boys and girls! I love children and always have. I am glad that I didn't have a choice cause it would have been so very hard. We were blessed with a delightful girl and count her as a special gift every day! She's been a delight in so many ways that I wonder if she'll be as easy going when she gets older or not...Hmmm.. Thanks for sharing and Be Well!!!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
1 Feb 10
I have two daughters and very happy with that. I don't know if I really want the power to choose. Whatever comes is fine. But at 60 and single, I'm happy to enjoy my grandchildren, two girls and one boy. I've had a good life and thank God for all his blessings, especially my children.
• United States
2 Feb 10
I am very much a Christian and I thank God every day for his many blessings! My only regret is that my hubby was an only child and he's the last male so no one to carry on the family name which is what got me thinking about things. I adore our daughter as does he and we'd never give her up for the world! I agree, that whatever gender the child is, they are each special and unique and we are blessed to have them in our lives! Thanks for sharing! And by the way, my Dad who is now in heaven had a delightful girlfriend when he was 80! So if you want to consider finding another special person, you might just find someone wonderful! Take care!!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
5 Feb 10
Yes, I might one day meet a special person. While I enjoy being alone, I would not close the door to someone very special. So who knows?
2 Feb 10
I suppose whilst my views are a little bit archaic I would chose a boy because as they grew up I would feel more comfortable in the knowledge that they are safer. As I said it's a bit of an archaic view and in reality a boy or girl are equally likely to end up in trouble, but I suppose it's my parents values having been imposed on me. I would also say as a bloke I would also be able to interact more with a son than a daughter. Although no matter what I had, which is highly unlikely, I would treat them equally and love them just the same.
• United States
6 Feb 10
I can see where you are coming from. There are definitely some ways that boys are safer than girls. But as you said, they can both get themselves into bad situations! I know you'll be delighted whether you have a boy or girl. Tho I can see why you'd want a boy since I treasure my little girl and we do have a unique bond being the same gender! Thanks for sharing! Be Well!
@shan0822 (433)
• United States
2 Feb 10
I perfer a daughter and a son, but if I must choose, I perfer a daughter. Beacuse they said daughter is more close to mom, and I can dress her like a princess.Even when she married, I can have a half son.
• United States
2 Feb 10
That's a wonderful way to think of it!! I wish I had thought of that, yes when our daughter gets married, we'll gain a son by marriage! Family is so important to me and being a Mom has made me a better person! And I must admit I'm one of those girly girls so it's fun to share that with her. Thanks for sharing and Be Well!!
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Feb 10
I have only one child and he is a boy. When I was pregnant, I really didn't care whether I would have a son or a daughter. I just care whether my child is happy, healthy and so on. Boys and girls have their own advantages and disadvantages. I don't mind the gender of my child because I love both. I love China
• United States
2 Feb 10
Oh my goodness, your son if the photo is any good resemblence is just adorable! One can see his wonderfully sweet nature!! I am with you, we were lucky enough to have a very healthy happy baby and that's what matters the most. I would have loved to have more children but it just didn't work out that way. We are working on our family tree and that's what made me stop and think about which gender folks would prefer! Thanks for sharing and China is a Beautiful Country with such an amazing History! Be well!!
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
I would probably want a boy because he will keep our family name.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Ah...indeed! That's what got me to thinking about things today! My hubby is the only male left and so his family name won't continue at least with our branch. We are looking to see if there are others from his family that came over from Europe as there were many cousins that did and got scattered across the USA. We just started trying to put together our family ancestry and since I already know much of mine, we are focusing on his first. Thanks for sharing!!! Be well!!
• Hong Kong
2 Feb 10
i want a girl because that is the one that i am having right now.. i can buy beautiful clothes for her, and also i want the care of her if she grows old..
• United States
2 Feb 10
How very sweet!!! YES, I agree it's great fun to have a wonderful daughter to buy clothes and things for. Having a daughter is one of the greatest joys of my life and I thank God for her every day! Congrats on your little one!!!! Be Well!!
• China
2 Feb 10
If I only had one child,of course I chose the girl,because girls more boedient.
• United States
2 Feb 10
LOL...I don't know about that! Many teenage girls can be very hard to manage! We have friends that have 3 children and so far the boy is the easiest child to raise. He's easy going and gets along with everyone. While his sisters are far more arguementative and opinionated! We are working on our family tree and it made me abit wistful that we don't have a son to carry on my husband's name. Tho I treasure our daughter and would never give up one moment of having her bless our life! Thanks for sharing and Happy Mylotting!!!
@avimra (456)
• India
2 Feb 10
I like both boy and girl, but your question is asking one child, hmm.. yeah! its a son. Being a girl, I think guys are more enjoyin their life. So I would like to have a son. I will get everything he wishes.
• United States
2 Feb 10
I love all children too! Boys and Girls both have wonderful traits and challenges! I think children make us better people and we can learn so much about the simple joys of life from them. I love children and somehow they know it, when I meet a child they instantly seem to like and bond with me. I think they can read adults far better than adults can read each other! Thanks for sharing!! Be Well!!
@hbk2244 (180)
• United States
2 Feb 10
I currently have only one child and he's a boy. I was esstatic when we found out it was going to be a boy. To me, having a boy meant playing catch and going to sporting events as he gets older. On the flip side, had we had a girl, I would love her just as much though.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Ah I can see that you love children as much as I do. You are already looking forward to all the fun things you will do together! We just started researching our family histories and since I know much of mine, we are working on my hubby's ancestry line and that's what prompted me to think about what it would be like to be able to choose but only have 1 child. My husband is the last male so sadly his family name will not continue from us but when his family came here from Europe there were many cousins that scattered across the USA so we might yet find some family we didn't know we had. Welcome to mylotting and Thanks for sharing and Be Well!!
@SteveJi (78)
• China
2 Feb 10
I prefer to have both, one son and one daughter. But as you know, most of Chinese people can have only one child due to the large number of population. So I really had thought about this question before. Either son or daughter will be OK for me.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Both of my sisters were lucky enough to have one of each as well and I can see why you would think it would be wonderful. That would have been my choice if things had worked out differently. I have heard that one can have more than 1 child in China but that it is very difficult to manage financially and one has to work with the government on it. Any child that is healthy and happy is a true blessing to me! Thanks so much for sharing and Welcome to Mylotting!! Take care!!
• China
2 Feb 10
for me,either boy or girl i'll very happy sameness,they all have their loveliness.ofcourse,girls require more thinking and boys also need more money to prepare for a housing at least it's my national rite,so bring up a boy can take more vigor
• United States
2 Feb 10
Ah, like you we were thrilled with any baby that was healthy! We were lucky enough to be blessed with a delightful girl. It's still the custom here in the US among my Polish relatives that the bride's family will pay for the entire wedding so in that way, a girl can be more expensive. I find it interesting that you think that girls take more thinking..do you mean that you have to protect them more? Thanks so much for sharing! I love learning about the traditions of other cultures! Welcome to mylot too!!!! Be Well!!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
5 Feb 10
If I could have had just one child I would have chosen to have a girl. When I was a little girl I had lots of dolls and I dreamed about one day having a daughter. I imagined that I could put her in pink dresses, buy her a pretty doll and built her a dolls house. I could share picture books with her. I would teach her to read and write. I would travel with her to many different countries. As we would be the same gender we could go youth hosteling together and stay in the female dorm. I am lucky enough to have three children and I did have to wait many years before I got my daughter. I have a teenage son, a disabled toddler son and a baby daughter. Due to the age gap my life is totally different from a lady that has three children close in age. My oldest is almost grown up. My two youngest are little ones that need much care. I love all three of my children. I am so grateful that my daughter is healthy and my disabled son is able to crawl. I know he will never learn to walk.
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
I always wanted to have three kids when I get married. Two boys and a girl would be really great. However, if I can only have one and given the chance what gender I wanted, I'd say I'd go for a boy. I have a sister and never had brother. So when I was younger and found out that my mom was pregnant for a boy, we were all excited. But then, tragic came, my mom had miscarriage and this saddened us. I think God meant it to be that way.. So I wanted this made me want to have son on my own, as I've always wanted a little brother.
• Estonia
1 Feb 10
I think I would choose to have a son (but I would be happy about the daughter equally). The reason for such choice is that I am a man, a father in the future, so I can already imagine our common activities, like going fishing, riding a bike, teaching my son some manners so he would behave like a real gentleman. A son would be also a great help in household, for instance when my (future) wife would need some help in household and I would not be around.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Interesting reasons! If I'd been able to choose I would have opted for a son for the simple reason of carring on my husband's family name. I am delighted to have a daughter and so is he, we wouldn't trade her for the world! Tho I can easily say that daughters are much more helpful on a daily basis to their Mom's tho Son's may have the physical advantage! Thanks for sharing! Be Well!
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
of course eiter a boy or a girl would be a great blessing. but if i really have to choose one, maybe i'd pick a girl simply because i am a girl myself and i would most probably know how to raise her. it is very good to imagine all the things we could do and enjoy together. i feel like we could be bestfriends. i know boys can be mommy's boy too but there are really points where they need to have the guidance of a father (or a father figure)..i haven't had any children yet so i really dont know how to raise a child so a girl i guess would be much easier to bring up since i am a girl myself..
@wengerts (42)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
I'll choose to have a son. My husband is the only boy among his siblings. My dad in law is also the only "real" boy in the family. I mean "real" because he has a brother but happened to be a gay.:) No one will carry on the family name if we won't have a son.
@allknowing (142658)
• India
2 Feb 10
I would opt for a girl. As a girl I know what I have contributed to this world when compared to my male siblings. Whenever my mother needed me I was there and that is what counts most. Girls are always there ready and willing.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Interesting Points. Tho I would say my brother came thru so many times for my parents when they were older and they needed his help. The fact that he lived over an hour away didn't matter much, he made time for them! Tho I surely will agree that overall girls or women are more nuturing by nature from what I've seen in my years! Thanks for sharing! Be Well!!