What is the biggest problem on earth today?
By getbiswa2000
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
February 1, 2010 9:16pm CST
Hello friends,
I've often wondered what might be the single most crucial problem that we are facing on this earth. In the current scenario there are so many problems that need to be solved. Problems like pollution, poverty, lack of education in some corners of the world need immediate attention. There is rise of terrorism which is constantly defiling the human civilization and hindering its progress. There should be an uniform distribution of wealth all over the world. But resources are being wasted in some corners while people are being deprived in some others.
What, in your notion is the most important problem that is ailing human race?
Take care
God bless you all
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24 responses
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
2 Feb 10
Ahem Ahem
Talking about humans, there are some good people on earth too. Do you people wanna abolish the entire race? There are good and bad things in everything. Talking about pollution, industrial progress is not possible without contributing enormously to pollution. The consideration should be guided to whether there is a trade off. Human race is the finest. There are people who have tunnel vision and short-sightedness. People who only thing about themselves and that too with a myopic vision should be the ones to blame, not the entire race.
Thanks for the response
God bless you
@syaryel (155)
• Malaysia
2 Feb 10
I think the biggest problem for all is that the planet is so infested with human. so unless we start to learn on how to live in harmony with nature and others, I guess it wouldn't be long until we destroy mother earth or starts killing each other in the name of survival.
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@sirknight (118)
2 Feb 10
the biggest problem on the earth is not to many humans that is a fairy tale ,this world can feed everybody and double the people living right now ,but reason why some people on earth go hungry is because of money ,they do not have enought of it to buy food for there family ,do you know how much food is thrown away in europe and the rich nations each year? a lot my friend.so that story about having to much people is a lie that is put out there,you must understand if you are very poor and you have 10 children then you have a problem because you can not afford to feed your family so it is not that there is not a lot of food but lack of money to feed your family
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
2 Feb 10
Yes, and there is this lack of education and awareness. One who knows his ability will have serious consideration before having 10 children. The every increasing population growth is either due to lack of awareness or due to some unknown religious beliefs. And I completely agree with you about the profligate nature of the citizens of rich countries. The amount of resource they waste each year can feed 7 or more nations. Thanks for such deep consideration.
God bless you
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
2 Feb 10
I really appreciate such a sincere response. Yes, as long as we are not able to learn to live in harmony and peace any proposed solution will fail to have any considerable effect on us. There are several global organizations to monitor global peace. But the respect for peace and harmony is rather individualistic. The sense of righteousness is born out of an integrated soul. If we start thinking about ourselves and try to do our own jobs well, the problems will be reduced to 50%. The first step towards a better world would be to perfect ourselves in all the way possible. We should think about ourselves before pointing fingers on others.
Thanks once again for the response
God bless you

@karthiksank642 (153)
• India
2 Feb 10
the biggest problem is that people dont think much and pay attention towards solving the smaalest of problems in life....and this leads to frustration and rising tempers and can cause a whole lot of problems
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@karthiksank642 (153)
• India
12 Feb 10
hmmmm.....but solving them is not that easy...ull find obstacles right from ur home and u may even find it within ur self
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
2 Feb 10
I couldn't agree more. Yes, its because we don't pay attention to every little problem, we get even more entangled in bigger problems. If we just learning from the smaller mistakes we make, the possibility is that we may handle more complicated problems with much more effective and conclusive way.
Thanks for the response
God bless you

@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
That was so sweet of you to think like that. Yes, it is the most basic thing that we should follow. If we live for ourselves only, then there is no meaning of staying alive at all. As long as we serve as an infinite source of love and affection, we are true human beings. Conflicts among us will just enervate our strength as a civilization.
Thanks for the response
God bless you
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
I think you are suggesting that we should stick to our most basic needs. Yes, uncontrolled consumption is one of the most vital reasons for it all. We are not aware of the simple fact that there is a limit of everything. No matter how much food we buy, there is a limit beyond which we will fail to consume. But we have grown a habit of storing beyond necessity and wasting beyond measure.
Thanks for the response
Take care

@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
2 Feb 10
I do agree with you. But what about the developing countries? If you check out the most corrupted countries list, you will find developing countries on top of it. I believe that developed countries are being wasteful. But, I don't think mutual respect depends on that. It depends upon the environment we are born in. And I completely agree with you when you say that lack of mutual respect and understanding is the biggest problem we are facing right now. Nobody is ready to believe anybody. Is this the prosperous world we've once been dreaming of?
Thanks for the response
Take care
God bless you

@donnakristel (1704)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
the biggest problem on earth to day is pollution and garbage. it is affecting our weather and changing it.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
Yes I agree with you on that. Pollution is perhaps the single most intriguing problem of all time. It is a headache. We dump all our wastes into the sea thus harming the ecology to a great extent. Even the nuclear wastes are a major concern among citizens. The weather is changing. It is getting warmer each year. The ice caps are melting which has been predicted long ago by our scientists. The world is unfortunately no more a comfortable place to live.
Great response
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
War is bad. But do you really think that war was not inevitable? Earthquake is not man-made, but I completely agree with you when you say that it is the biggest crisis today. So many people need immediate attention. The social and economic infrastructure in Haiti was not strong enough to survive this terrible incident. We all feel sorry for this.
Thanks for such a brief and sincere response
Take care
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
3 Feb 10
I think its global warming. You always hear about it on the News. Now that I have seen Al Gore's movie The Inconvenient Truth. I now know that the Earth will completely change for the worse if we don't act right away to deal with this problem.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
Yes Global Warming is the worst of all. We are already dealing with numerous other problems. At this time Global Warming is another big issue. The situation has grown beyond all control and measures. I mean, if we don't give immediate attention now, it would be too late. Environmentalists and scientists have long anticipated this thing. What they've predicted long ago is becoming true. There is an abrupt change in global climate. We fear the worst is yet to come.
I really appreciate your participation
Take care
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
3 Feb 10
of course it must be global warming! it's really bad hearing that the ice in the poles are melting so fast. the seasons are not like ten years ago. people like to cut trees in the forest without doing any preventive attempts such as re-planting the trees. losing trees means losing a big amount of oxygen and fresh air, or even affect weather and season!
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
Yes, I wonder how much paper we waste each year. People would suggest to use computer instead to write stuffs. But this would need electricity and many few countries adapt the unconventional source of energy. So no matter what we do there will be an energy crisis and uncontrolled exploitation of nature. Only thing that can save the planet is an awareness among people. We should have better understanding about our planet and the nature. Greed and short-sightedness has brought us this far. We should change our habits before its too late.
Thanks for the response
God bless you
@vigneshindian (203)
• India
3 Feb 10
hey in current situation the biggest problem the earth is facing is terrorism and global warming . Yes there are other issues but these two are the most dangerous . Unless and until people are gonna be educated on this topic i don't see how people living in earth are gonna be happy .
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
I agree with you. Terrorism and Global Warming are serious issues today. But will education be capable of solving these problems? I think education should instill in us a certain awareness about the world we live in. Our short sightedness and greed has made this world complete hell. Not that I don't appreciate the initiation of organizations to monitor it, but I personally think there is more to be done. Individual awareness is the most fundamental thing we need right now.
Thanks for such a wonderful response
God bless you
@damalimcpherson (251)
• Jamaica
3 Feb 10
i think the biggest problem is greed and lusting. the reason for this is that some persons now a days can be so greedy for other peoples` things that they would do anything in order to get it. Also people can get so caught up at times in doing illegal measures in order to get rich over night instead of really working legally towards it.
@Justathought12 (103)
• United States
3 Feb 10
The biggest problem the world has is education, no not that people are not being educated. But rather that educators are not teaching just the basics, they now think that it is their place to teach their political veiws. What is wrong with kids learning to reading, writing, math, sceince and geography and then finding their own political veiws. Tadays kids are being tought that they deserve this or that, they don't learn to work for what they want. On the play grounds they learn games where no one loses, then they get older and find out that sometimes you lose out on this job or that they can't have the corner office just because they believe that they deserve it. And as for having uniformed wealth, would you bust your butt to invent something if you knew that you had to share the rewards of your hard work with people that did nothing to help. Bet not. If there is no reward for hard work people will not work hard. Learn alittle about the communist take over of Russia, they first gave all workers the same pay, and found that productivity dropped. Learn from history and then perhaps we can improve the world.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
I would like to add something to what you've said. Its just an elaboration. There is surely something wrong with our educational institutions. They have failed in inducing true wisdom in pupils. We often confuse qualification with wisdom today. A clear conscience is an essential part of wisdom and if we don't have it then our education has fundamental deficiencies. What is the use of education that doesn't teach us to live with love and harmony? Hard work is a lofty concept. Our education instigates us to take the short cut. We need to give our educational institutions some serious attention now, before they turn into a factory to built selfish and arrogant products.
Take care
God bless you
@praveenjena (1304)
• India
2 Feb 10
Well one may say that there are problems that the human race is facing today. But at a larger level one may think that the problem that the mankind is facing today is something that each life forms on the earth are facing. Unemployment, development, diseases, extremism, terrorism etc. are some of the problems that people will name that they are facing. But at the same time we must remember that each time we "develop" in our own terms we are polluting the earth. The so called developed nations are not developed in real sense. And if the whole world uses resources as they are using then the earth will require the services of about 25 earths. Is that possible. Leave the world, if either India or China develop and use resources to that extent then too they will require the services of about 3 earths. Here I may state that I said only either of India or China and not both. So are really the developed nations developed or are the developing nations really developing. The answer is no, they are not developed. They are in a mad rush towards destruction. I may sound like an extremist. And there are very small number of people who will support my view on this topic. But still I want to stress that the so called developed nations are the most primitive kind of people, the real fools. One who does not know what to extract and what not to, is a fool. It is like milking the teats of a cow after all the milk has been drained. Will it milk. So how will the earth sustain such a huge population if they get developed. And if I speak my heart out no one has a real solution for this. But small efforts can save the planet. We should stop buying things that are not extremely necessary, we should use personal modes of commutation as much less as possible. Public modes are better. Turn green where ever we could. The less we buy the less we pollute. We should use less of the packaged food and less of everything. Less of electricity, fuel, paper. We should believe and practice recycling. And I think that turning green and respecting nature will indeed help the earth.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
You have addressed one of the biggest issues and you've proved your point with sufficient arguments. I couldn't agree more on this. I don't want to sound rude, but developed countries indeed are in big trouble in terms of consumption and other things. The origin of this, as I've concluded, is the false belief that material pleasure is the purpose of human life. Human life is valuable and to be quite frank very short to do something good. By good doesn't necessarily mean good of others. To understand what is good and bad for us is the greatest realization we can ever have. I too believe that if we indulge so much into material necessities we would be nothing more than beasts. Human capabilities are best proved when they start thinking beyond their instincts. There comes the understanding that no matter how much we spend, the amount we can consume will always be limited. The rest is either wasted or abused.
I am really glad that you took part in this discussion and conveyed your really valued thoughts.
Take care
God bless you
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
2 Feb 10
This may not be very popular to say but the biggest problem is over population. Everything else, dwindling resourches, pollution, starvation, etc. stem from this one thing. And it will only get worse in the future. Eventually it will become a self correcting problem because of disease, starvation and war.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
I know and I believe that there is some mechanism (you may certainly call it God's own rule) that ultimately balances everything on earth. Population, the way it is growing uncontrollably is becoming a major concern day by day. Due to lack of awareness and education families still have 10 or more kids even if the earnings can't support their basic needs. Now that is a pity. I wonder, as an individual what we may do to prevent this thing.
Thanks for the response
God bless you
@aviambitious (342)
• India
2 Feb 10
I think terrorism is the most biggest problem in the world, it is human made deadliest problem than any others naturally occurring problems. Anyone can be targeted by terrorism. It is spreading like an epidemic. I think terrorism should be stopped first. yea there are also many problems like pollution, poverty, lack of education, naturally occurring disasters.
After terrorism I think Global warming is the most biggest problem. Due to industrialization, increase in automobiles, cutting of trees etc etc the carbon dioxide level in atmosphere is increasing day by day. Due to this the polar ice caps are melting. Every country and every person should take measures on reducing carbon dioxide level.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
2 Feb 10
I completely agree with you. Terrorism is a threat to the entire human civilization. And education has failed to find a solution for this. Many terrorists are found to be well educated. They have degrees in several discipline. They use their skills to instigate people and motivate terror attacks. Terrorism is truly a curse to our society and is a major concern irrespective of the cast, creed and country.
Thanks for such a sincere response
God bless you
@cowboyofhell (3063)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
There is no problem on earth today. Without problems there are no success stories thats why problems exist. On the part that there should be wealth for every human that is unacceptable and unimaginable. you cannot tell the aborigines and other native people to abandon their culture. in fact, its a lot more stressful world if everybody is rich. the more money the more the technology and the more our world disintegrates.
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@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
2 Feb 10
Well I think the biggest problem on earth is the intolerance and arrogance of human beings, intolerance to other people that don't look or speak the same languages than them, intolerance to projects environmentalist problems. We think we are infallible and we don't realize that we are just another creatures more in this earth. We attack everybody that doesn't think as we do, that believe in things that we doesn't, we attack people with different life styles than us. We quickly judge everybody without thinking what are the reasons that those people had to act the way they did.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
3 Feb 10
Yes, we seem to be driven by some kind of superstition when we deal with people. We often limit our thinking within a very close boundary and totally refuse to go outside that. This is because we don't know the things we claim to know. We need to learn our own culture with respect and adherence first. If this learning is complete in all respect, it will only make you more dynamic and open-minded. When our knowledge becomes deep enough we suddenly realize that all cultures, faith, creed actually are based on the same thing. Deep down inside they are talking about the same thing, may be in a different language, in a different way. We don't go deep down there. With superficial and incomplete learning we only become pernicious and arrogant. The conflicts we create outside is actually the projection of contradictions we have inside.
Thanks for such a sincere response
God bless you
@MrTagarung2 (5)
• United States
2 Feb 10
Well, that's an easy one...the former Bush Administration.
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@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
5 Feb 10
Why did you say that? Don't you feel lot more secure being under the watch of a person like him, who is desperate about establishing democracy in every corner of the world and battling terrorism with most extreme measures possible? Don't you like the firmness and strength with which he took the measure? I know what he did was way extreme, but don't you think it was quite inevitable?
Thanks for the response
Take care