To Be or Not To Be..hmmmm..

United States
November 15, 2006 11:51am CST
Let's ponder a bit with this...To you want to be a hero or not to be a you want to be a christian or not to be a christian? Do you want to be a quitter or not to be a quitter? Right now at this very time, you are either being something of destiny or not being something of destiny. So if you are not being what you want to be..let's talk it out and try to accomplish those goals.
1 response
• United States
16 Nov 06
No, I don't want to be anyone's hero.....Too time consuming and stressful because they expect you to stay the hero or heroine. Let Jesus be there hero if they except Him. Yes, I want to be an am a christian. I don't want to be a quitter but but I have quit at so many things in my life. Man... thinking back on it, I really need to do I want to be a successful WAHM. Okay let's talk. You got a job for me ???? lol joking. :-)