Still think science is the cure all for humanity and religion is a curse?

United States
February 2, 2010 6:55am CST
How easily people forget the sins of science in the past 100 years but remember the woes of religion from thousands of years ago. Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel . All the so called great minds of science the Darwinist and Huxleys and their plans of Eugenics that led to the rise of Hitlers true religion of creating super men by destroying anyone not deemed worthy by the high society of that time. How easy Americans forget that before Hitler ever put his evil deeds into practice over half of the states in the United States were already doing the same evil deeds. Than all of these scientist sent their top people to advise Hitler and encourage him and once the war was over instead of holding their heads in shame and punishing these people they actually gave them free passes to continue there twisted work. These so called noble men of truth are nothing but racist and elitist and should be purged from the history books or at least shown as the criminals that they really are. The deeper I go down the rabbit hole the sicker I become at the actions of science and their brutal crimes against humanity.
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18 responses
• Thailand
2 Feb 10
Eugenics is more a social philosophy than science. Very few of those who advocated it were scientists. The list of names of those who advocated Eugenics that you want purge from the history books include H. G. Wells, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Emile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes, John Harvey Kellogg and Linus Pauling. I see lots of politicians and social philosophers on the list but it is short of scientists. You are really reaching to try to paint science as the villain in this story. Just one short aside. Hitler liked to claim that he was a Christian and his policy towards the Jewish people was justified because of their crimes agenst their fellow Jew, Jesus. Nothing scientific about that.
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• United States
2 Feb 10
These you have listed are the original progressives whose underlying philosophy is evolution, the theory of evolving.. thus eugenics is seen as a tool to better mankind for the sake of the 'best' and 'most fittest' survivors.. George Bernard Shaw alone, spoke of the need for a humane gas.. Others worse than Hitler are basically left out of the history books, because no one has ever claimed they were christian. Hitler was an evolutionist (loved/revered Darwin) and an occultist (and occultist hypnotist, just study his speeches and mannerisms of).
• United States
2 Feb 10
Whereas, Christianity, for one recognizes man is not evolving and becoming better, more humane, etc, but requires strong checks and balances on powers and seats of power.. But the progressive theory is that man and esp government can and should solve mankind's problems, which requires powerful government, w/o the safeguards of checks and balances.
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• United States
2 Feb 10
I think you need to study your history a bit better. Hitlers was undoubtedly a evolutionist and practiced eugenics, in fact he used American science and laws to establish his own eugenics programs to kill and/or sterilize not only Jews but anyone not deemed worthy by scientist and social elites of that day. Many scientist from the united states either directly advised or wrote books and papers on Hitlers practices until the war broke out. They viewed it as their science put into the ultimate practice. Hitler also blatantly said that religion was a tool to enlist people to his true cause, which was eugenics. Of course history has conveniently left out the fact that the basis for all these experiments and atrocities is of course the theory of evolution and eugenics. It has also left out all the practices of the united states which were just as barbaric as what Hitler did. Still today human experiments have been done and the same attitude that prevailed in those days is the same that allows it to continue today. The elitist and racist attitude. To say that science had nothing to do with it is to blindly ignore who controlled all the higher institutions of learning at that time, who do you think taught at universities? In the 30's and 40's not even Jewish scientist could speak against eugenics as it was so deeply embedded into main stream science. Look at Bertrand Russell - Eugenics and race who won the Nobel prize for literature.
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@Wismay (2037)
• India
2 Feb 10
Whether Science or Religion, both are handled by humans and if humans use it for wrong thing then one cannot blame Science or Religion for that. Science follows some procedure to prove a thing as a fact. And Religion follows some other course. The problem arises due human's greed,monopoly desire, intolerance etc. So unless humans purify their thinking and become real HUMANS no SCIENCE or RELIGION can help their cause. It is also true that in the name of Religion many have fought and taken lives of other faith or religion people. It is also true that in the name of advanced science people have developed destructive weapons that can wipe out mankind on this Earth. So the problem lies with people and not in RELIGION or SCIENCE. Happy Mylotting!
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• United States
2 Feb 10
I have to agree, it's not science itself - facts and observation - that is wrong headed, but how it is used. Also, if a theory is merely based on other theory, it's not really science (observable data, etc) and I would call that even more wrong headed with a great potential for calamity.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. "So the problem lies with people and not in RELIGION or SCIENCE." I agree but the problem I see is that the truth has been white washed to hide what has happened.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
I also agree with what you have said here. And since Evanhunter seems to agree as well, I think that this discussion in which he accuses science of so much wrongdoing is somewhat extreme...and contradictory to what your post says.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
2 Feb 10
Call me a radical conspiracy flake, but I've come to think of man's present science esp the theory of evolution as the "false prophet"/teaching of the book of revelation/apocalypse and the "strong delusion" after "falling away" mentioned elsewhere.. (most of the characters in the book of rev/apoc have in most minds morphed into one, but there are five). This one was involved with, or rather, enabled rev 13:13, which is the same as the new wind of 6:12-15 (followed by a pause,7:1), and will enable 13:16,17, which will escalate into 20:4. don't 'spose you like a riddle..?
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
2 Feb 10
EvanHunter, Yet, I wonder just how the Darwinist or Huxleys ever successfully proved how balance is present and reached with everything around us where we will not find a single day more in a week, not an hour more in a day, not a second more in a minute and that there will be something from the elements that contributes and help our existence and livelihood. Never. Did they (Darwin and Huxley) prove or show how Science come about? I would say with confidence that it's a "No" again here. Like the renowned Einstein once said: "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." They are very closely related than as adversely opposed, as you have perceived here. Have a nice day.
• United States
2 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. Yet how easy people recall what was done in the name of religion and how easy they forget things done in the name of science.
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• Singapore
3 Feb 10
EvanHunter, Let's put it this way, Science may cure all for Humanity but Religion is the cure FOR ALL Humanity. There's a difference here at the end of the day and I do not have the slightest disregard for Science on my part at all. Have a nice day.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 10
I agree, the war should not have happened. People do not want to die, they want to live in a big house with a swimming pool and eat a lot in one day rather than die in concentration camps and gulags. They do not deserve to die of bombs and bullet wounds but to live in good health and taken care of until their last breath. They do not wish to be raped and slaughtered. They just want to eat everyday and live in peace. I dont understand either.
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• United States
2 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply.
• United States
3 Feb 10
Though what you have said is in some sense true, I don't feel like your accusations against science are totally justified. For example, the "issue" in the United States that you mentioned (which I assume is slavery...) probably resulted from the general outlook people held in that time. I'm not saying slavery was good, but it didn't originate in the U.S. came as a result of explorers believing themselves superior to the natives of the lands they explored and conquered. But in that time, the theory of evolution hadn't even been established, so their basis on superiority is based more on the fact that the natives were without a God. As someone earlier said, religion and science are connected, and I don't think you should go around blaming science just because the general outlook these days focuses more on the wrongs caused by religion. Just my two cents on the matter.
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• United States
4 Feb 10
Eugenics is genocide when it is based on race, which it was at that time. It makes no difference if you sterilize a human being or put a bullet in their head you have effectively cause genocide. One is just faster than the other.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. No I am not talking about slavery but of eugenics which inspired human testing and sterilization of segments of the population based on ethnicity and other factors. Things that were commonly accepted in the scientific community as being best for humanity.
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• United States
4 Feb 10
But then what did you mean when you made the comment about the time before Hitler when half the U.S. was performing the evil deeds?? Slavery, in my mind, is the big issue concerning one group of people feeling that they are superior over another...
@praveenjena (1304)
• India
2 Feb 10
Indeed no, science is not at all the only cure. Science knows what atomic reaction does and what can atom bombs do. it can say that the explosion will destroy an area of say radius X. But it does not say where it leads to. It does not say whether that destruction is good or bad. Science can say if you stab a person then it can cause injury. It does not say whether that is good or bad. Religion starts where science ends. And in fact I would say that both are complementary to each other. These are different modalities that are required for the human race. They are not against each other but they work along with each other.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. The current problem is I am seeing a recurring theme in both sides that the powers given to them are twisted for their own dark purposes.
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• India
3 Feb 10
Okay Science has been used to produce atom bombs and eugenics. Religion also has been used to produce Crusades and Jihads. So shall we throw them out altogether? Well, it's humanity that's poorer if we do that. Just because Science/Religion has been abused that does not mean that they are bad. It's just that some bad people misused them.
• India
3 Feb 10
Absolutely correct. Rating your post positively.
• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. While religion has its share of dirty deeds it has never threatened to exterminate the human race. My post was to show people how quick they are to jump on the band wagon of hating religion but how the wool has been pulled over their eyes and history has been rewritten to hide or deny the atrocities that scientist/evolutionist/eugenics have done over the past 100 years and indeed still do today. All while claiming its for the better of mankind. Do I think we need to throw out technology? No, but what we do need to do is to make sure we are well educated and keep the reigns tight on those who control it. The same people that have run eugenics programs over the past 100 years are the very same people with the same mentality towards their fellow man and that is a very scary thing. Religion unchecked is a horrible thing, science unchecked is far worse. As long as things are done behind closed doors these "some bad people" will continue to do the same evil deeds.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Feb 10
How did Hitler get into the Science Lab? Are you limited to a Mad man for your Scientific Data? It would seem that your Theology is so thin, you strain at a Gnat in your attempt at swallowing a Camel! Better come up out of your hole, take a deep breath, do some more research, and rework this Post!
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• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. I think you need to do some research I have done mine. Say it can never happen here, it already has. Say scientist and government officials are wiser, they still do the same things. Say that its necessary to protect our freedom, its not. Say that its necessary to save our world and environment, its a lie. Say its been stopped, it still goes on today. Scientist and government officials today still have the same mental attitude towards their fellow man that they did back than. Research Joe Burkett on bad gene statement and foster children. Research national security memorandum study 200. Research planned parenthood and roots of eugenics. Race specific bio-weapons. Donations for population controls. The list goes on and on. Who do you think makes all this stuff happen high school drop outs and prisoners or scientist? As far as Hitler getting into the science lab American/English evolutionist and eugenics inspired him. That is a fact, that of course is conveniently never talked about.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
4 Feb 10
Hi EvanHunter! It seems that some misuse religion and some misuse science. Both are tools that can be used to make a better world or as is being done bring harm to mankind. Neither is the problem. The problem is with people that do not care for God or care for other people. As long as God does not intervene, it will continue to be like that. But hopefully God will intervene soon and straighten the situation.
• United States
6 Feb 10
Thanks for the reply. Some things we need to keep in mind. If these deeds were to stand in the light of day and were shown for the evil that they are instead of hid than people would see to it that it didn't happen again. I pray people wake up to the truth of it.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Feb 10
I agree! Evil must be exposed, whether it's religion that commits it or science. Evil should never be covered up. If we cover it up, it can only lead to more and worse evil.
• India
4 Feb 10
Science and religion are put the mankind to right path. But the person handles it for wrong doings and claims to be the souvenir.But true fact is that Science has provided many solution, and the religion have shown the way to lead a peace life. Human should understand and they should use both for peace , prosperity and happy living.
• United States
4 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. The problem is those who are in charge have no intentions of letting us live peacefully as long as they fear loosing control or that people are waking up they will continue to keep the process of fear of other nations to keep us under their control and if there isn't an enemy you can fight they will create one.
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• India
4 Feb 10
Certainly. The common man need only food, shelter and cloth to live on earth. But the greedy one come to rule the world and make the people suffer. There is moral contact for the greedy people who rule the State.
• India
4 Feb 10
There is no moral contact for the greedy to rule the state.
• India
4 Feb 10
hello firend i also agree with you that science is from 100 years ago and religion is from 1000 years ago. i know that science had given us so many good thing but also science is reaponsible for the bad things around the world. i can give you several example because of this modern society there are murders, rapes,etc happened everyday. please reply that is i am rght or wrong. please try to reply soon, your friend khan.
• Uruguay
2 Feb 10
I agree with EvanHunter, people tend to think in science as the solution for everything, in this century, most people is very rational, and they preffer to believe that religion is a "scam". This may be true, but we can't never forget that a life without any faith, is not a good life at all, sometimes I talk to people who don't believe in nothing, and I think, How can he live like that?
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• United States
2 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply.
• United States
6 Feb 10
yambucket, I see a lot of mob mentality with people who think of themselves as scholarly minded also. There have been countless times that facts have been discovered and they have gone ignored or worse the people who make the facts known are smeared because they don't correspond to the current theories. If there is one thing the scientific community can not stand its admitting it was wrong.
• United States
5 Feb 10
I think your statement to be very generalized. I my experience of living in 4 southern US states over the past 28 years I've found just the opposite to be true: people in general believe their religion to be infallable to the point that they will judge others by it, the world by it, science by it, and themselves by it. I've seen religious people become gravely ill because their beliefs forbid them from going to the doctor because science is "evil", and I've seen people be cruel and violent to others because their religion declared such others to be dangerous. Science is a study, theory, and experiment. But in EVERYTHING there is a dark history... ESPECIALLY when it comes to religion AND science. I think the problem with both of these is people. People who aren't scholarly minded will believe what they chose to believe because they heard that perspective first or because it's what some figure of authority told them to believe. They are the mob, the herd. Only those who break away from the herd will find the truth and THEN make a judgement based on facts.
• United States
2 Feb 10
For our entire existance we seem to have neglected trying to find a balance between science and my opinion, that is the only path to world peace.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. As much as I feel priest who are pedophiles deserve to be put into prison, do I also feel these scientist and any governmental official that condones crimes against humanity on the basis of bettering the human race also need to be put into prison. Not white washed and hidden from the public.
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@urbandekay (18278)
5 Feb 10
You are wrong if you suggest Darwin was a supporter of Eugenics all the best urban
• United States
5 Feb 10
Thanks for the reply. Wrong am I? Lets not forget the full name of his theory when published was "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life." Funny how the second half has been almost forgotten. Sounds like a handbook for the KKK and you can say oh it was talking about animals but than in his other works he himself applies it to social order of man. Or his second book "The Descent of Man", where he considers the poor as being reckless and says openly that marriage should be discouraged for the inferior. How about his personal notes? Without a doubt he was a social Darwinist and history has been overly kind in my opinion on his beliefs helping to form Eugenics as a social order for the elite. Or how about the speech his son gave on how Eugenics will replace religion? Thank God people woke up to that reality. Saying he didn't share the racist views of that time because he was a mild racist doesn't mean he still wasn't racist or elitist. Saying marriage should be discouraged and than saying well it should be left up to the individual is double talk. Its like saying we should invade this country over here because it would be best for us in the long wrong but hey its up to you guys. Can you give me conclusive quotes where he said eugenics is a bad idea? Everything I have read he states it as it will be viewed as evil, not admitting that it is evil let alone admitting the falsity that genetics is more relevant than environment which makes more difference on intelligence and social standing. When you look at the whole of what he published his cautions against non-empathy and charity are extremely small.
@bird123 (10657)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Genetic engineering will happen in the future. It will come after some diseases are cured through altering genetic code. Worry not. It will be free choice.This will not change who we really are just our physical bodies.It will enable mankind to live longer and healthier. There is still plenty of time to worry before it arrives. Calm down. It will all be OK!!
• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. Genetic manipulation has already happened in the past it was called eugenics and I have no reason to believe that this time around will be anymore humanitarian or for the populations true benefit than it was the last time. Most of all don't expect the average Joe to be the benefactor of any of the promised results. Do the research you will find out that human testing has been going on for over a hundred years.
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• India
3 Feb 10
When science and religion is compared then I think it is the Mother-Nature which is most important; in which both the science as well as the religion are embedded to its very core,(its up-to us:--that how does we see it or view it)the sooner we human beings started to differentiate it from the very womb of the Mother-Nature we are doing a very many harmful or heading for the destruction on the name of science(knowledge) and the religion(moral/ethics). These are the two extremes of Mother-Nature and therefore either of the two when becomes to its maximum are certainly too bad for the society or for the mankind as a whole. Now when we talk about the Eugenics,it is nothing but a sort of a definition(its up-to us:--that how does we see it or view it or practice it)but if its been practiced in an authoritarian way, then again it becomes nothing more than a heinous crime or the Crime of Genocide. Its very unfortunate that both the extremes of Mother-Nature are and were been deliberately been practiced by our very loving world famous personalities to their respective country all over the world, in different different form or by different Name and surprisingly still in practice..... of course by different name and form. We general people are just the mere pawn in the hands of our respective system,we public has to follow them even if the so called famous personalities had done a grave blunder! we have to digest them, then we are good otherwise we are criminals.
• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. The reason these grave blunders go unchecked is because good people do nothing. Than with time they are hidden so that they can continue to do the same mistakes over and over.
• China
3 Feb 10
History can be clean with time
• United States
3 Feb 10
Thank you for the reply. It can also be cleaned very easily when people don't pay attention.