earthquake in haiti is a judgement of god..what do u think about this?...
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
February 2, 2010 11:10am CST
Few weeks before earthquake occured in haiti..Nearly 1,30,000 people died..Is it a judgement of God against haitians who used to worship the dead people?..
Bible says that these are the last days..
Bible says,
Many earthquakes,natural disasters will happen all around the world in the last days & this is the sign for the End of the World...Whoever accept Lord Jesus christ as their True God will only get saved & eternal life...
These are some of the verses already written in christians bible thousand years ago...
I saw some sites where they have written "what are the things going to happen in 2010"...
below is the link of one such site...
SO with the above mentioned verses in bible ,I think increase in earthquakes reveals the judgement of God as well as world is going to end soon..
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14 responses
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
3 Feb 10
Hi sjroberts! I dont accept that! Much as I believe in Christ as any other god. I think god cant create imperfection. If he created us, then he did a good job! Unless you want to say god didnt do a good job. Linking faith to some natural phenomena is so unfair. I couple of days ago I did try to dissociate such link by somebody else.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
We should believe only in Lord Jesus christ to get saved....No other name is given to us in this earth,under this earth,above this earth as per bible...
These are just the signs for the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to this world as per bible...
In bible it is very clearly mentioned that b4 second coming of Lord Jesus christ there will be an increase in earthquakes,natural disasters & flood all over the world...
So no one can oppose it...Days are coming...That every eyes will see Lord Jesus Christ coming from Heaven with great power & glory to destroy the whole earth & to take away all true christians to heaven(through rapture)....
We can argue with one another...BUT NO ONE CAN'T OPEN THEIR ON SEEING LORD JESUS...
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
No one can't open their mouth on that day to Lord Jesus on seeing him coming from Heaven....
So my friend it's time to get ready for his second coming...
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
4 Feb 10
I agree with u somehow...But truth will never be hidden...If i close my mouth about not telling this truth then God will open another person's mouth...
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
2 Feb 10
Earthquakes and 'great' earthquakes are indeed signs - but these signs are everywhere, and do NOT mean that they are the judgement of God.
Why is it that it's so easy for people to harp about the so called judgement of God, but fall so short on focussing on His blessings to us?
God's word tells us several things about the end times, and none of them have to do with Him judging the earth or its people. Judgement will eventually come, that's a sure thing, but these things are 'natural' disasters that He was only forewarning us about, and using them as a signpost / guide.
The Bible also says that satan knows his time is short, and that as we move deeper into the endtime scenerio, his activities will increase as well - his goal is to destroy God's supreme creation: mankind.
The Bible also tells us in the New Testament book of Romans, that "the whole of creation groans and is in travail." This speaks of all of creation reacting to the intensity of sin and unbelief, and even the rejecting of Jesus Christ as Saviour, and therefore is causing great catstrophys in the earth.
The earth and mankind in the beginning, were created for fellowship with God, and His inhabiting, or living here with us. But when Adam and Eve sinned (disobeyed God's word), they opened the door for the evil one to move in, and that was the beginning of the battle of the ages.
We know who will win. Many have tossed the Bible aside and Jesus too, but we all have a time to live and choose what, and in whom we want to pledge our heart's allegiance to - whether to Jesus - another saviour - or to our own selves as our own saviour. All of these will fail, except trusting in the promises Jesus made to us.
The rain falls on the just and the unjust, as to those who do good or bad, in varied places and situations.
Plain and simple: God loves everyone on the planet, reguardless of what shape they are in spiritually. He is here with us in every situation, and while we may find it hard to trust His love at times, we must just go on.
The Old Testament shows a side of the severity of God in "those" days, but we are now living under the grace and love of Jesus - it is different. I didn't say that Jesus was different, but that we are in a different timeline, and God's sacrifice was, and is sufficient for all who will accept it. But that does not end problems and heartaches.
'nuff said
C. C.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
Hello classycat,
I agree with you...Yes definitely...All earthquakes & natural disasters that are coming upon this earth are signs for the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ...
Jesus himself told to his disciples that these things will happen in earth before his second coming...

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Sure God is real - people just 'choose' to not believe in Him.
Why is it that one can not reason that if God is real - so is satan? And that would account for the storms and some things that God gets blamed for. Satan hates mankind, because we are made in the image of God, and it is through mankind that His Son came into the earth to defeat him (satan).
It does say in the Bible that he (satan) knows that his time is short.
There are infact the two sides of God - the anger and judgement seen more in the Old Testament, and His love and kindness in the New Testament, and extended also to us in this time.
Disobedience to what He has taught us does bring correction at first and then if we continue to rebel and reject Him, we open ourselves up for attacks by none other than satan - that isn't something that most people want to hear, but it is nonetheless the truth.
When our children don't mind us, do we not disicipline them? Of course, and why? Because we love them and want what's best for them. God is no different.
There are many references to the so called end times, or last days, and many of those things certainly do apply to the day we're living in.
I'm always glad to be able to learn from the Bible and through prayer, about life in the world that we live in. And it's a real blessing to be able to PROVE the validity of of God and His word, and the diety of His Son, Jesus the Christ. ' nuff said.
C. C.
@john_ronald (383)
• Hong Kong
3 Feb 10
it will be a judgment day for that country but please pray that we will not be in that judgment day because as we are next that day will be a ruining day to be with all of us..
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
Yes...we should pray to get saved from all forthcoming dangers...
God's people will be kept safe ,secure & protected from all dangers in this world according to his will for their life...
If we live a holy life then we will become ready to go Heaven anytime...So we must live a holy christian life in this world as per bible...
@johneds456 (53)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
I think these verses are coming to reality because just last year here at my home country, the Philippines, we were struck by 3 super typhoons in 1 month, that was when the Philippines experienced very traumatic disaster, and just before the end of 2009 our Mt. Pinatubo almost exploded but it didn't as it just flowed lava for 1 month. We all should be ready for the final judgment of the Lord. We should all repent for us to be saved. Just like in the movie 2012, I think all of those predictions will come true, but not happening in one day but for the coming of 2012 itself.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
2 Feb 10
Yes...Really all people in this world should repend from their sins to get saved...
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
So yu believe that it's gonna happen in 2012? I think no one really knows. But one thing's for sure: it's gonna happen and it's near.
@dasj20 (127)
• India
3 Feb 10
hi sjroberts
according to me, i think that it is sign for the end of the world.
In the bible clearly mention these i believe these words.
but generally this is foolish....
because the inner layers of earth are changed every time. at that time the earthquakes occurred. the capacity of earthquake is depend upon the movement of haiti is general earthquake.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
Whether inner layer or outer layer...God knows everything bcz he is the creator of the whole universe...Why now only inner layers are changing frequently?...
There will be an great increase in earthquakes & natural disasters before the coming of Lord Jesus Christ as per bible....
This is what happening now...
Every eyes will see him & cry bcz of their madness of not accepting him as their True God....
So my kind request is everyone should ask forgiveness from God for their sins & accept Lord Jesus christ as their True God....then only they will be safe in this world & also have a chance to go Heaven & escape from dangerous Hell....
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
3 Feb 10
Oh, for pete's sake, the bible says many things. The bible is guide for humans but don't take it literally. In every century since Christianity started there have been prophesies that the end is near and the day of judgement is upon us. There have been many many tragic earthquakes and vulcanic eruptions over the centuries and there will be many more. The end of the world has been preducted many many times. I don't think Go had anything to do with this terrible earthquake. It is the makeup of the earth and the tectonic plates rubbing together that cause earthquakes. The most important thing is to help these most unfortunate people as much as we can.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
NO...FOR EVERYTHING BEGINNING IS ALSO THERE & IN THE SAME WAY END IS ALSO THERE...NO ONE CAN OPPOSE IT...In the same way since the world was there for 2000 years it does not mean that it will exist forever...
Scientist may tell reasons...But everything is in God's control...He want people in this world to get repent from their signs...That's why he is sending signs by shaking the waters,earth etc..To warn the people that his second coming is very soon....He will come to take away the righteous people along with him to heaven...
As per bible , whoever accepted Lord Jesus christ as their God will only eligible to go heaven...
So must live a holy christian life or else we have to spend our eternity in Hell...
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
2 Feb 10
No! Of course it's not a judgment of God. As a person of faith, I think that we may all be judged if we don't help them because it's not their fault that it happened. Maybe we're all supposed to learn from this. I don't know. I think that people who say that are giving people of faith a bad name, and if I ran into them on the street, I'd tell them so to their face.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Feb 10
That earthquake struck down good people and bad people, adults and children, animals, etc. What kind of loving God strikes down innocent children in judgment? In judgment for what? No, I don't believe this was a judgment of God any more than I believe the tsunami in Indonesia was or Hurricane Katrina was, etc. It was a natural disaster, period.
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
3 Feb 10
I think that this was an act of NATURE. God doesn't punish innocent people just so that he can judge them. Personally I think that this is just another sad and unfortunate thing that happens in nature and I think that there are some very mean people out there that are using it to instill fear in others. Besides, if the end of the world is coming, I think that instead of everyone going crazy, they should just spend their time with their families doing the things that they love and showing their families that they love them. This isn't the first time that someone has said that the end of the world is coming, and I doubt that it will be the last. I think that we should all concentrate on doing what we are doing now. Living in God's shadow and trying to stay in his light, happy mylotting.
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
2 Feb 10
There has been natural disasters since the beginning of recorded time. We may be in the last days, but Haiti is not exclusive. Tsunami, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados and the like strike various parts of the world regularly with no known cause.
I belive when the rapture comes, it will be worldwide and we will all go at once, not selectively in various parts of the world.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
2 Feb 10
Nice to meet u via this post...As per Bible ,only true christians all over the world will be taken to heaven in rapture...
But onething u must know that there is an great increase in number of earthquakes & disasters as mentioned in Bible..
These are the signs for the second coming of Lord Jesus christ & also for the end of the world as written in bible very clearly...
visit below link to know the things that is going to happen in U.S.A & also in many nations this year as told by prophets...
Feel free to ask me any queries if u wish...
@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
2 Feb 10
I think the earthquake in Haiti is not a judgment of god. I think it is just an unfortunate event of the nature. I don't think Bible says these are the last days, there is no place in the Bibble that said that in the years close to 2010 the world is going to end. It is our responsibility to take care of this planet and take care of each other. There is no any scientific link that connect earthquakes and pollution. Also were are talking here about the people from Haiti as they would be savages, those people may be poor, but they are very well educated, and they are people with a very big heart. I am sorry to say that it is very unfair to blame them for the terrible moment they are living.
@sjroberts_2007 (56)
• India
3 Feb 10
I have not said that in 2010 world is going to end...Not at all...Time is in God's hand...Once rapture happens(it may happen one knows), then antichrist will arise from this earth & rule the whole earth for 7 years...After 7 years of antichrist rule ,Lord Jesus will destroy him & the whole earth as per bible....
All signs like increase in earthquakes ,natural disasters clearly shows that the second coming(rapture) of Lord Jesus Christ is very near...
@anonymous09 (2)
3 Feb 10
sorry,i don't think u'r right.Most of people are friendly,honest,kind-hearted.Some people exploit others but live well,at least when they live.So i don't think the judgement of God is so equal,this time...