My cats have developed a strange craving.
@GardenGerty (162774)
United States
February 2, 2010 11:55pm CST
They like butternut squash soup. I had to go out and make some especially for them, as mine had onions in it, and I learned this year that onions are toxic to cats. From the time I cut the raw squash and the whole time I was cooking it with the ground turkey and other stuff, Tiger, my old cat, was meowing and begging for it. He has been sampling mine all week, until I remembered about the onions. Tiger has had mouth problems, and has taken antibiotics twice. Creamery had his teeth cleaned and some pulled today, and so his mouth is sore as well. I am thinking that they must need the vitamin A in squash to heal.
What kind of strange food does your cat, or dog like?
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26 responses
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Years ago, I had a dog that liked to eat Tupperware plastic. All the other plastic was safe from the dog but not the Tupperware. It was the most frustrating experience for me.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Kash likes plastic too, but plastic bags are her favorite. I'll tell you the story down below.

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
I have had cats for over fifty years, and we always fed them whatever they would eat. My grandparents fed their dogs strictly from the table scraps, whatever. Last year, however, I read on a veterinary web site that onions and garlic are toxic to animals. This is in spite of the fact that I had read for years that garlic would help them repel fleas. My cat actually prefers the soup with onions in it, but I asked the vet yesterday and she said no, the onions can be toxic. My old kitty is winding down, anyway. He seems very relaxed when he eats the soup.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Feb 10
I vote with the natural instincts of the kitty. A chemistry professor at a college where I worked once posted a warning about what was described at length as a highly toxic substance. It went on and on warning about the dangers of proximity to that substance, but down at the bottom the substance was finally identified as H2O, yes, plain water!
@tomcat23 (621)
• Old Forge, Pennsylvania
3 Feb 10
I truly believe we can trust our pets animal instincts. I have 5 cats and although they basically all eat the same cat food (dry and moist) when it comes to table food they each have their own likes and dislikes. My one cat won't eat any table food at all. One of them will lick a potato chip, while another one eats them and the 3 others won't even lick them. I heard the same thing about garlic repelling fleas, then heard it was toxic to cats...problem solved itself, 4 out of the 5 cats won't eat anything I put garlic in. The one that licks potato chips will eat almost anything, but vegetables are not something any of the 5 cats will eat.
My one cat has had problems with blockage. I was told not to give him dry food, unless it was the one only available at the vet. Giving the cat moist food didn't help at all, he got blocked up even on the strictly moist food diet. On his last visit to the vet, I was given 2 options; operate or euthanize. I gave the vet option 3 which was simply to bring the cat home. He's alive and well today eating a strictly dry food diet. The same vet recommended Olive Oil in their food for skin and fur health...the cats won't touch it.
The one thing that really made sense to me is actually common sense...what would they be eating in the wild? Let's face it, not all pets are fortunate enough to have chefs and maids pampering them. I can't wait to see how the butternut squash works for my pampered pets. Thanks for that news!

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
3 Feb 10
I personally don't have any pets at this time as I'm so busy that I would have no time to properly take care of them. But both my daughters have cats and dogs. But it is possible that cats and other animals instinctively know which foods have what they need for health. I remember my dog loving carrots and at the sound of my peeling a carrot he would run and wanted some.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
That is what I always though, myself. I had a cat that ate peas. Funny to watch her try to lick them up as they rolled. Every animal I have ever known has liked corn, probably because it is naturally sweet.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Your rats are related to my Mexicat. I wonder why they do not like their own food? I have always been told rats will eat anything.
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
3 Feb 10
ÑHiya GardenGerty,
We had a Dog that liked Cornflakes for Breakfast or Porridge Oats or Weetabix or Shredded Wheat not sugar of course. He did´nt like anything else we ate except that a huge bowl of it almost every day in fact if I remember it was every day as I had to go to work and did not have time for anything else. He did get a plus though a beautiful shiny Coat. I know they are not strange foods to us but they are not exactly doggie foods I never put much milk in though. Sounds very nice your recipe and hope your Cats are now recovered.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
The one that went to the vet yesterday is much better today. The elderly cat is just on his way out, more or less. He sleeps wonderfully well after I feed him the soup. If we have warm sunny days, though, he wants to be outside.
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
3 Feb 10
Hiya GardenGerty,
They say the creaking gate hangs the longest because it´s more well looked after the same can be said for all of us including animals your cat may live a much longer time than you think. My Dog lived till he was 18 and a half years old that was my Border Collie.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Hi G..Well, I have two dogs but cannot include Lambchip (my bijon frise) in the discussion becaue there is not a food known to mankind that this little dog dosen't like. If its on a "people plate", comes out of the frig or oven. she's in. My Irish setter however has a very particular pallet and when you give her something to eat, she has to examine it as if it could possibly be poison!!! When she was about 12 weeks old, I was sitting on the couch eating pistachio nuts and dropped one on the floor. She checked it out, carefully, and then picked it up and ran to her little throw rug, where she takes all new food and ate it, or so I thought. Later on, when passing by the rug I noticed that both halfs of the shell were there. Surely coincidental I thought and went on about my business. The next night I, again, was eating what was left of my favorite nuts, decided to give her one. She did the same thing..ate the nut, left the shell. I watched her and it was so funny how she carefully moved it around in her mouth, swallowed the nut and spit out the shell...A genius!!! Since then she eats anything with pistachio. I make a pistachio encrusted salmon, loves it, pistachio ice cream , loves it, etc etc. She also loves raisins. When she sees me get them out of the pantry, she comes running. She will eat as many as I give her! I found out the hard way however that raisins help to "clean out the system" if you know what I mean, so now she only gets a couple at a time..She also loves grapefruit. I have a pink grapefruit tree in my yard which is how that started and she loves them! Put a little sugar on it and you'll have a best friend for life. As lastly, whipped cream, I make it often and when she hears that hand mixer running, again she comes running. I know its not good for her, but I just let her lick the beaters. Its so funny watching those big eyes wide with waited anticipation of a delectable treat soon to be all hers!!!
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Oh how funny. I am glad your Irish setter knows not to eat the shells of the nuts. I bet they are really healthy for him. I would love to try your salmon. I have had salmon coated with chestnut flour and it is good.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Aug 11
Interesting? This type of food is good for the Cats, and the Vitamin A helps them heal? I have never heard this one before. We actually own a Pomeranian and have heard that allowing them to eat any kind of people food is not good for them, so we do not feed him anything but his food and Jerky treats for dogs.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
1 Aug 11
Vitamin A is healthy for your skin, or their skin. Processed people food is not good for animals, much of it is not good for people either. On the other hand, many vets recommend giving canned pumpkin for bowel health for dogs. If my cats crave this badly enough to cry for it when I peel a squash, I think they need it. It is no more harmful for them than them eating grass and leaves outside.
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Recently, we discovered CeeCee likes broccoli with cheese sauce. I mix it in with her regular food. After her belly is full, she makes a trip outside to take care of business. The she comes in for a long nap. When she sees the broccoli come out of the freezer, she dances around the kitchen waiting for it to be cooked. I only give her a large spoonful at a time. I don't want to give her too much at a time. But now I wonder what is going to happen when the broccoli is growing in the garden. I hope she does not eat it before we can harvest it.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
3 Feb 10
My silver-tipped charcoal gray cat, Baby, likes mango yogurt. I tried giving him plain yogurt before and stuff with berries in, but he wrinkled his nose and walked away. But one day I was eating mango yogurt and he wouldn't leave me alone. I gave him a taste and he wanted more and more. That surprised me. I don't even see mango yogurt on the shelves any more. Just as well, they aren't supposed to have sugar.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
The cats always want to bring me food, or treasures. My husband said his cat when he was a boy brought a snake to his mom as she was hanging clothes. Mango probably has lots of vitamin A in it as well, and vitamin C. We are not supposed to have sugar either. My cats will eat smooth yogurt, but not berry yogurts. Lemon is good.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
3 Feb 10
He is handsome. The Vet said so! Also, the female cats in the neighborhood come baring gifts. Unually a mouse or a bird. My cat sits on a chair on the porch like a Sphinx God and calls them over one at a time to check out their gifts. They drop it at the base of the chair. He's in high demand for a guy that got fixed at age 5, but he doesn't seem to know this and neither do they. My husband enjoys this spectical. He said he never saw cats do that before. My cat is part French Charteurse (spelling?), they call him a blue cat. He's not blue; he's very happy.
A cheese and yogurt loving dog. Animals so love their treats. Now do they get that from us or do we get that from them?
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
4 Feb 10
My cats are both male crystal kitties. They can't have much acid. They can only have less than a teaspoon of yogurt each as it is. I would think lemon would be dangerous for them. I can't see them eating lemon. Anything citrus like oranges or limes, the grey one wrinkles his nose and backs away. The orange cat just looks at me like, "Why are you offering me a non-food item? Am I supposed to play with it or what?"
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Hi GG!!
Well, as Dawnald mentioned above in #1, plastic bags are Kash's favorite, even though it's not a food. I do not dare leave a plastic bag on the floor as it will be chewed to bits, and I don't know how much she'd eat. Any type of plastic bag will do for her, garbage bags, shopping bags, plastic handles, etc. I'm really not sure if she loves it or hates it.
One day when she was really young, about a year old, I came home from grocery shopping and put the bags on the floor by the kitchen to put the stuff away. She was jumping around all over the bags just playing, listening to it crinkle as she moved around. I didn't think too much of it and thought it was cute. These were the plain white shopping bags with handles that they pack your groceries with at the store.
One bag was empty so she was crawling in and out, jumping on it, throwing it up in the air, and then.....somehow, I think when she was crawling inside, the handles got stuck around her neck. Off she took with this plastic bag flying in the wind after her around her neck. She was scared out of her wits and running like a crazed cat up and down the hall, into the bedroom, back into the living room and smacked right into the wall before I caught her. She was limping really bad so I ended up taking her to the vet. Sure enough, she actually hurt a part of her leg the vet said he never saw get hurt before. It was swollen and bruised but not broken or fractured. It took a few days for her to feel better and walk normally, and we had to keep her in one of the bedrooms so she would stay more quiet.
It was funny to see as it was happening with the bag flying behind her (like a cartoon), but the end result wasn't so funny. Now I don't leave any type of plastic bags around at all as she seems to attack them.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Feb 10
My dogs love butternut squash! And nearly every other kind of fruit and vegetable. They really went nuts for my pear/squash soup and you might like it, too. Make your soup but when you blend the cooked squash add the equivalent of a pear, either a fresh one that's been cooked or one from a can. A bit of nutmeg on top to make it pretty and you have a whole new flavor for your soup.
When Cookie wasn't feeling well a few weeks ago due to a minor procedure, I cooked and blended some chicken, mixed vegetables and a little cooked potato. It came out the consistency of soup when I added some chicken stock and while she would not eat regular food she lapped up enough of this to keep her from being weak. And it didn't upset her stomach.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
9 Feb 10
My cats or dogs will eat just about anything at all if they think there´s a risk that one of the others will eat it first and they´ll miss out! The dogs are particularly bad for that, and can clear a plate in a couple of gulps, including your hands if you´re foolish enough not to let go fast enough!
I had a cat once that would lick the chocolate from the top biscuit in a packet if you left an open packet unguarded. Disgusting habit! Particularly if you thought the unchocolately side you pulled out was just the back of the biscuit and tucked in!
Do you mind telling me what the problem is with cats and onions? I´ve had cats for years and had never realised. Mine have been tucking into onions whenever they get table scraps but I´ll stop that practice if it´s not good for them.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I have given my animals onions in food forever. They are telling us, though that it is toxic to their liver. I guess if mine only get it occasionally it is not too bad. Chocolate is toxic to them in another way. Chocolate contains a chemical similar to caffeine that will make their heart beat irregular in any great quantity.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I have given my animals onions in food forever. They are telling us, though that it is toxic to their liver. I guess if mine only get it occasionally it is not too bad. Chocolate is toxic to them in another way. Chocolate contains a chemical similar to caffeine that will make their heart beat irregular in any great quantity.
• United States
3 Feb 10
Don't try to tell me your cats aren't spoiled, lol. I don't have any cats but my dog will eat anything called people food.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
My female cat prefers Mexican food including beans and salsa.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
3 Feb 10
I just feed my dog Purina Dog Chow all the time. What's so funny is if I eat anything in front of her, she'll turn her head a certain way and give me a puzzled look. It's like she's thinking, "Why can't I have some of that?" LOL!
She likes her treats, too, and I only give her those when I want her to come back in the house. Would you believe she prefers the dog chow over the treats, though? She knows what's good for her, I guess, LOL

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
3 Feb 10
We have always used a good brand of dry food, but right now, since Tiger discovered the soup, this is all he wants. He has had his tongue sticking out and drooled for the longest time, over a year. Today for a little while he was able to bring his tongue in and not drool. I think it is good for him and that is why he is craving it.
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@cblackink (969)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I don't know about the betcarotene (Vitamin A). That could be the case. But my cats will eat canned pumpkin off a spoon! And since the two vegetables are closely related, there may be something to that. I give them pumpkin sometimes because it's very high in fiber and my vet recommended it to treat constipation. Maybe your cats want the fiber in the squash? Not sure.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Probably. I know that my cat that has bowel trouble sometimes is doing better since eating the squash, and canned pumpkin now as well.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
6 Feb 10
I have 3 pugs and they eat anything that falls on the floor My grandkids come over and what ever they eat and if any thing gets on the floor they will eat it.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Ahh, there is no bigger compliment to your cooking than their desire for it! I have had cats that go nuts over veggies. I can't say I've had one go nuts over butternut squash soup (that sounds soooooo good right now!) I've had them go for string beans, peas, corn, brussels sprouts, artichokes, cabbage (they slept in another room after eating cabbage! LOL) and even tomatoes.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
4 Feb 10
In fifty years of owning cats we have had cats eat lots of people food. I think the funniest thing to see was when we had a litter of kittens that were a month or two old, and we had little half corncobs. The kittens were dragging the corn cobs around and growling and hissing about the others trying to take them away.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Feb 10
hi GardenGerty you have some smart cats as they must know
butternut squash has a lot of vitamins in it besides tasting
good, also of course the ground turkey probably appealed too.
I did not know onions are toxic to cats. I knew that chocolate is toxic to dogs and probably to cats too. We once had a cat who loved tomato soup, dont know why but she had the glossiest coat and we always heard that she was a very pretty cat, black as ebony all over. Dogs like the taste of chocolate but I never ever give it to them, of course now I do not own a dog or cat cause it would raise my rent one hundred dollars which I do not have.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Chocolate has a substance like caffeine in it that can give a cat or dog heart trouble.I think that the onions are bad for their kidney or liver.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Pardon me because I know how serious you are with this discussion. I just couldn't help but be amused. The butternut squash soup was a strange concoction for me. Never heard of it before. But with the onions to top it all, ha ha, that was stranger. I kinda like onions and I think it is beneficial to the health. Now I have to research why it is toxic to cats. Spare me the agony and tell the reason, please.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
4 Feb 10
I think I read that they do not have an enzyme to digest the onion and it has a toxic chemical. I do not understand, because for over fifty years, we have let the cats eat what they wanted. I was hoping since it was really well cooked it would be okay. Like I said, it seems to make the cats feel really well.
@fairytale123 (334)
• China
4 Feb 10
My little dog like to eat almost anything.tissue,paper,plastic bag, and he like to bite shose,bench...almost everything is he favourite.but he dont like to eat apple,It is really strange.and he like to eat durian very much.How strange the dog is.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
4 Feb 10
We do not have durians here, but I hear they are very healthy. We worry about animals that eat paper and plastic. Sometimes they bite and chew shoes if they are teething.