Cute kittens

February 3, 2010 7:54am CST
Few weeks ago, I found a cat nearby giving birth to 4 kittens. They were really cute so I wanted to hold them in my hands. I caught one of the kitten by its neck and when I saw, it looked like it was dead but it was breathing alive. In other words, it looked like a statue which never moved or never blinked its eyes. When I loosened my hands, it started moving. It was a strange thing that I saw. I think that there is a nerve connection to where I held that kitten. Am I right? Can any body tell what exactly was that kitten doing and was it hurt?
1 response
3 Feb 10
Isn't this something to do with the fact that mother cats pick up their kittens by the back of the neck to move them around? It must be some reaction to stop them struggling while she is moving them
• India
3 Feb 10
Reaction?? They are also creatures and they also have feelings like us. I don't agree with what you said. Sorry, please don't mind. Thanks a lot for your response.
3 Feb 10
Perhaps reaction is the wrong word for me to use - more like reflex, or some sort of inherited behaviour? I just mean that it is something that they all do to ensure they are not hurt by moving around while their mother is looking after them. Of course they are creatures and have feelings, I must not have expressed myself well.