I want to start my own blog!

@enyniya (299)
February 3, 2010 8:42am CST
I am 16 and for 2 years I have been wanting to start my own blog. What is your opinion? Is blogging like personally allowing strangers to invade your personal space? Do you think if I apply to widely known universities they would consider my blog for inappropriate? Am I too young to share my opinion on life as I see it (I shall be talking only about school life and what I am being through)?
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3 responses
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
4 Feb 10
I think blogging is fun. If there is anything that I can do with ease in the internet world, it's definitely blogging. It's like an online diary, that you can just say anything you want, but you have to take into consideration that people might be able to read it, so you can't be too open like if you would scribble in your own diary. Like for my blog, I like to talk about food, and I will include pictures as I go along sometimes and many more. It's a simple blog, and I keep it as simple as possible. Just another hobby of mine that I enjoy doing very much online. I think you should start your own blog definitely. You can check out www.wordpress.com to create a free blog as well as www.blogger.com ..these are not referral links, so you can check them out and create a blog as you like it. Have fun!
@enyniya (299)
• Bulgaria
6 Feb 10
thank u very much i am starting my own on blogger thank u! do u have followers? i am very afraid that noone would read my blog and i want to make it in bulgarian so that i can write faster but it wont have many readers i guess
@sushie93 (1355)
• France
3 Feb 10
16 years is not too young at all to start your own blog, there are aven childrens of 12 years who have a blog xD. I started blogging when i was 14 years old but it was only a blog for my poems ^^'. But then i started another personal with some pictures of me & friends. You can do whatever you want on your blog: share your opinions, share pictures, your passions and others things you like or hate, no one will come to stop you! ^^ You can share it with your friends but i think there are always strangers who can come to your blog because of some favorites links that your friends can post in their blogs...
@enyniya (299)
• Bulgaria
6 Feb 10
oh wow 12!!! i cant imagine that i guess there is no age supervision :D can u give me a link to ur blog with poems? i would love to read some
@sushie93 (1355)
• France
6 Feb 10
I don't know if they always online because i haven't update it since few years lol. I try to remember their names xD, but do you always want to see them if i say that poems are in French? (cause i'm French ^^'). If yes, i will send links by pm.
@Lilyisin (27)
• China
3 Feb 10
I think it's really good to start you own blog.No one will forbid a young to do this.Blog is like your diary,and many yeas later,when you read it, you will realize your life is amazing.You can write special things,and your true feeling which about things and persons,it's good.To my personal opinion,blog is not necessary to open to every one,you can share with your close friends.And that's what I do.By the way, I have a blog,and I am a university student.Good luck.
@enyniya (299)
• Bulgaria
3 Feb 10
thank you very much I actually really appreciate your response! I shall consider creating a private blog :)