So how does everyone feel about the $100,000,000 in bonus's that AIG is paying?
@Justathought12 (103)
United States
February 3, 2010 3:38pm CST
That right AIG is about to pass out ioo million dollars in bonus's again. And this time it is to the very department that made the high risk investments that We the People had to bail them for. This most be the best job in the world, you almost bankrupt the company that you work for, and you get a bonus too. And I thought being a weatherman was great, not having to be right and still keep your job. Not even close to working for AIG.
10 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
3 Feb 10
Congress dropped the ball on TARP big time. They should have written in the bill that the money could not be used for bonuses. They talked about it....but did not do it. Infact Reid slipped in that they COULD use it for bonuses.
So we get to bail them out and make them even richer at the same time.
They cause the mess...we clean it up and pay them millions in bonuses.
It is rewarding bad behavior and ripping off the american tax payer. We got ripped off when they just about crashed anything. Now we are getting ripped off to bail them out. While they made millions on ruining this country and then made millions more from getting us to bail them out.
In whos sick world is this ok? ANd how did this happen? How did congress LET this happen? Why are we standing for it?
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Lil, I agree that Congress shouldn't have allowed this to happen, and they should have changed the wording to state clearly what the money should be used for. But you also have to blame the policies that allowed for this to happen, the secretary of the treasury, and of course the president. We all have to remember that this didn't start in 2006, it start in 1998. There is a lot of blame to go around here, but the problem is that it isn't going to change a thing. The rich get richer, the poor stay poor, and the world continues to rotate. Nothing new at all!!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Oh I know there is plenty of blame to go around for all sides. There are soo many poeple who dropped the ball on this that is not funny.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Feb 10
oh and greatdebater....I have been complaining for YEARS about the BS going on in washington. I call it like I see it no matter what "side" is in charge. I don't play "party" politics. So ya I have been screaming for years....not that it has done me a whole lot of good. But don't think BS moves make by "republicans" are ok and not for democrats or vice versa. BS by either side is unexceptable.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Feb 10
I think it's fantastic. After they rewarded their people with millions in bonuses last year, I was thrilled with the way Obama said it was wrong and they should be punished. I know Obama is honest and really cares about us so I knew he'd make sure such a thing would NEVER happen again. Now that it has happened again I'm sure he'll take it seriously and make sure such a thing will NEVER happen again. This is clearly the fault of republicans, especially Bush. It's Bush that made this happen.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
6 Feb 10
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
5 Feb 10
The filthy government acts like "they" bailed AIG out when it is we the taxpayers who have done so, against our constitution and our will. This corrupt government acts like it's their money, which, of course it's not. They try to make the corporations look bad, but they are in bed with them and they get millions from big business, then try to make business alone the culprit. Big corporations are responsible for their own bad dealings, but the government is doubly deceptive and sneaky since they benefit coming and going. Remember, we the people did not have to bail them out, but our corrupt and unconstitutional government with its stench from the top down plays fast and loose with our hard earned dollars and uses them for their own greed and power-mongering benefit.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
9 Feb 10
It's absolutely disgusting that our tax dollars are going to make these morons even richer and it seems there's nothing that can be done about it because it was written into contracts. How you get a contract that pays you a bonus for destroying a company is anybody's guess...
Well, the truth is, they never should have been bailed out in the first place. They should have let them go down the tubes like any other company that is poorly managed and run into the ground. And yes, I've heard the argument that they "are too big to fail" and that if they went bankrupt it would destroy the whole economy. Well, if that's the case, they should be forced to break up into smaller companies since a single company that could destroy our economy sure sounds like a threat to national security to me.
The fact is, we need to revamp some of the laws regarding corporations and how they are treated and allowed to operate. They seem to be abusing the system when they get tax dollars handed to them and they use the money to line their pockets.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Feb 10
Whether I like it or not (and I don't) there is nothing that can be done. those bonuses are part of their contracts with the executives. The government cannot just stepi n and void a legaly biding contract just because they didn't like the terms of that contract. Like the bonuses or not...there they are. We can thank those in charge wgho allowed them to be included in the contracts in the first place when T.A.R.P. was passed (dont even get me started t.a.r.p.), they knew they were in there and even encouraged it. any outrage expressed by them over it is a show...a dispaly of faux outrage.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
3 Feb 10
They should have to pay it back or pay triple taxes on it and that goes back to the people. IT was a horrible thing for the president to do to give those that caused the problem, money to bail themselves out of the problems they caused. And to do it without looking at the fine print of the stupid was that!!! That huge billion dollars should have been given to the people to SPEND and put back into the economy to help the economy grow, not to a single company to bail them ou tof their debts they selfishly and greedily and willfully collected.
Everyone of them should have been fired, and any that got the extra commission benefits.. should have been triple taxed on them.
This whole thing is so disgusting. To bail one company out is not the answer to a recession.. any stupid idiot could have told the president and his croonies that.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Feb 10
A contract is binding. You don't break a contract. The bonuses are owed and should be paid.
@sirknight (118)
4 Feb 10
the people that work in the a aig banks are crooks they set the rules and steal money from the hard working people in the society ,what you must rember is that then you st the rules you can do whatever you want and get away with it ,i don t think that the average person should worry about a i g just get on with your life and keep it moving