I can understand murder but cuting people I cant. Can you???

February 4, 2010 7:50am CST
Again I reed about cases when someone killed someone and then took time to cut the body in pices and do all sorts of things with them. (in this case 2 brothers had a fight one killed the other then cut him in pices and disposed of the body). Ok I get it anger or what ever thinking or not you kill a person as wrong as that is I get it. But to actually take time to cut someone that is just plain sick. That person is not human. How can that person ever sleep or eat or live??? I know of 4 cases of people that I know that actually died this way. 1 was my cousin her husband killed her and left her head where my aunty (her mum) and her 5 year old son found it. The other one was a neighbour whose gilfriend and her lover killed him and disposed each part in different city all over the country (I didnt go to the funeral but I am told it was open casket). Anyway what is your oppinion on this?? Should that person ever be allowd to walk free???
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11 responses
@davidshin (143)
• United States
4 Feb 10
I think that person should be locked into a facility where they help them understand that no matter how mad they are, they shouldn't go to the extent of even killing the person. In other words they should just be locked up and given 1 or 2 chances to prove themselves sane again, or locked up again, forever.
• Australia
5 Feb 10
What the ... Givent chance to prove as in let them out to kill again 1 or 2 more times and then lock them up??? Sane ??? I honestly dont think that people that do that can be considered sane not now not in 10 years they had a chance to prove the sociaty that they are good before they killed. I think that in many cases jail is not for correcting the behavour but keeping the rest of the population safe from people like that.
• Australia
5 Feb 10
They can have all the chances in the world but not in my neighbourhood I dont want a person with a serious conviction living next door just because the society "owes" them a second chance. The victims never get second chance and lets face it when they get out most re-ofend and when we talk about human life thet re-offence means another humain life taken.
• United States
5 Feb 10
Well, I still think everyone deserves a second chance. I mean honesty killing someone is really bad and in the past people were killed for it. But I rather be killed for my crime than be put in jail for life. They might change, while serving their time, and maybe make a big chance in the world, in a positive way. They might change their life and maybe give testimonies on their life, and prevent other people from making the same mistake that they made. You might think I just as bad as them, but I just saying everyone deserves a second chance.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
Wow...this topic makes me really sick in my stomach. This is so disgusting news about those cold blooded murderers who has no sanity left. I think those killers are evil people who can't feel remorse. The best punishment for them is to cut their body in to bits and pieces while the3y are still alive. Lets see how they feel if they are the one feeling the pain. They deserved to die the way they kill their victims. Its the only way to stop this madness.
• Australia
5 Feb 10
The only problem in that is who is going to do the cuting I would not punisment or not that is enough to make you go mad just thinking about it let alone doing it to someone. Otherwise yes eye for an eye.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I don't think that anybody who would do something like that should walk free and get away with it, thats a horrible crime. I can't see how a person could do it, they would have to be a sick, non human person with no kind of feelings whatsoever to do that, and they should be punished for it.
• India
4 Feb 10
i yhink all those people who do there are not normal..they are all pshyco patients..they need treatment more than anything..i dont know how they eat or sleep afer that..have you seen the movie saw??if you see it you will understand what it is actually
• Australia
5 Feb 10
I tried to watch the movie but it was not my cup of tea I just cant stand darks bloody screaming killing pointless murder kind of movies I stick to drama and comedy :)
@sushie93 (1355)
• France
4 Feb 10
Oh my God, i'm sorry to heard that. Killers who cut people in pieces after killing them is not only a killer but a crazy, a psychopath, a mental sick. It's horrible and very sad for families who lost their member in this way. In France, here, hopefully, i never heard something like that...
• Australia
5 Feb 10
I am with you on this if someone can do such thing it does not deserve to breathe the same air as the victims family there is no way that you can call that person human and expect to change. My cousins husband is in a "facility" as mentally unstable or whatever the correct political term is. not even jail and I think that he might be out by now. He had the right to sell the house and kept half the money (gave half to the boy)
• Romania
5 Feb 10
persons who do such things should be killed in the same way they killed their victims .I think it's the right punishment.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
4 Feb 10
I don't think the act of cutting the people up always means the person is somehow more evil. I think it's a matter of trying to get away with it. It's a lot easier to hide little pieces every where rather than trying to hide a whole body. There are some I'm sure that take pleasure in cutting up the body after wards. Especially in the case of your cousin's husband who left the head for her mother and son to find. That's terrible. That poor little boy probably will forever be scarred by that. I don't think any murderer should be allowed to walk free.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
5 Feb 10
They are mentally disturbed people called psychopaths.They appear normal but always have a volcano ready to burst within them.They are violent people if you touch them in the wrong place.An eccentric mind can go so far to cut the body like that.We have to feel pity on them but not allow to walk free.Just put them in a mental asylum.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
4 Feb 10
I think peopl ewho do that are really sick in the head! I have heard some murders do this because they feel they will never be caught for the murder if they cut a person's body up. That is a dumb idea because the murderer usaully gets caught anyway! Thes people are so vain that know of this would bother them! I feel like you these people should never walk the street again.
@rjvb26 (2518)
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
Well at first i guess the person is not on his proper mind and i guess he should not be roaming around somewhere and authorities must do something to capture him.
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
This is such a hideous crime. In all sides it terrible. To kill somebody and cut into pieces is brutal. I can't really imagine! Does he has a conscience to do that? But its a psycho thing maybe, why he had done that. But I guess he had to repay for this thing, God only knows.