Rush Owes Sarah an Apology - DOESN'T He???
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
February 4, 2010 3:01pm CST
So did Rahm Emanuel, please don't get me wrong or get the idea I've given a pass to the White House Chief of Staff, but Rush Limbaugh's tirade was on his popular radio show and went on and on, unlike Emanuel whose disgusting remarks were made in private. Below is just a very small portion of what Rush said:
"...But our politically correct society is acting like some giant insult's taken place by calling a bunch of people who are "retards," "retards."..."
You can read the entire transcript from the link at the end of this post.
I know I've been accused many times of atacking and hating Sarah Palin but this is one of the few times I'm sincerely defending her. Despite my differences with her on political matters I have no doubts about her being a loving mother and it's very obvious how much she adores her youngest son.
I HATE the words "retarded" and "retard" and always have; I know I can't begin to imagine how it must hurt for a mother of a special needs child to hear those kinds of words but I'm sure it's extremely painful. I HOPE Sarah will let Rush Limbaugh know in no uncertain terms that although he may be a friend and a fellow conservative that doesn't meant she's going to let him get away with his hurtful comments! I have every confidence that she WILL call him out on this because I know her outrage towards Rahm Emanuel was very sincere and passionate, as it should have been, and it will be the same towards Limbaugh.
Any comments?
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6 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Rahm owes a lot of people an apology for this comment and his other words and deeds. I did some research on him after his comment to learn more about him. He is a jerk to say the least and possibly unbalanced. But at least he did apologize for using that horrible word.
As for Rush...I hope Sarah does not hold her breath waiting for an apology from him. When was the last time you heard Rush apologize for anything? He is a jerk. He is a lot worse than a jerk. It hurts the parents of special needs children when they hear that word...but what do you think it does to the kids. Especially the older ones. It hurts. It is uncalled for. I never liked Rush. I always thought of him as a "shock jock" or bad "entertainer". I never took him seriously. He seems the type that will say anything no matter how outragous or hurtful just to get attention. He is a media wh*ore. I really can't stand him. And I bet he is hoping that the people with diabilities activist groups picket him or something...that will get him even more attention. Rush's motto is not attention is bad attention. Or rather no publicity is bad policity. I don't know why anyone pays attention to that man.
We do as a society need to rethink that word. I know I hear it alot from people. Words do hurt and some words should just not be said. I do agree with Palin that it is the same as a "racial slur" and should be just as unexceptable.No matter who says it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Feb 10
Should Sarah publicly call Rush out about it, though? How about Glenn Beck, whom I just learned this evening has quite a history himself of talking about retarded people. On his radio sow he was making jokes with a caller who had said something about having "pictures of retarded children". He said he'd like to have some but hadn't been able to find any and there was laughter in the background.
I'd really HOPE she'd speak out against these men and anyone else who was so horribly insensitive regardless of their political ideology and possible ability to hurt her career. Trust me, the people, or at least any who are worth the time of day, would stand with her if she did!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I hope she does. I know me personally I would rip them all to pieces, no matter the party. But then I am known for being a momma bear.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Feb 10
One thing I really believed about Sarah is that she was a "mama bear". I guess defending her child doesn't extend to powerful right-wing voices who could further her career. Then, it's "just satire".
I'm sorry, but Rush's actions were worse because he knew it was going out over the airwaves while Emanuel thought his words were "private", and NO, I'm not saying that excuses HIM either, and Rush went on and on about it, using the word about 40 times just on that one show. We try to teach our kids not to talk like that but here we have someone conservative parents at least look up to and respect so what's to stop their kids from thinking it's fine to "call retards retards" or to call for a "retard summit"? One thing I've heard Rush say hundreds of times through the years is , "Words have meaning." I guess he forgot that or doesn't care who he hurts because "liberals deserve it" and conservatives don't mind.

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Feb 10
While I respect your feelings about the word retarded, as I said in another post I'm giving everyone who uses the word a pass. Now, if someone says something about a retarded person specifically then that is insulting but to say so and so acts like a retard, well I just don't consider it the same thing at all.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I respect you as well but I just don't think the word is appropriate. There are plenty of substitutes to use that wouldn't be so hurtful if the "wrong" person overhears. Let me put it this way - in the highly unlikely even that I'd ever be in the same place as Sarah and Todd Palin or anyone else in her family and if I were in the habit of using that word and I used it, even "joking around" with someone not knowing she was there I'd feel absolutely horrible. I'm not sure if I'd get the nerve to apologize or if I'd just want to run and hide. Obviously, I don't think any decent person would ever do that in Sarah's presence, right? My thought is I can never be sure if there's a stranger in the crowd with a special child in their life so I feel no need to use that kind of language that could hurt someone needlessly.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I understand where you're coming from. You don't want to take the chance that you may offend someone but the truth is there are people who are mentally retarded and no amount of not saying the word is going to change that. If I got offended for every time someone said something about my daughter I'd be a basket case by now. I also take a lesson from her-when my son would come home upset because someone called her a freak I would say the joke's on them. Nothing they say affects her. To her it is no one saying nothing.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 10
You know, I'm not going to compare retarded to the n-word. You'll notice that it's not even acceptable to repeat the n-word even when quoting someone or referring to it. Retarded on the other hand, is actually a term that was perfectly acceptable when I was growing up so long as you were using it to describe someone who was in fact mentally retarded. It's the same thing with calling someone a midget. It's only rude if the person's not really a midget.
Either way I wouldn't make much of someone simply saying the word, but saying it to a large audience is stupid. It's ten times as stupid when you are the White House Chief of Staff and saying it to a bunch of supporters of the president.
Giving an apology was the right thing to do, but frankly, he would have never done it if Sarah Palin hadn't called him out. The media really tried to bury this.
Rush isn't going to apologize because he thinks he was entitled to say what he said because he was talking about Rahm Emanuel. He also knows that if those who are offended make a stink over it, it will add to his publicity.
Frankly, I don't expect much from Rush and I don't care for him. I have higher standards though when it comes to a White House Chief of Staff who's being paid with MY tax dollars.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I'm not comparing it to the n-word either. I'm a lot older than you so I sure remember well when it was an acceptable term but, believe it or not my mom and dad taught me to never use it even when it was a very common schoolyard taunt. Thankfully, a lot of things have changed since I was a kid! People who are mentally challenged, "slow" or whatever else is used to describe what we used to call "retarded" are treated much differently and are given more opportunities instead of being hidden away in institutions. Therefore, they're more aware of what's going on in the world. They know when they're being insulted and belittled and it hurts them. It probably hurts them more than it would you or me if some small person says something hurtful because they don't understand what they did wrong, why they deserve to be treated like they're different.
Rush is entitled to say whatever cruel and hurtful thing he wants to say but he shouldn't have said it and by saying it he's proven to have no respect for Sarah Palin or any other parent of a special needs child. He was mocking her for being angry and then he just went on and on, far beyond just quoting Emanuel. As for Emanuel, I have NO reason to think he'd have said what he said if he'd known Sarah or any other mother of a child like Trig would hear about it. That DOES NOT excuse it, I know that, but you gotta know Limbaugh knew she'd hear it and he didn't care.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Feb 10
There was a time when "retarded" was a term used by medical professionals. It was also used as an insult when you wanted to call someone stupid. Over the years, probably because of the way it was used to insult people, they found other, less inflammatory phrases to describe cognitive problems. I know that to use the word "retarded" is insulting to a section of the population, so I wouldn't use it.
On the other hand, there are many on both sides who are trying to point out that we've made so many words off-limits that political correctness is shackling the language. On this, I somewhat agree. George Carlin became famous for his "7 words" comedy monologue about words you couldn't say on TV or radio. I wouldn't say many of those words, either, but it's somewhat the same principle.
Rahm Emanuel didn't say "retarded" in a public speech, but he was in his professional capacity. I can't imagine being in a meeting at work and saying "that's retarded" to my colleagues or even to underlings. It's just not professional. If Emanuel said it to a friend at a backyard cookout, it's his business, but it still tells us something about him. I wouldn't use the word, because of what it would say about me.
I don't ascribe such lofty goals of rescuing the language to Rush, anymore than I would ascribe lofty goals to Howard Stern using offensive language. It's about ratings. Rush is one on the right defending Emanuel's use of the language, and yet his defense is offensive.
There are words I miss, words that one could once use the way they were intended but have been hijacked or given new meanings that would elicit gasps or giggles if used. Retarded is not one of the words I miss.
I think the best course would have been for people to judge Emanuel on what he said. I think Sarah Palin overreacted, even though she's right. Rush is overreacting on the opposite side, even though he has a point. When someone says something vile, it tells you a lot about the person and I am not sure that we needed either Palin or Rush to drive that point home. I understand Palin's overreaction, as a mother. Rush really has no good excuse, except that being outrageous is his bread and butter.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
7 Feb 10
...Hi annie, I don't know the full context of Emanuel's comment, neither Rush's. All I know is that they both used the word retard or retarded, which offended many people. SaraLee was so offended because she has a special needs child. Also because she seeks out ways and means to make herself a newsworthy subject. She called for Rahm's dismissal, she will never ever say anything about the great Rush, who thinks himself invincibile and those who listen to him enable that delusion. So SarsLee will carry on with other things and hope that people will stop mentioning that she is a hypocrite for not calling Rush out the way she did Rahm. Again she doesn't care, she writes her own rules and they are of a double standard variety. Her so called friends on the right can do no wrong, those on the left are always wrong. Though she was sincere in her criticism of Rahm, she will never say anything to or about Rush, please don't wait for her to do that. Take care.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Feb 10
When you're right, you're right! She agrees with Rush and saying the word "retard" over and over again is fine when it's satire! She's used her son again for publicity, which I hate to say, I hate to accuse any mother of exploiting her child but what else can you call it?
Rush said, "...calling retards retards..." and "...they're having a retard summit..."
@2enlightenthyself (33)
• United States
5 Feb 10
Yes, his choice of words is unnecessary for one Liberal already said it. I like Rush and is knows is info and is one of the most popular qand most listened to talk radio personalities. Liberals rip him because there shows do not even come close to the same ratings. Yes, Limbaugh should have used a different choice of words like the people who were hand picked by Obama, including himself, have shown in one year they lack the intellect to run the United States of America. They show no signs of integrity and have broken every promise made. However, Rush did not say that and seemed to talk from Emotion because Emotion creates conflict whereas Intellect sees through the bull and comes to a logical conclusion. The higher intelligence knows the truth.