Regret after breaking a friendship

February 4, 2010 9:58pm CST
Hi all do you ever regretted over a broken friendship. My answer is yes. I had only one such friend. She was my roommate. I still like her. But I am fearful to approach her now. very stubborn she is. What do you suggest in this situation?
5 responses
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
If they will say that you have to wait for the right time to come, then don't believe that.. You meet people who forget you. You forget people you met, but sometimes you meet those people you can't forget. you should confront her and accept her even with her imperfections. you aren't perfect as well. remember that.
• India
5 Feb 10
Nicely said friend. I am not perfecrt. I may wrong.. that may be the cause of my regret na?
@Allie_xoxo (1063)
• Canada
5 Feb 10
fight back the fear and do it anyway Intro. If you wait and wait the wall between you will only stretch higher and higher. I lost my roomate the same way, becasuse we were just too stuborn to see eachother's point of veiw. If the right words are all that stand between the repair of this friendship you will sorely regret saying nothing at all.
• India
5 Feb 10
Thank you.. I will get back to her. Once agein Iwill thank you when our friendship is restored.
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
6 Feb 10
if i were you i will keep that fear aside and move to her for a new intro. try that out.
• India
6 Feb 10
Call her. Visit her. If she throws things at you. Try to be still there. Just act as if you want the friendship to be there and you wont move from your stand. Well, if she is not such a bad person. She would return. Or else My kind suggestion would be not to return to her. That friendship would be not that good to you.
@davidshin (143)
• United States
5 Feb 10
Just go back and talk with her. I mean if it was her fault she probably has a reason, and if it was yours then it's better to be the first to apologize. If she really was a worthy friend, you shouldn't let your pride stop you. The more you wait the harder it will get to back together. Just sit down together with a cup of coffee, and talk it out. Discuss why you think you were right and what you thought you or she could have done better. And maybe you guys can both learn something together. :D Good Luck if you decide to go with the talking and I'm sure it's going to work. :)