Each of us can make a diference and this world be GREEN
By fszfox
@fszfox (29)
February 5, 2010 12:59pm CST
We all read about global warming, air polution, beach closed because of polution, water pollution and more other.
The environment doesn't look like it's doing too well, and we might think:
"What can one person possibly do to help?"
Well ther are lot of things that we can do in in present but they were in the past too. people who decided to be GREEN changed some facts since now:
Our waterways are cleaner than they were 20 years ago.
We recicle 10x the mixed waste paper than we did 10 years ago. we started to recicle Iron and other metals, Aluminum beeing an important one.
Animals like timber wolf, bald eagle, and wild turkey, that all but disappeared from some states are now back in Wisconsin and doing great.
But, there's still work to be done to keep this planet healthy and you,yes YOU can help. Here are some ideas. You can start apply some of them not neccesarily all at this time, and in a wile you will see that is nice and enjoyable and you will want to do it more and more.
Bike, hike, and jog your way to a healthy body and a healthier Earth. These tips will help you cut down on the air pollution that causes air quality advisories and save energy too.
While you're at it, find out how how you can help slow global warming.
Are you water wise? Practice water conservation tips. I know that some are absurde like using a non flush toilett in sted of a wood sawdust sistem :))
Plant a tree or more,, plant local plants in places near your home, If you don`t have a Yard you can make project for school, or even plant flowers there where it`s not your responsability, like in parks and public domains, yes it`s a nice Urban Art like grafitti you can search on net more.
Practice the 3 R rule! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. These words have been around for a long time and tey're still a good way to help conserve this planet's resources. Want to test your reduce, reuse, recycling IQ, take our It's Not All Garbage quiz.
Reduce waste by only buying what you need. Buy things that don't have a lot of wasteful packaging and think, "do I really need this?" before you buy. My own example is that i buyd lots of new mobile phones because they were courently upgrateing mp3 than photocamera after this video camera, gps and i decided to stop here. I solved this problem donateing them to people in need but it was only a part of solving this problem the boxes remained and the full wasted for the product to arive at me and then to the poor people all those aren`t so green, The best way is to boy only the necessary and those to be local produscts so the trucks to make a shorter distance and burn less fossil fuell because it polute the atmosphere.
Take only the amount of food that you can eat and start a a home compost for your food waste. Your garden will love you for it. And if you don't have a garden, give it to a neighbor that does.
Reuse items and buy things made from recycled material
Recycle what you're going to throw away if you can and try to buy things that can be recycled. How many times have you been at a park, ball field or soccer field with a recyclable bottle or can only to ind no recycling containers? What's a faithful recycler to do? Bring the Can Home! You can recycle it with the rest of your bottles and cans at home.
Share things. Shareing wit people things like cars, video camera weng you go in jurney, books, clothes, tools traveling with train in sted of airplane, share trips with friends and collegs in stead of going each with his own car.
Don t forget that every little bit helps. Did you know that recycling one ton of
aluminum saves the energy equivalent of 2,350gallons of gasoline, or the total amount of electricity used by a typical home over 10 yars.
If we all pitch in and work together, we can make the world a better place.
I started be a Green one an i really enjoy it. If you want to find more tricks aboutenvironmental education and ecology keep watching my next posts.
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