In DEFENSE of Sarah Palin
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
February 5, 2010 5:33pm CST
This is completely sincere so I hope nobody here accuses me of attacking her! I've been hearing that some on the right are angry at Sarah Palin and are even calling her, of all things, a RINO. Some in the tea arty movement are upset that she's going to campaign for John McCain, the man who made her a household name, the man without whom she'd still be in Alaska, probably still governor, but few outside of that state would ever have heard of her. They think she should instead be helping J.D. Hayworth. I understand there are also some tea partiers who are upset that she's speaking the the Tea Party Nation Convention this weekend. I really don't feel qualified to comment too much on this since I'm not involved with any of the groups involved.
I know there are some really loyal Sarah Palin supporters here so I'm asking you to tell me truthfully - how could she NOT help McCain in his reelection campaign? If she didn't, what would THAT say about her loyalty?
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9 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Feb 10
Fascinating to see two posts from you about Palin, neither of which are critical of her. I agree, there is absolutely no way she could NOT campaign for him without looking ungrateful, disloyal, and disrespectful. I don't know how anyone could accuse her of being a RINO. She's never claimed to support everything McCain does and even spoken out on several issues where she disagrees with him.
The Tea Party is not really anything official and thus does not have a specific platform. Some may welcome her and some may not. Some in the Tea Party movement don't like career politicians regardless of what they stand for.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Feb 10
Taskr, I really do like to call it like I see it. I never went along with the kind of personal attacks that are used against politicians and their families from either party. You're right, she never has claimed to agree with McCain about everything but I don't think that's a requirement for someone who campaigns for someone else since there probably aren't many pairs of politicians who agree with each other 100% on everything.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
6 Feb 10
Another can of worms was opened for Sarah today. It seems that her husband Todd, was making a lot of State decisions for her thousands of emails have been located proving it. What's that all about? I wonder what the "Tea Party" thinks about that?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Feb 10
You guys seem to just make it up as you go along. The emails only showed that he was being copied on them. He himself sent very few emails. Frankly it doesn't look like he was involved in any more decision making than Hillary Clinton was when Bill was president. Of course you guys never let the truth get in the way of things.
@jmowreader (83)
• United States
6 Feb 10
I think the decisions were made by Todd not because he demanded to make them, but because Sarah wants to do the "fun" stuff--getting dressed up for TV appearances, making speeches and appearing at events--and not the "work" stuff like budgets and fighting for legislation.
I also believe she agreed to take the vice-president spot because she knew McCain wouldn't be able to make it through his term, and she'd become president. She would have been another George W. Bush--someone who wanted to go on TV and play the president while advisers and staffers did the non-fun stuff. When Obama and Biden beat McCain and Palin, she knew she wouldn't be on national television any more, which is why she resigned from her governorship to take a job on Fox News.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I'd say that would make her someone who has made up her own mind. Sarah's never been one to stick strictly to the party line and it isn't at all unusual for her to p.o. her own party. A girl that thinks for herself. You should like that, Annie. 

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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I know you are annie. I give you grief about your Palin posts but it's done in fun. However, you have those that will say the most foul, uncalled for comments about Palin when you do post.
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@jb78000 (15139)
6 Feb 10
to be honest if she wasn't supporting mccain i wouldn't see that as necessarily cause for criticism. she might have changed her for want of a better word 'mind' - which would demonstrate perhaps independent thinking, or simply have thought it was expedient - which is normal in politics if not particularly nice. as she is i don't really see it as cause for praise either. what is a rino by the way? is it the same as a rhino? is the poor girl now in danger from poachers?
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
6 Feb 10
...Hi annie, One thing I will say about SaraLee is that she thinks for herself. She may not think well, based on the answers she has given along the way, but I also think as I have said before, that she has a mental problem with the cognitive thinking process. That said, I think she looked at the situation and thought that if she didn't dance with the man that brung her, she would look disloyal. He made her a household name, so she is stomping for him. I also think that she feels her supporters will be there regardless and she doesn't care. She has her job at Fox, she wants to be in front of the camera, I don't think that she really thinks she can bluff her way to the presidency, so a show at Fox will be fine with her. The exposure is her cup of tea, with no one challenging her jabberwocky speak, Fox makes up the news, she fits right in. I want to see where the train ends its run. About her being ahead of Mitt Romney in a poll, as someone mentioned, the pet rock was famous for a while, and many ships have gone to the bottom of the ocean with incompetent captains at the helm. Time will tell. Take care.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Feb 10
When it comes right down to it, I don't think who's most popular among the GOP hopefuls will matter much. They tend to give their nomination to the candidate whose "turn" it is. Of course, I'm not sure how their "minds" (I know I use that term!) work so I'm not sure whose turn it actually is but some will argue for Sarah since she was the V.P. candidate.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Feb 10
A great example of what I was talking about-foul and uncalled for.
You people really look more stupid every day. Your failure in chief continually runs down the country, the people (including you) and you still go on and on about how bad Palin would have been. Are you even paying attention? Are you ever going to lay blame where it belongs? I'm waiting for the day you'll say it's Palin's fault Ovomit failed because she didn't get elected.

@RFMaster06 (24)
• United States
7 Feb 10
After watching the FOX Chris Wallace interview and excerpts of her Tea Party speech, I say Give em Hell Sarah !. As far as her support of McCain, Annie, the McCain website has her scheduled to be in Arizona on the 26th and 27th of March. I hope she does, I'm not a real big McCain fan politically, God Bless the man for what he went through for our Country though. RINO he is but thats better than a Democrat, and we'l take that every time. What we don't want is progressives like the Obama-Paloci-Reid "Tripartite" (look it up)screwing with our Capitalist Economic System. May God Bless Sarah P and McCain and everyone who is opposed to this destroy America from within 5th column that occupies our seats of power. Temporarily :)
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I don't care one way or the other if Sarah Palin campaigns for John McCain. The problem I have is with the voters who choose according to what someone else says or thinks and not because they've done their own research to decide who's the best candidate. If J.D. Hayworth is the better candidate, it shouldn't matter what Sarah Palin says.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I certainly agree with you there! I've never once based my vote on anyone else's endorsement or stomping for them. I'm just saying she can hardly be faulted for helping the guy who made her nationally known since apparently these things do matter to some people.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I once felt confident in my appraisal of Palin and McCain, but now I'm not as sure. McCain wimped out at election time in face of the Obama monster machine. I thought better of him than that; now I don't. Palin was amazing at first, but on election night I saw fear and sadness in her face. She, too, has capitulated in face of the corruptocrats that are destroying our country. No compromise with evil is the rule I believe is right and I feel she is beginning to play the "politics" game. It's true she was raked over the coals by O's goons, but, at first she seemed able to withstand the torture. She seems to have given up and that's sad. Loyalty is important, but I feel McCain is too much of a RHINO. It's not about a popularity contest, but about what is right and best for a Constitutional Republic, which is now being dismantled by the horrific usurper and his evil minions. America is in the deepest of trouble and too few even have the awareness to protect themselves.