bus rides: aisle or window seat?

February 5, 2010 10:21pm CST
When I ride buses I usually make it a point to take the window seat. I find it more refreshing if it's not AC and not uncomfortable if somebody wants to sit beside me. But I have seen people chose the aisle seats. Why do you sit in the aisle or window seat?
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14 responses
@cintoy (1011)
• Indonesia
6 Feb 10
I like window seat. BUt if someone wanna sit beside me, i think its okay. It's public bus and everyone will have the same rights to sit if there are spaces. I hate aisle seats. but when there's no other seats available, i would rather choose aisle than standing. haha.
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@cintoy (1011)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 10
yeah, i did like that as well.
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
of course if someone wants to sit beside you on a bus that would be okay. Sometimes I get request from other people to let then have the windows seat. If the reason seems to be pressing (they really look about to throw up) I'd let them but if not I just politely say I like the window seat, too.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
I also take the widow seat because I can see some views along the way. And it is more comfortable for me because you will never be squeezed by people who are sitting beside you
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• Philippines
6 Feb 10
That's what I don't like about aisle seats too. especially if another passenger has lots of things on her. One time a lady tried to squeeze in and my earring got caught in her bag. I almost cried out loud. Thankfully, the lady stopped when she heard me gasp.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
bus - bus having not so many passengers on a trip
Hi, That is the usual scenario where buses take in passengers beyond the limit. This is especially in times where people had to go home to their provinces for an occasion... say, fiestas or All Souls' Day (for the Philippines). I had experienced having to help a mother who was bringing with her two small children. They were standing in the aisle and the two children were squeezed by people and bags. I had to let the children in our seat, I had one sat on my lap and the older one standing but not anymore squeezed. I don't like taking seats on the bus aisle but sometimes I cannot do anything if I had to take that particular bus in order to reach my destination on time.
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@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
If I have a choice, I always go for a window seat whether in bus or in plane. In long distance travels, I make it a point to go to the bus stations so I can have a window seat. Aside from being able to watch things outside, the window seat is more comfortable than the aisle seat.
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• Philippines
10 Feb 10
i think most people really like window seats, that way if you fall asleep it wouldn't be on the shoulders of a stranger.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
I prefer taking the window seat. I usually look at the road to take my boredom away especially when the scene is beautiful. I also lean on the window when i am sleepy. But when the bus is not air conditioned, i take the aisle seat. I hate it when my hair turns rock hard because of the air with the dirt.
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• Philippines
10 Feb 10
well maybe you look good in dreads? Hate that too specially if I've just conditioned my hair.
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I would definitely go for the window seat, as I also have a very bad carsickness, So I look looking out the window to get my mind of what I'm feeling in my stomach. Hahahaha. And as much as possible, if I can, I ride ordinary buses, cause it doesn't make me feel sick, unlike airconditioned buses.
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
yup we wouldn't want our lunch all get thrown all over a stranger
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
hi! prefer to sit beside the window. because u know in Philippines the bus is always crowded. there people standing in the aisle and it can not be avoided that someone might touch you somewhere or bumped to each other. LOL. so for a girl like me i'll choose the window seat for safer journey.
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• Philippines
10 Feb 10
yeah and sometimes it's not so accidental after all. or maybe if you're not that lucky you get your bags slashed...
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
Well if the bus ride would just be within the city I definitely choose the aisle because it is just a hassle to see depart from the bust when the bus is fully loaded. You have to pass through another passenger and sometimes I am not able to go down because the bus is already moving by the time I get near the door. But when I am riding a provincial bus I usually want a seat by the windows. I prefer that because I would not be departing pretty soon and when its time to depart it is usually everybody will be leaving so it is not a rush to really go down the bus at all.
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
Hello! :) I like sitting on window seat but I often don't look when the car passes in the flyover. Hahahaha. :)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
Should I be worried about your seat mate if that happens?
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
On my end, I always choose the window seat, I do enjoy my ride if I am able to see the view outside. If the bus does not have an AC, it is a plus factor, I could easily get some air.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
24 Feb 10
Hi, abitcurious. I prefer to take the window seat. I like to look out the window while the bus is moving. I can think more better while I am looking out the window. And, if I sit in the aisle to the end, I will feel like I am about to fall over to the side. I don't like this feeling at all. Even with my seat belt on, I feel like I am falling over. Especially when, the bus hits a deep curve and when it is moving faster.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
always the window seat. the seldom times that i take an ordinary bus, i always take the window seat to get some fresh air. when i take an airconditioned bus, the window seat is ideal so i can sleep especially if it is a long bus ride because of traffic. lol!
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
lol at your story! what are the chances of your earrings getting caught in that lady's bag? probably slim to none but your earring did get caught, most probably bad luck on your part or murphy's law catchign up on you. i hope you didn't lose your earring or a part of you rear when this incident happened. stay safe!
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
just don't go nodding off your seatmate's shoulder, you'd end up with a bump at your temples. And please don't drool. thankfully I still have my ear...
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
bus - the picture taken inside an air-conditioned bus which travels to the provinces in the island
Hi Abitcurious, When I take buses, I make it a point to choose a window seat. In the new bus terminal that we have in our city, we need to get a seat assignment from someone who issues us a ticket. I think it is a good idea as you do not have to race against people to go up the buses as soon as they arrive in the terminal. I make it a point to purchase a ticket early so I can get the best choice of a window seat. It is nice to look outside the window while the bus is in motion.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
Yes the views are really the ones that make me want to have a window seat. I usually make reservations if I'm going to the big cities. But if just traveling in the provinces, I take the ordinary buses. I want to enjoy the clean air. But usually in ordinary buses you also get to ride with fish, poultry and other pets so sometimes it's not that 'fresh' anymore.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
If I were to take a bus I'd sit by the aisle. That way it's easier to leave without bothering the person beside you. But for longer trips I guess it's better to sit by the window. I also opt to sit at the front so it's closer to the exit.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I like to ride at the window. Especially when we go to my Mom's hometown I can see different views. The air is fresh and you can see a lot of scenery. When you're on the go. I'ts much advised that you seat in the aisle seats so that it would be easy for you to go out.