need some advice..

February 6, 2010 2:16am CST
gud day mylotters..well i have this odd feeling that i seem to hate my dad..i'm turning 18 nxt month yet he still dont want me to have a boyfriend..i think that i'm old enough to know my limitations in a relationship but he still dont want me to..why does parents dont allow teenagers to be in a relationship? some advice pls
2 responses
• Malaysia
6 Feb 10
fathers always fears for their daughters .. because they know how a boy/man reacts to woman he is just protecting you from wrong, hormon driven boys/man girls are easily seduced by those man who r wise with their words n can make u do things u may not want too .. fathers knows better ..
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
yeah,specially there are lots of guys like that nowadays..
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
..hi.. maybe your dad doesn't see you as matured.. analyze yourself and see if you are really ready to enter into a relationship.. parents knows best but I won't also say that they are always right.. maybe you can make a compromise with your dad to allow you enter into a relationship.. Compromise like you will will continue studying and excelling in your classes no matter what happens in your relationship.. very few can separate love affairs from their school life and maybe your dad jsut fears that if your relationship fails, you will suffer much.. don't feel bad with your dad.. he is just concerned about you.. but I believe he will understand you if you will talk to him and explain things.. and as I've said, try to make a compromise.. and tell him to trust in you..
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
I've already tried that but he still don't want me to..he also said that I'd rather stop studying if I'll keep on asking him to allow me to have a boyfriend..yeah maybe he thinks I'm still immature..