Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?

@atv818 (1980)
United Arab Emirates
February 6, 2010 3:36am CST
I don't know why but I love Spring the most. When flowers are just about to bloom, the sun always shine just right and the tempature is between extremely cold and extremely hot? One word to describe it the most - PERFECT! Which season do you like the most?
5 responses
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
We only have two different seasons here in the Philippines. But as far as I know, spring season is really great because this is the time where flowers bloom. This is season is cool. The weather is not too hot and not too cold. I have heard about this from my Japanese students. They said they like this season too because they can have the chance to see cherry blossoms. In my case, I would like to experience winter season. I know that it is the coldest season of the year. But I would just like to experience personally how it feels like. I also want to see snow because I have never seen snow here in our country.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Feb 10
I heard that cherry blossoms are indeed beautiful. Been to Japan in April 1984 but didn't get to see cherry blossoms. Maybe they were not in bloom yet. Plan to go to Japan again in the coming years with my 3 kids. Thanks for your time, pentagan12!
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 10
I love summer the most because of the warm weather and the long light evenings. I can go on delightful days out and weekends away. I am able to go camping in my tent. I can go swimming and the water is the warmest it will be in the whole year. Spring comes to a close second. I adore it because the weather gets warmer and the flowers begin to bloom. Baby animals are born and baby birds hatch. I like seeing green grass, trees with leaves on and colorful flowers. In March there are yellow daffodils for sale. In early May I love to walk in the woods to see the bluebells. So therefore the months of March, April, May, June, July and August are the ones I like. I think early to mid autumn can be pretty with the fallen golden leaves but it sadly marks the beginning of winter. I don't like winter because it is cold and the evenings are dark. I think September can have quite pleasant warm days.
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@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Feb 10
We are the exact opposites. Mine is spring first and then summer is the second most love season. Winter is the third but I cannot stand extreme cold. Autumn is last because leaves fall which is kind of sad. It is like saying goodbye. Maximax8, thank you for your time in sharing your insights!
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
4 Apr 10
Where I live it is mostly hot most of the time. This past winter we actually had real winter weather for the first time in ages. It was awful and we could not wait for things to warm up. I prefer mild weather like that in fall or spring but we seldom see that kind of weather for any length of time.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
In my country, there are only two seasons, the wet and the dry, or the rainy and the sunny! Flowers bloom sometime in February. By March, the scent of the sampaguita and ilang-ilang fill the air. Mendicant vendors sew these into garlands and sell them at the church gates. Parks atr lined up with santan and the street islands show colorful displays of bouganivilla varieties. Periwinkles in white and deep purple adorn the side streets. As do katakataka. Almost every home has gumamela. Lately, the sweet angels are the landscape fashion. Wow!
@Lilyisin (27)
• China
6 Feb 10
Hi atv818,I love summer most!The sun is always bright,the sky is blue and everything is shining,in this season,I can swim,eat ice cream..lots of fun.I like the feeling of hot or something.So,let's enjoy the Summer.
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@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Feb 10
Summer is my my 2nd favorite. Love going to the beach and soak in beach water even if I don't know how to swim. I tried to but I can't learn. My zodiac signs are Cancer and Water Ox, but that didn't make me a good swimmer. Hahaha! Thanks for your comment.