Do you believe in global warming or do you think it is a farce?
By tlondon1014
@tlondon1014 (23)
United States
February 6, 2010 5:23am CST
For years we have been told that our actions have been slowing killing our planet. Companies have made huge money on this concept with the going green movement. Do you think that this was some master plan for companies to make billions of dollars on this concept and to establish fear? We all should know by now of the research that was done that contained clear evidence that global warming was not true, and that it is not some man made disaster. If global warming is true, then why is it that it seems each year the Earth is actually getting colder? Washington DC is getting two feet of snow at the moment. We have had record breaking seasons for places actually getting more cold verus more warm. So, do you believe in it, or has this been some conspiracy theory all along?
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19 responses
@buggsy47 (3)
• United States
7 Feb 10
The scientific community is in general agreement that global warming is real. I don't think that those pictures on Inconvenient Truth were faked. If they were, you would never have heard the end of it by the right-wing nut jobs out there. There definitely is scientific proof of it. That doesn't mean that there will not be cold spells, the warming is a trend, it doesn't mean that it might not be cold sometimes, but on average the temperature has been warming. It only takes a few degrees to make a drastic difference in melting glaciers, ice caps, etc.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Feb 10
global warming is just as real as global cooling. the eath warms the earth cools....and so goes nature. I don't think we have a firm grasp on why our climate chnages, how often or in what ways. I honetly think we puny humans have very little to do with it. the forces of nature and the univrse are unimaginably powerfull compaired to anything we are capable of.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
6 Feb 10
It's been scientifically proven that the earth has been cooling. To tell you the truth I'm a bit upset that the fact of the matter is that global warming isn't real... I just had the coldest summer and I can't stand the winter here and gosh darn it Al Gore promised me warmer weather!!!
The fact that its been uncovered that data was changed purposely to make global warming look like it was occurring should tip people off... but it's been feed to us for so long that it's difficult not to regurgitate it. The fact of the matter is those scientists have their own interests at heart and they are more concerned about how to get funding than the truth if the truth proves that funding may be cut. The Green industry did profit greatly from that false data and a great deal was our government funding them. Yes we should care for our planet, however there is a line where it may result in human suffering and that is wrong. I don't think it was a conspiracy... I think like everything else it's about money and power. The green evolution has been soaking it up.

@missybal (4490)
• United States
6 Feb 10
I'm sorry ... who are these vast majority of scientists you speak of??? I can find equal numbers that point the other direction on the issues. Like I said the scientists have their own agenda too and the imperfections of man. The data was tampered with... we have been cooling over the past decade... it's been scientifically proved. Nature isn't the same all the time... it's not meant to be the same temp today and it was this day last year and it never will be.
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@urbandekay (18278)
6 Feb 10
And where is this evidence that runs contrary to the consensus of option of the vast majority of scientists?
all the best urban
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Feb 10
i can find them for you:
incidentally anyway listening to unemployed politicians pretending to be scientists really should be taking what they say with at least a pinch of salt. and the same goes for anybody will oil industry backing - which at the moment is far more powerful then the emerging 'green industry'. certainly there is money and power involved - where most of it is is interesting.

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
7 Feb 10
There is no question that global warming is real, and is happening.
The only question, is to the cause. The idea that man-made CO2 is causing global warming, is a complete farce.
CO2 only makes up 0.0035% of our atmosphere. Yet we only contribute 3.5% of all CO2. That makes our little slice, a mere 0.0013% of the atmosphere. The idea our tiny insignificant smidgen of the atmosphere, is going to cause a world wide catastrophic melt down, is a joke.
And the real stupid part is, the science suggests the amount of CO2 required to rise the Earths temp by a mere 1ÂșC, would be so high, that we'd all die of CO2 poisoning long before the Earth got that hot.
Bottom line is, yes the Earth is warming, but no we are not causing it. The sun is. As shockingly obvious as that seems, the research suggests the Sun's output varies, and right now it's increasing.

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
7 Feb 10
Sun spots are actually just a reference guide to what is happening under the surface. Typically as nuclear radiation output increases, so to do sun spots. However, this is only a relative link, and not a direct correlation.
Historically speaking though, as sun spots decrease, so does temperature. As sun spots increase, so to does the temperature.
There are other factors though, such as the magnetic field of the Earth, and how solar winds from the sun effect cloud formation.

@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
7 Feb 10
You've said it, "We have had record breaking seasons for places actually getting more cold verus more warm." Something is wrong with that picture. I've been around a long time and never seen the south hit with as much snow as it has. It hasn't been proven to be wrong because the earth is warming. Folks say that companies are making money on this comcept, but it's nothing compared to the companies that polluted our air and made more money. It's the companies that got us in this mess in the first place. When scientists talk about global warming, it's not you and me who contributed to this, no, it's big business who are the culprits. As urbandekay said, many huge corporations don't want to spend the money to change their standards. Greedy people don't like things getting in the way of their selfish aims.
I live off the lake. I see mud where the water used to be. The water levels of Lake Erie have definitely dropped. So yes, humans have contributed to global warming.
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@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
6 Feb 10
I wouldn't say that that global warming is a total false, but I do think we need more evidence to prove it, one thing is true there is a big whole in the ozone layer that was caused by us human beings, for the abuse of greenhouse gasses, and probably Washington DC is getting 2' of snow now, but the amount of snow that falls in NY has been less and less with the years, also one thing that suggest global warming, are that in tropical regions the hurricanes are becoming stronger with the years, and this is because the temperature of the ocean is rising, but all this can be caused by natural process, there has been a lot this process through the history of earth. But I do think that sometimes people go to extremes in order to live these green lifestyles, and obviously big companies takes advantages of it making big profits. But one thing I have to say our world is very dependent of oi, which is a natural resource that can't be renovate, and on top of that, countries that produces oil have political situations extremely unstable, so I think that build waves to depend less of oil should be a priority of all governments.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Actually, the ozone hole was first noticed in 1945, before aerosol hair spray was invented, & before refrigerators became commonplace. Mount Pinatubo (located in Antarctica) sprays more chlorofluorocarbons into the upper atmosphere daily than all of the ones created by humans since we began using them. It is the main cause of the hole. Oh, & by the way, CFCs are heavier than air, so we couldn't get ours up that high without going up there & dumping them.
The biggest reason the "green" movement has been going gangbusters ('til lately) is political. It gobbles people's power, giving it to the government, & in the process, has wasted trillions of the world's tax monies.
If we were causing this "warming" (we're in a cooling period, actually, & it's all natural...either that or we get to blame the greenies for all the frikkin' blizzards we're getting), then have fun explaining how we did it for every planet in our solar system, please--including the Pluto/Sharon bodies.
No, the warming and cooling of the earth (& all our planets) is the doing of our sun, Sol. To think otherwise isn't just junk science, it's arrogance in the extreme. "Mother Nature" has more power in her little left pinky than all of humanity combined! As more & more daily revelations of fraud & suppression of real science found in the clandestine emails the "scientists" wrote is revealed to a formerly-hoodwinked public (which had swallowed the expensive, totalitarian propaganda) awaken, this simple fact which we all were taught in 3rd grade becomes obvious. Now, the long, stupid nightmare--exposed to the light of the sun--is--finally!--dissipating. you're in the rapidly-expanding ranks of other former victims of junk science who have been wised up.
You're welcome! 
"This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice & be glad in it!"

@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Well if you guys would have read my whole post you would realize that I take a neutral position about global warming, because we do need more evidence that is a natural process and or that it is all caused by human beings, there is evidence that suggest one side and there is evidence that suggest others, yes the Ozone layer was discovered in 1945 and yes it was before the invention of aerosols but before from many years ago there has been a lot of use of fossil fuels, which is one of the causes of the ozone layer whole, there is another natural factors of course, and another thing, telling me that I know junk science shouldn't come from someone that said that the Mount Pinatubo is in the Antarctica, when in reality is in the island of Luzon in the Philippines. And I am not a victim of a junk science, I am researcher in engineer in electronics, and as I said before my posture is not against and not in favor. There is needed more evidence to support both arguments

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
13 Feb 10
It's hard to believe in global warming when things seem to be getting cooler.
@thedailyclick (3017)
6 Feb 10
I would say that global warming is still very true, although the information which estimated the effects has been proven to not be entirely true, as in falsely claiming the extent of global warming and the causes. But still proves that global warming is real, just maybe not the threat we were lead to believe.
But I do believe that not so much politicians but big businesses have capitalized on an opportunity to play on peoples fears over the threat. Now with the evidence showing to the contrary where the issues are and the extent there is most certainly a back lash as shown in various polls which show a decline in those who believe all the statements.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
7 Feb 10
Isn't it funny though that before the green movement, before global warming became such a huge issue, that companies (big business)were fighting against government giving us standards (emissions standards come to mind). When we wanted to curve pollution, big business has their lawyers in court fighting against goveernment decrees. Now people complain that big business is trying to scare people with global warming when in reality, it's big business fighting against groups like the green movement.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I do not believe in fairies, Disney characters, or the global warming farce. My granddaughter and I just learned in third grade science that there is clearly no "global warming" because ancient ecosystems, before "carbon emissions", were actually warmer. Today's Washington, DC hiatus of Congress due to unheard of freezing snowstorms is evidence that should give fools a clue. I do not believe in junk science, the politics of some scientists, and the foolish Al Gore either. We'd all just have to stop breathing if we continue to emit carbon dioxide as we inhale oxygen. Stuff and nonsense!
None of this means, however, that we shouldn't be good stewards of our environment and not wasteful of what resources we have been given by God, in whom I do believe.
The insanity and hypocrisy of the greedy politicians who want us serfs to "go green" and ride our bicycles while they transverse the earth in their private jets and continue squandering our resources in their never-ending debauchery of everything is truly despicable. Enough evidence of this horrible hoax has been also presented by reputable scientists, so ENOUGH of the lies already!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
7 Feb 10
Yap for me I believe for that because as we notice the climate is change more than ever.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
6 Feb 10
...Hi tiondon1014, I have heard arguments on both sides which would appear credible. I have seen reports from down south where two states are fighting over water rights because the lakes are drying up and their water source is running out. That is real. The ice caps are reportedly melting, I have not seen them first hand, but what's the point in lying about that. It can be verified and refuted. So I would assume they are meltimg, that is where our water flows from. The polar bears, they say are dying off because they have no ice to float on, to go out to get fish to eat. Sure, there will be those who will try to profit from the hype. But things are going on which point to worse things happening in the future. The weather patterns are changing so that storms are longer, and other things that have to be addressed. But be that as it may, everyone can argue about it until the cows come home so to speak. But here is my contention, they say we have a window of ten years to do something, if this is leading to a horrible situation, where we don't have enough water, we will soon know it. Hopefully those who think it is all made up stuff will be right, but right now, those people in those states in the south, who don't have water aren't laughing. By the way, we are running out of water sources all over the United States, research it. This may just be real, and my fear is that ten years cannot even begin to fix the problem. But we will be able to tell if the story is reality or not. My thought, start to buy bottled water, it always drinkable, I started and stopped, I am going to start again to stock up. Take care, see you in ten years or so, maybe? "o) Take care.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Feb 10
well, the ice cap thing has already been disproven, it was a misquote by gore of a scientist who came back and said gore had misquoted him...oops...
Polar bears can swim, they don't need ice to float on to catch fish and they are in fact in much greater numbers (by thousands) than they were even 20 years ago.
I wouldn't waste your money on bottled water either, it isn't any better than the stuff that comes out of your tap and you will be supporting large monopolies that are trying to gain controll of a natural resource that rightly should belong to all of us.
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@urbandekay (18278)
6 Feb 10
What Gore says is not the point, the vast majority of scientists concur that there is significant melting of the caps
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
6 Feb 10
Polar bear populations dwindled due to over hunting, once this was curtailed their numbers rebounded, this accounts for the rise Xfactor refers to, it does not indicate that their numbers now are not in decline
all the best urban

@Dhinilshanker (395)
• India
6 Feb 10
well honestly telling.i cant say a fixed opinion because it is true that from the overall years the temperature of the earth has increased more than it was before at this time in the previous years.but not much signs as been told has been still seen.for example,it was told that the himalayas would start melting due to the global warming process.and if that was true the whole of india would be sunk in water,although not even slight traces of that has happened till now.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Feb 10
'because it is true that from the overall years the temperature of the earth has increased more than it was before at this time in the previous years"
Actually, thats not true...we just got finished with the coolest decade we have experienced in almost a century.
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@prasunsam (356)
• India
7 Feb 10
I also feel that global warming is a myth.You mentioned Washington but even Antarctica is getting colder not warmer.So, where are those people who made a great fuss about global warming.I think something is wrong about this issue and needs to be sorted out and people who mislead others with issues like these should be taken care of.
@urbandekay (18278)
6 Feb 10
The scientific evidence is overwhelming and most scientists concur that it is real. However many large companies have much to loose and have been busy spinning up lies and dissemblance to fool the gullible into disbelieve. Not hard to do as no one wants to face the uncomfortable truth of it
all the best urban
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
6 Feb 10
The earth travels in cycles. Three greenhouse gases contribute to global warming, CO2, methane, and water vapor. Basic science states that CO2 is one of the elements of photosynthesis. Plants use it to convert to O2. Take away the CO2 and you interrupt a natural cycle. Methane, the worst of the gases, is being produced by Mother Nature herself. Bubbling pools release methane gas constantly. Unless you place a label on every single molecule, how in the world are you going to determine what comes from nature and what is man-made? So the entire global warming theory is a marketing ploy to get you to pay more taxes. As far as the so-called science of global warming, most scientists seem to have forgotten Biology 101.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
6 Feb 10
I do think its possible for humans to affect the environment. I don't think the global warming is real though. I don't think that the earth will be so hot that you have to wear a suit just to avoid a sun burn. I think its some conspiracy. Everything can be corrupted even science. The earth has been heating and cooling for millions of years so I doubt that man will change the weather dramatically anytime soon.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 Feb 10
The weather does what it always does. That's the first thing. Secondly, the whole green movement and the freaking out over co2 is ridiculous. You can't get rid of co2 no matter what you do, including telling people to stop breathing. We are barely even putting a dent in it as the earth itself produces probably 95%+ of it. The only way to stop it is to blow up the earth.
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Feb 10
well extreme weather conditions do actually prove, sort of, that changes are taking place. no i do not think it is a conspiracy - if it was then it is the biggest, best organised one the world has ever seen. i will agree however that politicians have jumped on it, as they do on everything, for their own ends. BOTH sides seem happy to stir up fear - one lot (aka the oil industry) stirring up fear of a conspiracy and the other lot stirring up the disaster scenario for various purposes.
it is not really worth the risk however tlondon - and incidentally what is often missed is that reducing carbon emissions will help with some other very serious environmental problems including air pollution, acidification of the oceans and the enormous damage caused by extracting fossil fuels.