you are going to have some freedom whether you like it or not...

@jb78000 (15139)
February 7, 2010 4:48pm CST
...some people and many animals seem to prefer being looked after and not really doing anything apart from snacking, playing a little and napping. and exercise, excitement and adventure [and freedom] i are in there opinion very over-rated. my current pets are like that. they will leave their cage, but only for ten minutes before returning to an easy, but rather boring life. because i do not want spherical rats i finally made the decision to stop putting steps down from the cage for their run and now take them out for half an hour each night. once they are out they do get interested in exploring but need a little push first. so what about your pets - for example do you have a dog that has to be coaxed to go for a walk?. and what about you - would you choose adventure or cosy safe boredom?
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17 responses
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I have one cat that explores, less now that he has arthritis, but he still likes to go out and go for a walk and see what is going on outdoors. But he can also look out the window and does more now. The other cat, never wants to go outdoors. He wants to stay inside. If the weather is nice, I want to go outside, but the wind was icy cold today. I'm like the gray cat. The more arthritic I get the more I don't mind staying inside. When spring comes, I hope to be outdoors more.
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Sun on our brittle bones will feel nice. That is why my kitties love to be out when the sun shines. I worry that the black one may get too hot, though. You guys are having a rough winter.
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
inside when outside is unpleasant seems sensible
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
8 Feb 10
True Blue Bunnie! Hi Garden Gerty, our temps keep going up and down. But we didn't get hammered with that snow storm that went below us.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Feb 10
hi blue bunny oh my how I long to be able to cook my own meals, order my own food, eat when I want to and sleep when I want to. Living here in a retirement center is like being made a queen and waited on all the time, get her her meds, make her bed, change the linens, do her wash for her, call her doctor for her appts, and transportation, Wellnow before I came here because we were homeless I had no trouble cooking for myself, taking my own meds, making myown doctors appointments, ordering my own groceries, I am physically handicapped hence I order my groceries on line. I washed my own clothes, made my own bed,of course.I may be 83 but was an active person not an invalid. they just do not understand that the desire to do for yourself is strong in old age too.So In a way I am caged like your little rats. but I can go in and out so I do have that freedom but darn walking is so hard for me.
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@jb78000 (15139)
7 Feb 10
i wouldn't like that much either. now the ratties are pestering me to go back in their cage so suppose i better had out them back. they'll just go to sleep somewhere else if i don't.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 Feb 10
I'd opt for an adventure anytime than safe boredom. I don't have any pets, so I can't contribute to the cage and non-cage thingy. But if you ask me, a little freedom would be good for the pets. But you are right; some are too comfortable and they only roam for a bit and then come back in. Maybe they are already subconsciously trained to be so and hence, acting like that. Just like a birded cage. I think birds are not supposed to be caged and to let it fly freely as it should be. Have wings and fly! Set for an adventure. Never let the spirits wane...
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 Feb 10
So all these rats I see sometimes in dirty places and stuff like that are male rats then, lol. Mostly. Thanks for the explanation. Just makes me wonder; how about animals at the zoo, say one day they are able to roam free, would they do that? I think there should be another movie like this, acted by Ben Stiller..night at the museum style. That will be awesome, wiiiie. Fantasy movie! But seriously, have you thought about that?
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
some zoo animals, probably most, would, especially ones that were unhappy. a few would probably stay put or not go far.
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
well they are from an animal sanctuary so maybe you are right and they weren't used to being let out at all. on the other hand boy rats are notoriously placid - thing is they enjoy themselves when they are out (and very much need the exercise) and are ready waiting at the letting out time, they just don't go out for long by themselves. animal couch potatoes.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Feb 10
My cats are indoor cats, but the kids and I play with them a lot. Oreo would really like to get out though. But too many bad things out there... As for me, a nice mix of adventure and cosy safe boredom works for me....
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Feb 10
He was an outdoor cat when he adopted us and R and I are having a bit of a head butting contest over it. The cat got out 3 times, came home limping, came home with a cold, came home all beaten up by another cat. And I don't want him bringing home something like feline aids. So the compromise (since the cat doesn't run away if you watch him) is that he gets lets out for a bit, eats some grass and gets to come back in. But because he allows that, the dang cat fusses anytime anybody gets near the door.
@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
i think deciding whether or not a cat should be allowed out is a tricky one to make.
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
no pleasing some cats
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Feb 10
I feel really silly asking this question but what does p.e. stand for?
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
thankyou holly. janey - that is the answer.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Feb 10
I had no idea it was for "Private Eye" but at least I know what the magazine is all about.When I first saw the rabbit with p.e. written underneath it I was wracking my brains thinking it had something to do with rabbits. Haha!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Feb 10
And if you do a search under 'what does pe stand for' you will find 20 million discussions on the subject. Actually I might have killed the last person who asked. If you move the pencil icon in the picture section you can reset the avatar interest to the correct one of Robert Maxwell. @Judith how many times did I tell you pe was a pathetic name?
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
all my dogs are either caged or on a leash. but of course, they get their regular exercise, as they do with their baths. and they always know when the time is for their exercise... i just open the cage and let loose those on a leash. so they run and play with each other... but as soon as i call them back to their cage, normally after more than 30 minutes because i also play with them, they would just as soon oblige. so are those on leash.
@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
how many dogs do you have? sounds like a lot
@jb78000 (15139)
10 Feb 10
wow. now that does sound like a lot of work, but definitely worth it if you are able to.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
i have five now and i plan to add a couple more... when i was in high school, i had some 11 dogs and it's a big pack that welcomes me whenever i arrive home from school... it takes time and a little money to care for the dogs, you know, but the pleasure they give you is priceless... also, i have a name for each of my dogs... and i don't want some of my friends hear me calling my dogs by their names... ha... ha... ha...
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Feb 10
Lol no Gissi does not have to be coached all I have to say is It is Gissi Time and he is there and he will charge about till he has his Lead on, yes he sleeps often but he also has his mad moments where you just can not ignore him lol Honestly I would choose cosy and content lol not boredom
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@jb78000 (15139)
10 Feb 10
sounds like gissi goes for excitement AND cosy. wise dog
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Feb 10
Lol he certainly does
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
8 Feb 10
My animals are always indoor outdoor animals. It works rather well. Never obese, either. Even the old one with brittle bones likes it outside. The baby sometimes wimps out, but all three of them go in and out and up and down trees etc. on a regular basis.
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
8 Feb 10
They are cats, I think. Tiger thinks he owns the house, he is the old one, about twelve years old and somewhere along the line, he got brittle bones, not sure why, they all eat the same food. He had a year where he fell off of things like the post of the stair banister and got a broken rib. He was left behind by a college girl. Princess is solid black, found my backyard when she was a little bitty kitty. Had horrible fleas, and the flea poison from Wal Mart gave her seizures. She spent a day or two at the vets. I have always felt she did not bond as well as the other two. She will sit on my husband, but almost never on me. She is a Mexicat. She loves refries and salsa. Her hair and skin are gorgeous, she is like velvet.Six years old, I think. Creamery looks like a stuffed toy. He is such a sweety, with very feminine looking cream tabby long fur. He is the "baby" at five years old. Loves to hug you and rub his chin on you and purrs constantly. He has such long fur we thought he was a "she" cause we could not see anything. Took her in to be spayed. She was a he. Even this week the assistant at the vets called him "her"
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
what are your animals again?
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@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
8 Feb 10
The cat sleeping right besides me is not my pet actually. Many people get offended if I dare to call her so. But considering the fact that most of her hours are spent in my room, and that her baby was resident evil in the same room not long ago, I take the liberty For past three hours, she keeps waking up, stretching her body and then sleep again on other side... Cats are lazy naturally I think. At least this one cares only about food and sleep. Sometimes I am able to make her exercise though. About me, well I contracted the disease too (better to blame!). .....Sorry, no more self-bashing.
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• India
8 Feb 10
Second note: I did have real pet cats long ago. One of them was too adventurous, being home only once in a week. And other one was average, she had some physical problems I could not understand well being a small child. Ah well, recently I had a real adventure and it still has an impact on me: an injured leg and a very nervous leave from college. That's why my family doesn't like my being loose
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
that does not sound like a good adventure at all. i think your cat is probably related to my pets. the last cat i had only wanted to play - he kept sleeping to a minimum and ended up barred from the bedroom because of coming in and batting your face to wake you up to go play. or bringing lovely little presents (moths) to try and bribe you into playing. some are definitely more interested in sleeping and snacking though.
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
my current pets i meant. not the play addicted cat.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Feb 10
A bunny with rats? Whatever next. I should think that bored or not, Bunny makes a great snack for Ratty!! Personally I do exactly what my many mistresses tell me. If it's an exercise day I exercise. If it's a lazy day - well I serve them whilst they relax of course!
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
nonsense. we all know you swim round and round a fish tank all day and never do what you are told.
• United States
15 Feb 10
When my dog Honcho was a puppy. He ran outside unseen by me, and had the great luck of running into a barbecue party my neighbors were having for some holiday. Anyways his luck continued and he found a full plate of barbecued chicken legs/thighs on a picnic table completely unattended. I was outside looking for him, when he goes running past me with a mouthful of stolen poultry, he had at least three full sized legs in mouth (two i could clearly see sticking out either side of his jaws). Needless to say it too several hours to catch him and bring him home. To this day he still sneaks by me once in a while unattended...but now he is easy to catch, because he always heads straight for that bench looking for fowl to plunder. Hahaha
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@kaylachan (76026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Feb 10
My cats like the nice easy life. They would rather be lazy and sleep all day and lounge around the apartment all day. But, every so often Precious decides he'd rather do something a bit more adventurous. He loves to go for rides in the truck. Today he came out of the bedroom, and went to our front door, stopped looked back up at me, and just stopped. I picked him up and his gaze went from me to his leash purtched up on the wall. So I gave in and decided to go check the mail. He loved all the smells and looking about in my arms just as cozy as could be. I put him down and he walked around as far as his leash would go, When I wanted to go home, he casually walked in front of me home with his tail heald high.
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
i find it amazing when i hear of cats accepting being put on a lead. i thought that only certain breeds would ever tolerate this but i think i might have been wrong. nobody ever does this with cats here, rabbits very, very occasionionally but i have heard in the states there are even laws requiring cats to be leashed outside?
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@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
7 Feb 10
My horse is convinced that doors are wrong. He should be left to wander in and out on his own account, preferably with lots of hay and other nice goodies within reach. If it weren't for the small children and other horses around he could probably do it, as he has no plans of running away. He knows where to food is, so the times he has been loose he has either run up to the apple trees or up to the meadow where they graze in the summer. He did it once in early April, he was very disappointed when he didn't find any of his friends and no food. Some years ago he shared the meadow with another horse that like to run away, but they never went very far, just across the road because there's oats there. A whole field of food ... My friend (she owns the stables) has a Shetland pony called Bølle (bully). He does it best to get out of his box or his paddock, and when he is free, he gallopps up and down the road, right in the middle of it on the yellow line. Crazy little bugger, he's waving his tail and neighing so everyone knows that nearly a meter of Shetland pony is coming at full speed straight at you. I want cosy, safe adventures :-) Possibly with hot chocolate but without fluffy slippers.
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@jb78000 (15139)
7 Feb 10
bolle sounds mental. do you think he knows he is a shetland pony or do you think he has an image of himself as a war horse or something?
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
8 Feb 10
It's the Scots blood in Him
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
7 Feb 10
Bølle thinks he's bigger, stronger, tougher and more powerful than the rest of the world. My horse just tramples things, Bølle sets out to conquer the world. He's quite cute now, he's got nearly no neck and a lot of mane. Not to mention fur, in the winter he has fur like a woolen haired mammoth. Maybe that's what he thinks he is? They were at least 3 meters tall, slightly more impressive than a Shetland pony.
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• India
8 Feb 10
yes i like it because i get freedom than i definitely i like it every body require freedom
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
freedom is good
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Feb 10
My dog Lucy practically turns inside out when I say "Walk?" or "Ta-tas?" that means going for a drive. She races back and forth from the car as if to say "hurry up!" In the car she sticks her head out the window in the breeze and it's like she's playing the Red Baron. I quite like to go on adventures as well but with someone of the person persuasion as it's no fun on my own. Once we get to where we're going I can mix it up...spots of adventure and moments of cosy relaxation...I'm rarely bored.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
8 Feb 10
Open the windows...let the fresh air in! Open the doors..and let my furry friends out! My pets have full ingress/egress to the indoor/outdoor world...and are weather controlled rather than human intervention..and control! Rural living..and surrounding forests...give them a delightful world to explore! Hilarity reigns when the pesky squirrels decide to change lofty firs (grass is always greener on the other side of the fence)--the leap from tree to tree is too far, but there is a little JRT at the base of the trunk. The war commences with the squirrels pelting the dog with fir cones! Truly hilarious! Cheers!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Feb 10
Hi Shirley.
@jb78000 (15139)
8 Feb 10
take it they are either dogs or very ambitious yet not agile cats then?
@voldrox (7191)
• India
12 Feb 10
x-(eh.. sorry jb i had posted but it went somewhere, i have to repost it, anyways i will type it all back.. like i sometime back mentioned to you about the pet cat we had, well after she went we didn't want to keep any more pets but my and my brother's love for pets brought a shy stray cat to us, we used to leave it with some food and she would eat it after we left, we used to watch that and feel .. well she started to gain our trust.. slowly slowly.. and lookie later she used to knock on our door during lunch time, she would come each day and would leave after having it, soft little meows outside our door and she would gladly hop in hehe.. and after she ate she would stare at the door with the intention to go and we would gladly let her.. days passed by and we were suspicious she was getting fat .. one day after a small break she arrived with her cute little kitties ! well that was years ago
@jb78000 (15139)
13 Feb 10
that would scare me alright. nice photos, where was this?
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
12 Feb 10
steep edge! - we were on a small hill and were somewhere near the edge trying to get a photo snap on the ocean below.. well it was scary, no room for errors.. yeah and small rolling stones too eh..
well if you ask about me, i like to have small adventures with my friends like peeping from the edge on a small hill ... the photo attached may not give u the idea how it was over there when we were there, it was scary! and we are fools!
@voldrox (7191)
• India
12 Feb 10
one more pic along the edge of the hill ;)) - this is another snapshot of the place giving you the idea, well it wasn't very high but well it was beautiful!
another snapshot along the edge.