Do you know how to get referrals? I know some tricks.

February 8, 2010 2:54am CST
Referrals are the key of making money with PTC sites , But how can we have some of them ? Well, to build your downline you need to spread you links in the net and there are several ways to do that: 1-PTC forums:you can get some refs here but not to much because everybody is already a member of PTCs, so you can not really count on this. 2-Referral exchange:You can have many refs easily the problem is they are not actives,because ones they get credited they do not click any more. 3-Create a blog or a web site:what I personally did is that I created a blog and I linked it to an ebook that explain all about PTCs plus my trusted list of sites that already payed me and that's all. Conclusion: You have to find people who are new in this area and to do that you need a blog, a site or an ebook. This is how I did It, what do you think
1 response
• Indonesia
9 Feb 10
Hi friend, nice info, especially if thecontent of blog very interesting. could you give advice for me for a good ebook? because too many ebook that claim is the best