Will We Know IF or WHEN We've Won the "War on Terror"?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
February 8, 2010 3:36pm CST
I'm not writing this to compare or debate the policies of the current and former Administrations when it comes to national security and terrorism, that's been done more than enough on the media by poiticians, officials, former officials and pundits. One of the things they argue about it the most is whether it's being CALLED a "war on terror" and even if that's being said often enough! It seems those who like to claim others aren't calling it a war often enough don't care to or don't know how "win". The one thing none of these actual and self-appointed experts don't say is exactly HOW this victory will occur and if we will even KNOW if it's occured.
To parasphrase one high-profile politician turned pundit we should just git-er-done and go win. No word on how we git-er-done or how we know when we got-er-done, however...
My question is, is this a "war" that can EVER be "won"? Seriously. We can be diligent in our security, doing everything in our power to make sure none of their attempted attacks succeed. We can make sure when we actually catch someone attempting to do our nation and our people harm that he or she is punished and isn't allowed to go free to try again. We can do everything under the law to get any information he or she may have to stop anyone else who may be planning an attack.
We can go after known terror cells and try to destroy them. Then we can go after MORE terror cells and try to destroy THEM... When does it end; WILL it ever end and if it won't, if there is no way to ever find and stop every individual or group that wants to harm us, does that mean the "War on Terror" is something that really can never be truly won?
Meanwhile, does fighting among ourselves, often on very public forums which the terrorists certainly can and do see and hear, help or hurt our common cause of protecting our country and our people? The "shoe bomber" along with hundreds of other terrorists are currently in prison for life, unable to harm us ever again. I don't care who was in office when they were caught, I don't care where they were tried or if they were given the benefits of our Constitution and our justice system because OUR SYSTEM WORKS! As long as KSM is either locked up for life or executed I don't care where he's tried. The Justice Department has a very strong case against him so he isn't going to be set free. I don't care that the "underwear bomber" was given his Miranda Rights before he started talking again and hasn't stopped for days, thanks to help from his family which we wouldn't have had if he'd been put in Gitmo. If he's tried in an American city and is put in an American prison, that's fine with me. Nobody has ever escaped from any of our super-max prisons and we've had plenty of our own hardened, violent murderers who would be just as dangerous on our streets as any terrorist, in my opinion.
What do you think? Is the "War on Terrorism" a war that can ever truly be won?
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6 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Oh I am trying sooo hard to remember who said this quote....he was asked the same question about when would the war on terror end. I really liked his answer. I don't want be accused of stealing anyones quotes.....so I did not think of this on my own. I heard a while back and thought it was a great answer.
The war will end when they love their children more than they hate us.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I still can't find who said it. It was a man....but it is right. Not just about the war on terror but also on ANY war. Every last person that get killed in a war is someone's child. NO matter how old they are.
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
You raise a very good question, one that should be the focus of discussion. I think it's more important to evaluate the answer to this question than to find out if it was right to start the war in the first place.
Terrorism has deep roots. The violence that comes from that is just a symptom, or maybe the result. Unless we understand why they do what they do and attempt to address that, I don't think there will ever be an end to this.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Excellent point, but to some people just wondering aloud "why they do what they do" constitutes "blaming America". We have this back and forth rhetoric with one side saying the other side wants to "be nice to the terrorists"; I can promise you I don't have any desire to make nice with known terrorists, I want to see them executed as much as anyone on the right, but if we don't address their reasons for hating us so much there will continue to be more and more new recruits to al Qaeda and other terror groups that will spring up. I'm not in favor of being "soft" on terror but I DO think we have to do whatever we can to make the young Muslims and others who may be convinced of our wickedness see that we're not evil, that we don't hate them. All many of them have ever seen has been propaganda!
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
Oh yes, I do understand what you're saying. One problem is really that some people see America as the enemy because of going into war and no one really wants that. it's not siding with the terrorists or coddling them to want to understand their situation, and to address the roots so that no more of their young generation will join up their cause.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
9 Feb 10
There are so many things I want to say yet don’t know if I should as because I’m not an American…so first and foremost I would like to know of you, as an American citizen, that is the ‘war on terror’ solely America’s personal war or does America think of it as a global war? Does America expect other democratic secular countries (big or small) to join it or is it limited more to the white, Christian world? Also, what is more important…enduring peace & mutual respect or imposed fragile democracy? What do you feel are your country’s policies and thoughts on this?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Feb 10
When will the "War on Terror" be won? Well, some people believe that we will have won when no one wants to attack us anymore. That's an impossible goal. We won't ever accomplish it. We can't make everyone like us, or want us to exist as a free and democratic nation. When did anyone convince a bully not to beat them up by being really, really nice? Bullies only stop for two reasons: 1. if they get what they want, or 2. if you are stronger than they are.
The "War on Terror" will be won when the extremists who seek our destruction are themselves destroyed. When their networks and ability to organize, plan and execute attacks is destroyed. When our strength and resolve is such that they can't strike at us or hurt us. When they realize that we put our security above political games or showmanship.
That means not holding "terror trials" in New York just because we know it will get a lot of press and media attention that we can then use to make us look "tough on terror". We need to make decisions about enemy combatants based on what will get the best results, not what any politician thinks is best for their image.
When told not to reveal details about the underwear bomber, Robert Gibbs should not have said that they were getting information from him. If anything happens to his family, you won't see cooperation again regardless of whether or not they get Miranda rights read to them. If a suspect reveals the name of a key al Qaeda operative, maybe it would be better not to give out that information on national television and give him warning that we're after him. It's easier to find people who aren't hiding.
The war on terror won't be won when we make nice with the countries that harbor terrorists. They don't hate us because we're not nice to them. They hate what we stand for, they hate democracy. They hate self-governing. They want a theocracy.
Appeasement is a policy that leads to disaster. Ask Neville Chamberlain. He tried it with Hitler. WWII happened not only despite Chamberlain's approach, but at least partly because of it. We cannot afford all these ridiculous attempts appease the enemy and be more politically correct.
There is only one way to win the war on terror. Defeat those who are waging the war on us.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Feb 10
So, to make a long story short, we can't win this so-called war on terror because we're not just fighting a specific country or regime or just one group. That's not to say we shouldn't do everything possible to destroy those we know want to destroy us and use every possible security measure but using catchy sound-bites isn't going to make it any more possible.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Feb 10
I didn't say we can't win. It can be done, Jordan is an example. Jordan's government holds that Jihad in the sense of holy war is not true to the Islamic faith and so all activity linked to terrorism or funding of terrorism is unlawful. Jordan has even been a target of terrorism itself, because of this stance. Still the government did not bend to the terrorists. Courage and resolve.
Make it unprofitable and dangerous for other middle east countries to harbor and fund terrorists and you will do severe damage to the terrorists' network.
But do Americans have the resolve to win?
If we haven't got the stomach for it, we can't wage a war on terror, we can only surrender to it. If we have the resolve and the courage to continue on until our enemies are no more, then we will win.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
9 Feb 10
This is simple NO such thing as winning this it is all about MAINTAINING THE SAFETY! Terrorist are here to stay whether we want to believe it or not whether on our soil or another we are always in danger
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
10 Feb 10
...Hi there annie, hope that all is well with you, and that you are not snowbound somewhere and that you are warm. I don't think that there is any way to win "a war on terror" ever. Why, because as some have tried to say, terror is somethimg that is done to you, someone terrorizes you. It could be one group or it could be a single individusl acting on his or her own. That December 25th potential bomber, didn't have to be sent by Al Queida, he could have been someone who just wanted to do damage and kill people. How do you stop them all, the name first of all makes it impossible to put an identity to the perpetrator of a war against you and then defeat the perpretrator and call it a victory. We will continually be fighting "the war on terror". They have locked themselves into a war that will be ongoing as long as there are people who want to do harm to anybody they want to terrorize. I am with you on the other stuff, I don't care either. It seems to me that all the infighting of the lawamakers, about the mirandizing, if they talked, when they talked is only letting the ones who want to do us harm, know that we are divided, and what's that old saying about a house divided. They need to see that what they are doing only makes our government look weak in my ooinion, instead of tryng to make political points for themselves. Take care.