let us discuss.what is the seal 666?and its profit..
By janairah
@janairah (67)
February 9, 2010 5:58am CST
ok if we here the number 666 what is first thing in our mind?yes devil,satan,satanic.
in this year it happens now,we hears about the micro chip right that have the bar code 666.if you watch the 666,you see what they want.in the future the person who has this seal are no need of money.if you have this seal you dont have to buy and you can access all you want.just scan the bar code you have (666)then your free.in that day the money is no longer need.if you dont have that seal you die.you can't eat or even access anywhere.here look at this verse to see if im wrong revelation chapter 13 verses 17-18 see if it's true if you don't believe in bible then watch the movie 666.
2 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Feb 10
The number is much more likely to be '616' (the oldest versions of Revelation have this reading). It is now generally regarded to refer cryptically to the name of a Roman Emperor, very likely the Emperor Nero.
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_Beast .
DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that fiction is fact or that MyLot tolerates repeat discussions on this topic. The Guidelines are far more cogent than Revelations in this context.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Feb 10
The film is fiction and the Bible is open to alternative readings.
@rjeromeh (6)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Never does The Book of Revelation say that the number 666 itself is the seal.
It does say that a system will be set up, that will require the marking Identifying) of those within that system.
It is to "that system" that the number 666 is attached to. That system is "The Beast." It is the Beast that has a man's number.
The number 666 has nothing to do with computer microchips or the devil or the antichrist. In fact, one does not find the word antichrist mentioned in The Book of Revelation. Linkage of the number 666 to some solitary person who is antichrist is not mentioned in Scripture and is simply a blind assumption made by the motion picture industry and the church-systems of the world who have missed the boat on this.
So what is 666?
If one reads at the outset in The Book of Revelation it should become clear "when" the things written in it were to have fulfillment. The Apostle John tells us at Rev 1:10 that the things that he saw and was to write down, were things he saw as occurring in The Lord's Day. This is a day that is far far in the future. That means that nothing written in The Book of Revelation has had a start at being fulfilled.
There are is beasts (it has not come up yet from the sand of the sea), no image of the beast, no 666, no war having occurred in heaven ... not yet.
At the time when the Beast does arrive, the world will be a much much different place than it is now. The Beast is actually a new system of government over the entire earth in the that will be beneficial and will bring "peace and security" to all who support it. This Beast or system of government (many call the New World Order) will get it's "power, authority, and throne" from Satan, the Dragon. (Rev 13:2)
This Beastly system of rulership over the earth will be a deceptive one in that it WILL bring about peaceful and safe and prosperous conditions on all of the earth. In fact, the earth's population will admire the efficiency of this brand new way of governance. Scripture says that Satan will mislead the entire earth. (Rev 12:9). It is via this beneficial world order he will set up in those future days is how he will do it.
"Men worshiped the dragon and because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped (supported) the beast and asked, "who is like the beast? Who can make war (not support it) against it?" (Rev 13:4)
Satan will have an entire world misled by giving it what it has been hungry for: A peaceful and safe world where people are prosperous. All he requires of the earth's inhabitants is the support of this Beast or New World Order.
This Beast will have some sort of number associated with it. Scripture says that it is 666. But that Scripture says that this number is a "derived or calculated" number, means that it is not something readily seen.
That it is a man's number, would indicate that it is a man-made agency which will get it's power from the Dragon.
"A man's number" should be blatantly obvious and simple in Scripture to know. It was on the day man in which was created: The sixth day. Man's number is 6.
As a species we are carbon-based units. Look at the atomic make up of a carbon atom. What is it? 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons. That is who we are as a species.
So 666 will identity a beneficial system of government that Satan will have men on earth set up (under his unseen guidance and direction). That system of government is The Beast of Revelation. It will even have an image or emblem set up that reflects or stands for itself. (Much like the nations today have flags as emblems that reflect them).
The Beastly system of government will be a clever way to prepare the inhabitants of the earth to resist what Satan knows is coming: God's Kingdom.
The earth's citizens will love this New World Order and be loyal to it and will not want to see it changed or replaced. It benefits them.
Yet, at the seeing of Jesus' sign in heaven (Matthew 24:31), the earth "sees" or perceives that something Jesus promised long ago is coming and it will replace the comfortable settings mankind will find themselves in under this Beastly system: God's Kingdom.
So loyal will the earth's inhabitants be to this New and seemingly New World Order, they will unwittingly align themselves to resist any overthrow of it. They will cry out and believe in their hearts, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?" The answer is Jesus can; and he will.
That is why Scripture at 1 Thess 5:3 says:
"While people are saying, "Peace and safety" destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."
The "pregnant woman" can be seen at Rev 12:2 and the child that she is to give birth to is God's Kingdom. This is what Satan will lead the world to resist and abort. But his safe and peaceful Beastly society in those days will not be able to abort this birth.
It - The Kingdom of God - will replace this Beastly rulership over man and replace it. Thus speaks the Prophet Daniel at Dan 2:44:
"In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever."
None of this has occurred yet and is far into the future.
So 666 is more involved than many think.
I have written about this and other related topics at: