Newbie here

February 9, 2010 7:21am CST
Just to introduce myself, I'm from indonesia. I think this site good to get instant money for my pocket, but I still confused how to do it. anyone can help me??
2 people like this
7 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
13 Sep 10
Welcome to Mylot. I'm also from Indonesia, I've got some time payment from Mylot. Hopefully you can immediately get a payment from Mylot. All you have to do is to respond more than three lines. And many responded. Hopefully you are always active in Mylot.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
14 Sep 10
yes, you are always active, this month you must have received payment from Mylot. You'll be pleased. Hopefully we continue to be so active, though I am logged in Mylot with the phone, I always try to be active.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Sep 10
iam indonesia too..iam still active here mrs indah :)
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
15 Sep 10
wow, is it true we can login through the phone and our discussion here? This is my new look, and indeed I am not an active member on mylot. But, if indeed mylot can be accessed through the phone I will probably be more active here. Thank you my friend.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Feb 10
MyLot is not good for 'instant money'. The minimum payout is $10 and you have to work quite hard, giving good quality responses to make $0.30 or so a day. Payout is ONLY through PayPal and you may find that Indonesia is one of the countries that MyLot cannot make payments to. On the other hand, most people who have been here a while agree that MyLot is more about good quality discussions, learning English and meeting people and less about earning money.
• Indonesia
9 Feb 10
thanks, so I must be hard working to get much money in this site?? ya, just for $0.01 every 2 discuss I think not to make instant money. But, I can MyLot is more about good quality discussions, learning English and meeting people and less about earning money. as you say. Thanks again.
@tluanga (767)
• India
9 Feb 10
me too, but the catch is just post new comment & respond comments, you will surely earn . I earn $0.01 just by responding two(2) comments. thats it!!! good luck
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Feb 10
if you are earning only $0.01 from two comments, you need to concentrate on making better quality responses and comments. You will find it worthwhile to read the Guidelines and the FAQs.
@tluanga (767)
• India
12 Feb 10
i didn't really explore the possibilities yet, it seems. thanks for your advice owlwings.
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 10
Hi nununugraha, First of all, welcome to mylot. You will earn from your activities here. More active you in the discussion, you will get more. You can earn here from joining the discussion. You will be paid for every post that you make. The amount of every post a different. It is base on the quality and length of your post. In easy way, the more you write the bigger amount you would get. The other way to earn here is by refer your family or friends or anyone here. If they become your referrals, you will earn 25% bonus from their earnings from discussions. You can also earn by using the mylot search box. Good luck.
@nophie (2336)
• Indonesia
16 Sep 10
hai nunu...iam indonesian too... ya, mylot is great, we can share here, we can discuss in english..maybe it`s too long for us to get much money here but you can not aware that more you active here,your english is more better and better
@TheWebGuy (241)
• United States
5 Mar 10
Yes I am new and couldn't agree more with only the responses. I am here mainly to make connections and good conversation. If anything comes past that, excellent, if not I am having fun and sharing opinions and conversation on topics I love. :)
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 10
dont only think about money my friend.enjoy here, get share for every myloters and get much many news friends and for the reward for your activity here is dollar from mylot admin