muslim,pagan or christian which one is better???????

@vorovo (67)
February 9, 2010 7:55am CST
is there any crime in being a pagan??? which one do you think is better out of these three,??? well for me i dont think there is anything wrong in any of them but being a pagan is better then any of these, simply because you are free no string attached to your life, what about you what do you think????
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10 responses
• South Africa
9 Feb 10
I believe you are referring to religions when you say Muslim, pagan, Christian, i believe there is only one God that created everything and that He is a Trinity and that He send His Son Jesus to pay for all our sins, He comfort us with The Holy Spirit and Love us as the Father. All that God want in return is a relationship with you. So the only true way is in a Relationship with God.
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@Jay_melow (103)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 10
Sorry,You had better don't talk about religion here,or you'll make trouble with other users...Thank you, regards. Piece!
@livewyre (2450)
10 Feb 10
Religion is a very popular subject in MyLot and whilst some people may get agitated about religious discussions, a lot can be learned from listening to people of other faiths. As far as I am aware, there is nothing wrong with starting a discussion about religion, although I am not sure that this discussion per se has a lot of value as it does not address an real issues other than possibly whether being Pagan is socially acceptable or not.
@livewyre (2450)
10 Feb 10
Of course there is no crime in accepting a belief unless that belief encompasses acts which are unlawful, or encourages hate against other groups. I guess though , that you mean 'social' crime rather than legal status, in which case I think there is still a social stigma (through lack of understanding) attached to Paganism which does not apply to 'mainstream' religion. However, in many circles there is different stigmas attached to different religions. I refer to Islam in the West, which now carries the stigma of association (however misplaced this stigma is) with terrorism, and there are different stigmas attached to Judaism and Christianity depending on the context... As regards your question - is Paganism better than these? I can only answer in one way, if there is one single actual truth about the identity of God, Buddah, Muhammed, Jesus Christ etc... then the belief that is true is the 'best' belief because all others are mistaken. Just because we do not know the truth does not mean that a faith which tries to encompasses many beliefs is in any way better. What I am saying is the belief that 2+2 is 4 is better than the faith that 2+2=5 and better than the faith that 2+2 can be either 4 or 5... Hope that makes some sense to you. I do not have a faith that best suits my nature or is convenient for me, I have a faith in what I believe to be entirely true in every respect, thus I respectfully reject any other belief system - this thinking (I assume) applies to all people of faith, so one cannot say that any religion is better than another unless you apply some criteria such as which religion is better at caring for the poor, or which religion is better at raising money etc...
@Galena (9110)
10 Feb 10
well obviously I consider Paganism to be the best. and for me I know it is. I don't think you really understand what Paganism is though. you say there is freedom from restrictions, but this is not true. most Pagans have a moral code that expects a lot of them. the Wiccans have their rede, the Asatru have their nine noble virtues (a great ethical code to live by if you ask me. if we all lived by it it would improve both the life of the individual and the community) within my own personal moral code, which is to do what I believe is right. that is a high expectation of myself. it may sound easy, but there are times in life when it's not easy to stand up for what you believe in and believe to be the right thing. sometimes the right thing is hard, and it would be much easier to turn a blind eye to something you know you should act on. I don't believe that my Gods will judge me at the end of my life (I think they are bigger than that. the ins and outs of our lives is fairly trivial to them. after all, they ARE the universe. and we are just a tiny tiny part of that.), but I know I will. I will have to accept all of my choices, the outcomes of my choices, and I will have to accept that they were all nobodies responsibility but my own. so I live as good a life as I can, and try very hard not to comprimise my own integrity. even if it's a harder path to do what is right than what is easy. Paganism is not about just doing what you want, regardless. it's taking responsibility for your own soul, and working hard to understand, learn and grow.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Feb 10
it may sound easy, but there are times in life when it's not easy to stand up for what you believe in and believe to be the right thing that is so so true and ppl really dont realize how difficult it is to be that way... and excellent post in general btw...
@thebeave (31)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I am a christian through and through. I pray every night before I go to bed as well as several random times eacy day, especially as my fiance draws close to delivering our baby daughter. However, I believe that you are entitled to believe in what you want to. This is hard since my religion states that I am to convert as many individuals as possible but in my opinion that is not right. I do my part to present all of my friends with the idea of my religion and if they wish to learn more I am more than happy to tell them about it. I refuse, however, to force it upon then as I believe this will only cause them to shut off to the idea all together.
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
13 Aug 11
muslim,pagan or christian which one is better??????? Neither one. They all have different beliefs. It only makes it better because you think it is right. So in other words, you are the only one who thinks is better. is there any crime in being a pagan??? Nope, is no crime. You are not hurting anyone. Of course, to the other religions, they see you as a devil worshiper
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Feb 10
but being a pagan is better then any of these, simply because you are free no string attached to your life sorry but you are wrong...yes freedom is had with Paganism BUT thats the case with ALL religions and spiritual paths PROVIDED one follows THEMSELVES rather than the masses and the ways of OTHERS within that path. As for which is the best? NONE....or better yet ALL...ALL RELIGIONS AND SPIRITUAL PATHS are "the best" for those who follow any one of them FROM THEIR CORE and in their own individual fashion...
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Feb 10
Hi vorovo, Neither religion is better than another and it is such thinking that has caused most of the misery in the world. We are all one and the only God I believe in is the divinity that is within each and everyone of us. I know religion, as we know it today, won't go down without a fight but be assured it will go down. At the same time people will become more spiritual in line with the true teachings of all the great masters. Blessings
@Makro74 (591)
9 Feb 10
Hi Vorovo, Interesting question you pose, and interesting further when you have illustrated with Muslim and Christian as representatives of world religions. If your question is about religion and paganism, then a long drawn out argument can be made. But if the question is merely dependant on being a pagan, then Muslim and Christian faiths have nothing to do with this, but it becomes a question of belief. To answer you first question - is there a crime in being a pagan? Well, no crime is committed if what you believe is innocently believed to be true. Man has no place trying to judge you - this is left for your creator and you to resolve. This does not extend just be being a pagan, but to any faith or religion you may belong to. But, crucially, all religions and beliefs must be allowed to practice peacefully - and all men and women should be free to make informed choices as which religion they believe to be true. A preacher should never be persecuted, he just believes in the love of his religion that he wants to tell others about it. There is no harm in this. As to the part where which is better - well this is the 60,000 dollar question. You say to be a pagan is better because you are free with no strings attached to your life. I would argue that this is not accurate, because in this life, your very own bodies limit you to what you do physically, therefore are not free spirit. Your mind is restrictive and you are constantly juggling between good and bad choices. This is not freedom. However, by delving into a faith of worship of God and God alone, you raise your being to a completely higher level, a level you never knew existed. A religion is just there as a Compassion from God Himself to make is easier for man to elevate from his mere material existence, to something which has a soul of free spirit. Mankind therefore rises well above the animal kingdom and draws nearer to his Creator. These are not strings, but passionate routes which are blind to the naked eye and takes just a tiny bit of effort to see that a route actually exists. Then it is upto the individual to get on this route and clear the highway to God. This is as simple analogy of the creation of Man and why he is actually here. You notice, I did not mention Christian or Muslim faiths once in the above paragraph. This is because it is upto you to draw your faith from the nearness of God. A religion is a mere vehicle which helps abundantly. Out of the religions, regardless of the practice by many of the followers, the only religion which has an original text of the founding status of the religion, is Islam. The Quran, since its inception, 1400 years ago, still has the original text. Also, the Quranic belief also supersedes all religions before it but believes in them rigourously. Therefore, technically, to be a Muslim, you have to be a believer in Jesus, Abraham and Moses, as well all the other prophets. In essence, a Muslim is all religions in one.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I thought you knew. God doesn't belong to any religion. Maybe you should just search for God. When you find Him, you will no longer need beliefs. God wants you to be who you must! It's a part of the plan!! Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path. Life's lessons are best learned that way.