Meat lovers and vegetarians alike

United States
February 9, 2010 11:04am CST
So let's have this discussion, time to vent let it all out. State your case, why do you or don't you eat meat? For me I grew up eating meat, and I knew where it came from, well what animal anyhow from when I was a young child. I guess I couldn't see food without meat. For some people I know it's religion, and for some it's health, what are your reasons? Please feel free to include all those gross facts about how meat gets to our store and all that. I will still eat it but I don't mind hearing I guess. Meat to eat or not?
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12 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I am a meat eater. Just like you, I grew up eating meat and I figure that I will continue to eat meat for the rest of my life. I know that there is some debate about how the meat that we eat gets into the store, but because of the fact that I enjoy it, I will continue to eat it. I learned that all of the food groups are important to our diets and I remember learning when I was in school that meat was among the important food groups.
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@rebelann (113410)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Sep 19
I agree. What I do however is look for organic meat that is from humanely raised livestock. It's a lot healthier than the livestock that's injected with antibodies, hormones and raised in pens where they are deprived of sunlight. I was born an omnivore and eat both meat and veggies
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I've been a meat eater all of my life but this year, I decided to become a vegetarian. I am a huge animal lover and at some point it seemed quite hypocritical to eat meat and at the same time to support animal rights organizations. I've taken off a few lbs and I feel so much better. I don't have that heavy feeling in my stomach after I eat that I used to have.
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• India
10 Feb 10
I am a meat eater though fish is more our staple…so the ultimate truth is that I am a non-vegetarian, I enjoy all the bounties of meat, fish and eggs with no bad feelings. Maybe coz I’ve never really known the vegetarian way of life and wouldn’t care to try it either. I know all the ways meat is procured, though I’m sure if I actually saw a slaughter I might puke! And c’mon, think of the ecosystem and food chain…man is an integral part too…if we gave up eating meat, aren’t we disturbing the balance of nature? I’ve nothing against vegetarians, in fact I truly believe that vegetarian diet is more healthy but thing is that I can find nothing tasty in chewing and chomping only on veggies and tofu…I need my supply of meat/fish/eggs and I live to eat NOT eat to live!
• United States
10 Feb 10
I was raised in a traditional African American family. We ate lots of meat, and cooked with tons of animal products. About a year ago... actually exactly a year ago I realized that a lot of the digestive and health issues I was having had to do with my diet... that's not exactly true. I knew that what you eat had an effect, but I didn't really grasp how much until I thought I was going to die on the expressway after having a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream. I am lactose intolerant. I get sick off consuming greasy foods in addition to dairy, and a lot of foods I was pretty used to. So I decided to stop consuming animal products. During this I became conscious not just of how we think of animals as mere goods to be exploited, but of all the chemicals pumped in food (as well as our personal products, water, etc), and the general ignorance (in the case of many in developed nations) toward where our food comes from. I do partake in animal products every now and again, and would more often if I hunted, fished, or farmed and had a more direct role in acquiring the meat (thus allowing me to respect the life that was lost so that I could enjoy chicken, or beef, or whatever) I consume.
• United States
10 Feb 10
I seriously love meat, every type of meat, I also grew up eating meat all the time, and not only meat itself, but animal products like milk, cheese and some others derivative products, and like you I can't think about meals without any type of meat, many people can't eat meat for many reasons, some of them are religious and others are health issues, but most of the times when you have health issues the problem is with the red meats, because they contribute to have higher cholesterol, but if you eat white meats you will be fine.
@neha1987 (58)
• India
10 Feb 10
im a hard core vegetarian so i dont eat and im glad tat im a veggie
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I did the vegetarian thing for awhile and I did Atkins for awhile (totally the opposite). Vegetarian, I had way too many vitamin deficiencies. Even with supplements. Then I found out that I had a tumor that was taking my red blood cells. So my Drs told me to eat meat and an iron supplement. Obviously, I did way better on Atkins, physical health wise, but I found eating the same food so depressing mental health wise. I'm an omnivore, I eat anything that doesn't eat me first. I think I end up way healthier both ways that way.
@sblossom (2168)
9 Feb 10
I understand what you said. I think i have a similar experience with you. however now i'm trying not to eat meat, at least not red meat. there is nothing to do with religion or enviromental protection issue. i just want to lose a little weight. so far i have no meat for or just eat a little meat for about one month and i lost 5kg. it really pleased me. also i found I saved some money on food cost. so it's not too bad.
@lindsiko (355)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I grew up eating meat and never really questioned whether I liked it or not until I moved out and came to college. I've never been a big fan of meat that was thick or needed a lot of sauces or spices in order to give it flavoring, but if that's what we had for dinner at home, then I was more than happy to eat it. I remember going home for the holidays and helping my mom make meatloaf. She had the ground beef in a bowl and had me mix in the ketchup, bread, and other ingredients with my hands, and I remember being completely disgusted and a little petrified. After that, I stopped eating meat for about six months before gradually fitting chicken back into my diet.
@tess5162 (66)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I love veggies but I LOVE my meat too!! I would love to eat better and healthier so I have added more turkey and chicken when I can but I still love my red meat. Honestly the only way I could see giving up meat would be if a doctor told me I had to. My mother is a vegan. She hasnt always been one but I really dont see how she does it. It looks like she has rabbit food and I dont see how she gets full or satisfied on veggies alone. I think you have to be a VERY strong person to do that. I would feel like I was on a diet everyday. I love to eat and lucky for me even after two kids I am not big. High metabolism I guess. If i gained weight as much as I ate I would probably be 300 lbs or so.
@prasunsam (356)
• India
9 Feb 10
well i don't eat meat and i have a very interesting reason for that.I grew up in a family where all the other family members used to have meet except my grandmother since i was very close to my grandmother and as a kid i used to share the bed with her as i was scared of sleeping alone.I started realizing that she feels uncomfortable whenever i have meat but she doesn't tells me. So i felt bad and stopped eating non veg stuff.But when my grand mom got to know this,she was very angry and she said to me that "kid if you don't eat meat you can't grow strong", but till then i had acquired it has a habit.Well i don't know what i did was right or wrong but till now i don't eat meat and all my other family members do.
• China
10 Feb 10
I like to eat meat but as someone said before, I would eat less red meat and turn to vegetable and white meat.It's just for healthy reason and I would change my habit step by step.