I just heard something that truly astounded me

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
February 9, 2010 1:30pm CST
Jake Tapper was interviewing the President. Mr. Tapper said that small businesses were holding off hiring because they didn't know what taxes would do to them, or health care, etc. so they were holding off on hiring. The answer from Mr. Obama? In part--"Let me put it this way. Most small businesses, right now -- if they've got enough customers to make a profit and they can get the bank loans required to boost their payroll, boost their inventory and sell to the customers, they will do so, OK?" What the hell? Good businesses don't borrow money to make payroll. If they can't make payroll, they lay people off. Most of them don't borrow to boost their inventory, they use profits to buy inventory and only borrow in order to expand. Or am I missing something here? This guy knows nothing about how a business is run. We have a habit of electing people who have never signed a paycheck in their life, who have no idea how the normal person lives or how a business is run. I hope we'll do better next time. Thanks for letting me rant!
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17 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
9 Feb 10
Borrowing to meet payroll and then hiring more employees because you can always borrow more and spending money you don't have sounds very familiar to me... oh yeah.. that's the way the Federal Government works!!! You are absolutely right that this administration is clueless as to how to run a business or how to stimulate the business sector. I will go further and say that the unemployment rate started to rise immediately after the 2008 election. The business sector understood that the incoming administration would create an unfriendly business environment and the cutting back started in anticipation. If this president doesn't figure out what it takes to promote a healthy business climate, there will not be a comeback in the economy. Just as you can't borrow and spend your way into a successful business, the government can't keep spending money it doesn't have and expect to keep the citizens' confidence.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I've heard people in this admin say that we just don't understand economics when we say we can't spend our way out of the recession. And yes, I don't understand that. Debt doesn't go away unless you pay it off and you can't be economically healthy or recover from a slump if you spend money you don't have. Did you know that people in gov't positions are making 6 figure salaries now? I've heard that more than half of gov't employees make that--plus benefits!
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• United States
9 Feb 10
You are welcome. I agree that this example is very worth a rant. There are so many things that Obama is clueless about and his henchmen are just as bad. Sadly we the people are the ones who suffer from their ignorance.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I also heard some time ago that this administration has the most appointees who have never had a real job. Scary!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Feb 10
You are so right. They don't have a clue.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Thanks so much. That means alot.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I'd like to see them live your life. That would be a wake up call they probably wouldn't survive, emotionally or financially. You are an inspiration to many people.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
10 Feb 10
We need leaders that have actually had real life experience. Few of them have had it.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
The problem is that only the rich or well connected have the money to campaign. If we could change that, we could have the opportunity to elect real leaders.
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@K46620 (1986)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I have to agree.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 Feb 10
You are absolutely right and it is in no way a "rant" to speak out against things that are outrageously wrong. The usurper knows full well that small businesses are suffering (as well as our whole country) because that is his INTENT, as he carefully, and with malice of forethought and afterthought bankrupts us. This arrogant liar is proud enough to believe he can force lie upon lie on a foolish constituency who voted for him because they didn't have the wisdom and discernment to recognize a liar when they saw him and heard him speak volumes of NOTHING. Not one word out of his mouth is to be believed and he is in no way trustworthy. Bank loans? No way! He knows exactly what he is saying, as in "the emperor has no clothes". There is neither truth, nor trustworthiness in the traitor. His continual doublespeak reveals that he considers Americans stupid and beneath him. He needs to be removed from the office he stole and tried for treason so that we can have a chance to recover from the one year horror show he has produced. The cost has been too great and he should never have been allowed to set foot in the White House because he is NOT legally or constitutionally "president".
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Unfortunately, he didn't steal the office, he was elected. But I think if we could get his valid birth certificate we would see that he is not a natural-born citizen and therefore not eligible to be president. I'd also like to see his college transcripts!! Do you listen to or watch Glenn Beck? I have learned so much American history from him! I never was interested before but the last couple of years has inspired me to find out where we came from as a country and what I can do to help put us back on the right track. Mr. Beck has helped me a lot in that regard.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Epicure, sometimes we have to ignore what we don't agree with in order to learn. I know Mr. Beck rejects the "birthers" but I would not want to miss his other insights and I benefit from his research and views. If a foreign person marries a native of the U.S. and gives birth on U.S. soil, the child is a natural born citizen. If Obama fit this niche, he would be constitutionally eligible to be president. However, the fact that he is taking such extreme measures to hide his official birth certificate and all his other records including his college records, leads me to believe that we have been deceived and bamboozled. All the court cases are dismissed and there are many! If he gets away with this it will set a precedence. There is talk of Bobby Jindal of Louisiana running for higher office in a few years--he is a Pakistani immigrant. If Obama gets away with this--assuming the "birthers" are right (I hate that name)--Mr. Jindal would be able to run because the courts accepted Obama as eligible for the office. Eventually we could have anyone run for president, even Vladimir Putin! Yeah, I know that's extreme but these are extreme times and we need foresight as well as common sense and thinking outside the box. We're under attack and we should treat this whole thing as if our own homes are under siege.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Unfortunately, I must beg to differ re Obama's being "elected". Without waxing too semantic, "being elected" implies that one has been a legally verifiable, constitutionally qualified candidate. He never was and never will be. As for "stealing", again, that means taking or appropriating something to which one is in no way legally entitled, something that does not belong to you by any "right". Only a Natural Born citizen has a "right", constitutionally and legally to run for the office of President. That right could never belong to O because Natural Born citizens MUST be the child of TWO US citizens and he, by his own admission and writings is not - Sr, BO was never a US citizen, but a Kenyan national and Jr., by birth is the same, since citizenship is transferred through the father. Again, the rat even admitted to being a British citizen by birth which totally PRECLUDES EVER being "natural born" and eligible to be president, no matter where he was or was not born. A liar is a liar is a liar.....And the arrogant monster KNOWS these requirements but thinks Americans are too stupid to know their own Constitution. There is not an ounce of truth that emanates from this criminal of many aliases and social security numbers. And, given TRUTH, he wouldn't, couldn't have been "elected", since no one could legally vote for an illegal candidate. I no longer watch Glenn Beck, as he demeans the so-called "birther" issue. I feel "truther" would be the more apropos label, if such is needed.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Well, his response is just amazingly stupid. It proves he has absolutely no clue about how a business is run or how the economy works. He has no concept of what a budget is or that it might just be a good idea to keep the spending under the revenue level. He thinks it's OK to keep spending money like it's nothing, with no regard to what money is coming in. No business could be run like this. If it were, it would be bankrupt. How did the voters in this country put someone in office that is so blatantly unqualified and incompetent? They were simply taken in by a smooth talking charlatan. He talked a good game but unfortunately, that is all he can do, talk. He has done absolutely nothing while in office. He hasn't proposed any legislation. He hasn't accomplished anything. He just talks about it. You want to know what the Tea Party movement really is? It's just a bunch of people with buyer's remorse...
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I think a lot of the TP members are probably just like me--we didn't vote for this president and are horrified that so many people could have been hypnotized by a smooth talker. They are trying to educate and peacefully organize protesters, direct their efforts into something that matters and prevent this happening again. If the people know the Constitution and see how DC is perverting it, maybe the next election will be different. I think, though, that before that kind of change can happen there will be more radical action. We are all getting fed up with a president who seems to be deliberately destroying this country.
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• United States
12 Feb 10
I have to agree with you for sure. We definitely have to get back to the constitution and this government is trying to circumvent it. I didn't want to think it, but I'm starting to think more and more that he is deliberately trying to destroy our country.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
10 Feb 10
The whole thing is ridiculous.. run business like the government is run? i.e. spending what you don't have- and when it comes to government, after all it's not their money, not their debt.. Did I read something above about 6 figure incomes? What with all the perks (and briberies) from lobbyists and total health care, total wages for the rest of their lives.. (to say nothing of the huge carbon footprints they leave all over as they zip around in their limos and jets).. - Yet the statement you quoted is so blatantly ridiculous!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Think of how much we could save if we would do away with pensions for our representatives! After all, our founding fathers originally meant for our reps to serve one term in the spirit of public service then go home and get back to their regular lives. I really think this would be a good first step to trimming costs and getting government back to what it is meant to be--protection of the Constitution and from outside enemies.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
10 Feb 10
really, "W" ran a business before he got into politics, but I think he was into the government business too long It takes so much to line up the "machine" to become a top government official that a lot of the worth of having a business back ground is lost.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
It should not be that way. We need to destroy the "machine" and take back our government. I think it will happen, and soon. I just hope it is peaceful and not violent. The people are fed up and we're not going to take it much longer.
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• United States
10 Feb 10
That's scary! What a flippant answer coming from the President. I think that we voters need to get more educated about the voting process. It needs to be something that is taught in high school, as non-partisan as it can be. It should be a requirement before you are able to vote that you go to a class and learn about the candidates and their qualifications. This will ensure a better President and government next time around. Sincerely in Christ, Leesa C. Eph.2:8,9
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
That is a great idea but it won't prevent people from being attracted to charismatic candidates and voting for them because of a few buzzwords. Over and over again, we elect people that tell us what we want to hear and each time we find that they lied to us. Yet, we continue to elect such people. I would like to see a campaign with no public appearances, you would never see the peoples' faces or hear their voices, only read what they had to say. The ones who did cast votes would be well informed and unswayed by personalities.
@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
10 Feb 10
The only loans available for business are micro loans for large businesses who will hire a lot of people to stimulate the area growth according to the SBA. If you are a small business the only way you are going to get a loan is if you don't need one! The banks are not wanting to loan unless you have nearly a credit score of 700 or higher, have a very very sound financial statement and can show growth to pay the loan back. If you need a loan to meet payroll then a bank is going to look at your business as unstable. The government does not want or believe in small business helping the financial crisis but wants big business manufacturing, bio businesses ect that can hire in mass to locate in our country. Where are these big businesses that are going to save us? The government should support the small businesses that are established or want to start a business instead they still support corporate greed no matter what party they belong to because the government does not understand living paycheck to paycheck or the blue collar worker.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I don't understand that attitude! About 60% of the jobs in this country are provided from small businesses. They are the backbone of America! I don't think the people will take this crap much longer.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
9 Feb 10
You are so right. If I can't make my payroll I am out of business, what could I possibily use to get a loan. I cannot risk my home or my family savings for a business in today's markets.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
This is definitely not a business friendly climate. I can't imagine someone borrowing to make a payroll.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Was that the extent of Mr. Obama's response, because it doesn't make any sense. It also does not address the problem. There is one senator I know of who has run a successful business, Bob Corker of Tennessee.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Feb 10
There was more but it was just words talking around the problem. You know how he talks, round and round and never really saying anything of substance. Or so it seems to me.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I agree. By and large, Americans seem to like their politicians to have that mainstream-approved elitist air about them: big, brand-name schools, something to do with law, professional advocacy for hot-button causes never hurts, and any link to the commons is ironically frowned upon. Anything like basic business or a common life is truly taboo. It's so weird to me. America was created to be controlled specifically by the everyday folks. Sure, intelligence is a MUST! But we're talking about knowing the atmosphere of your country and its problems and people, not necessarily being well-versed in political theory and knowing ways to step beyond the limits of the Constitution. It amazes me that a guy like Mitt Romney (not that I think he's presidential material, mind you) is blasted for having real-world business experience, but a guy like Obama is held up to be his superior due to his status as a law professor and a community oranizer (read: someone alerting people of problems but not fixing them). America may have been constructed with a specific intent, but it has quickly reverted back to Rome, where only the rich, disconnected landowners elect themselves to decide what's best for the rest of the people. I don't know about anyone else, but I would like my representatives, local or otherwise, to be more like the hundreds of millions and less like the few thousand. I think a lot of people in America find themselves needing to worship a politician on some levels, or else there's no reason to vote for them. It's painfully obvious why kings were able to rule their kingdoms for so long.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
This really got me: "I think a lot of people in America find themselves needing to worship a politician on some levels, or else there's no reason to vote for them." That is so true that it's scary. We always seem to need someone to look up to, yet every time we find someone they betray us. Mark McGwire seemed a great person till he revealed his steroid use, Kennedy men were revered but were womanizers and worse, even Reagan wasn't really Reagan. What is it with us that we need to look up to someone other than our parents and family?! I think we have degraded our society so much with entitlement programs that we thing the gov't is supposed to take care of us from cradle to grave and we feel threatened and insecure if faced with independence. We've GOT to get rid of this attitude or nothing will change. Maybe this economic downturn will help foster some independence and burst a few bubbles.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
10 Feb 10
And most obvious, the business that are doing good, have no problem borrowing money anyway. The companies that can't borrow money, can't because they are doing awful! We act like telling the banks to lend more is the answer... no having customers with money is the answer. But the problem is, that leaves out government, and supports the great satan... TAX CUTS. *GASP!*
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I've heard a lot of debate about the influence of tax cuts lately and it seems that they actually increase revenue. Of course, that wouldn't fit into the current attitude of borrow, borrow and borrow some more! I really don't see how we can survive if we keep this up.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Obama has never had a real job is whole life, community organizer, a constitutional law professor(maybe), and politician. This answer would be excepted to come from a man without any business back ground. The only business I could think of that would need a bank loan to make payroll are probably in fiscal trouble. If you have enough customers to make a profit, you will have enough money to make payroll.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
My ex and I owned a business. It ultimately failed, but we certainly learned a lot about how to run one. He has a successful business now, learned from his mistakes. The problem is that these people don't learn, we are the guinea pigs.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Like you, what I have heard is that perhaps one person in the cabinet and working under President Obama has ever worked for a living. The others have either been politicians, or part of the education system. I used to run into the same thing just in real life, talking about budgeting in a church class. Do not get me wrong, I like the people I know that are teachers, but a long time ago, when my hubby and I were having some trouble because of fluctuating income, these people had not a clue. The educators had always had a paycheck and they were many of them children of people who had contracts and paychecks. They had no clue that the real world has to worry about erratic cash flow, and that the answer is not borrowing. I would like to see us elect people who have had to work for a living.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
The problem is that the people we should elect don't have the money or contacts to run a successful campaign. We demand glitz and glamor, promises of new and better services. We've forgotten that the government was established ONLY to defend the country and protect our rights. I also think the country as a whole has accepted borrowing as a part of life. I hope we can get back to my grandparents' thinking, which is save money and never buy anything on credit. The economy would soon adjust and we'd all be financially healthier.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Obama and the members of Congres are just politicians.They don't have a clue as to what goes on in the real world.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Why do we keep electing people like that?! America is insane, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes. Maybe we should have a requirement of real world experience and at least brief poverty before someone can hold elected office.