My Dog Almost Died Today...
By Chrissy
@Java09 (3075)
United States
February 9, 2010 2:26pm CST
Last night my dog ate a jar of cookies while I was gone,when I came home he was fine so I wasn't concerned.I was although worried due to the fact he ate alot of cookies.The next morning he vomitted on the carpet,then when I took him on a walk he suddenly stopped and had bad diarea.He then refused to walk and flopped on the ground.I tried picking him up,but he screamed.He wouldn't walk,so I carried him home.When I got home I put him down.He went to lay down and started crying.thats when I knew something was wrong.I rushed him to the vet,I didn't have a car with me at the time so I carried about 3-4 blocks down the road to the vet.And he weighs about 16 pounds.He was pretty much dying while I was carrying him to the vet.I wasn't sure if he was gonna make it to the vet or he might die before I got there.Thankfully he lived to the vet and the vet injected him with fluids,and drugged him.The vet said his gums where really white.He gave me some medicine and a special diet to put him on.He can only eat rice and lean meat,and this special can dog food.I attached a picture of when I got him home.He is resting in the blankets,he was really tired and scard and didn't know what was happening.Thankfully hes alive and soon after the pic was taken he began to walk around again.I got to keep him on some medication until all the pills are gone.The vet bill was alot cheeper than I though!only about $70,which was great for me.I had to save him and I got there just in time.
I hope this teachs him not to go eat food of the table anymore,and teachs me never to by disgusting choclate chip cookies again!I hate cookies ever since,choclate chip!
My dogs name is Pookey and hes gonna be 3 soon!
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12 responses
@mdbanks123 (41)
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
I am glad that Pookey survived. I am dog lover myself and I greatly advise you to keep your dog away from sweets. Most especially chocolates.They contain theobromine which is similar to caffeine and theopylline. This will have a very bad reaction to dogs. There are some foods that you should avoid feeding him like grapes and onions. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of dog is Pookey? Is he a lab retriever? These breeds have magnanimous appetite so maybe you should consider training him to be patient. I have a long haired dachshund named Prince and one time he stole a brownie from my husband,he became so hyperactive that he was running all night.We were able to teach him to be more patient with his food and now, he would wait for us to give him his share of the meal rather than stealing.
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Believe me now I make sure nothing is in his reach.the cookies were on the ikitchen table and when I left the house he climbed on it and ate them.I'm just so happy he's ok.He came so close to dying.When we got to the vet,his gums were white as snow,and they rushed to help him.He wasn't responding either before we got to the vet.Now he's doing great.My dog is a lhasa apso.A very sneaky lhasa apso.I probably should train him not to just take food.Because when someones eating he gets in their face,so I'm gonna correct that.
@mdbanks123 (41)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
lhasa apso. wow, I like that breed. So cute and so timid type of dog.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
10 Feb 10
I'm a vet nurse by trade and I have seen a lot of chocolate toxicity in dogs. It is really scary and can definitely kill them. It is important to keep ALL chocolate away from animals all the time. I doubt that it will stop him from trying to eat it again though. Dogs love the taste of chocolate and they won't be able to resist temptation if it is in front of them.
I'm so glad you got him to the vet on time and that he is ok. He's lucky he's got such a lovely owner like you. 

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@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Yeah I'm happy that you were able to save your dog. It's not the best feeling to ever lose a pet it really is horrible it's like losing one of your friends. I never knew that dogs could get sick from eating human food. I always feed my birds human food well maybe it's how their stomachs handle the food.
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@jenny_ding (22)
• China
10 Feb 10
Anyway, it has a happy ending!haha,and I think he can remember this horrible experience.
I once had a dog and when she was little she like to play with rubber band. But one day we found she walk just with 3 feet. And she didn't let we touch her feet.At first we all thought she was pressed by the door and didn't care of it. A few days later, she didn't walk. So we feel it serious. Finally, we find a rubber band around one of her feet almost into the skin. But it all passed! haha!
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
10 Feb 10
He's a lhasa apso,and he is very,very sneaky.I had cookies on the kitchen table,the night before he got deathly sick,I had rushed off to an appointment so I wasn't thinking he's gonna get the cookies on the table.I was in a hurry because I was late.When I come back there were only a couple left and there were twenty cookies all together.He climbed on the kitchen table to get them ,he waited til I left.Well thank God he ok.I really thought he was gonna die.He would have if I didn't run him to the vet.I was so lucky,there's a vet up the road walking distance.I would not hav had time to rush him any where's else.Now I know what a sneak his breed is.He's back to normal now.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Feb 10
oh my G Java you did not know that chocolate has some compound in it that makes dogs really ill, and can even kill them. I think that wherever dogs are sold the seller should make sure to give the buyer of the dog a pamphlet telling about the dangers of chocolate and any other food that dogs cannot tolerate. I am so glad you made it to the vet, and the vet began a process to make
your dog well again. Now you know Chocolate is poisonous to a dog.
So eat your chocolate but don't ever leave any around where the dog cou ld get into it at all.

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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
9 Feb 10
He was sneaky about the cookies.I had them on my table last night and rushed off to an appointment I had.He climbed on the table.For now on I'll keep my food put away in the food pantry.I just thank God he's ok.I'd be so upset if I lost him.I'm so attached to him.Now I know how sneaky he is.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I am very glad and relieved that your dog is okay. That was a very close call. Maybe you should put your cookies or any other foods on a higher shelf so that your dog will not eat them. That way, you can be assured that your dog is only eating his dog food. You are a very loving dog keeper. It was very brave of you to make sure that your dog got the treatment that he needed to survive. I hope that your dog feels better very soon. Take care.

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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I definately learned to keep foods put away out of his reach.I would have been so upset if he didn't make it.I'm very attached to my dog.I don't want him to die.I don't care if I have money,I rushed him to the vet with all the cash I had in the house.He's very important to me.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
10 Feb 10
You can trust your dog to guard your house but you cannot trust them to guard your cheese sandwich.
Dogs are always hungry and leaving out chocolate containing foods alone with the dog was foolish, I guess you know that now, you were lucky.
You are humanizing your dog in thinking it will "teach" him not to eat cookies. Dogs I know chase porcupines and get painful quills that require pliers to remove or chase skunks and get sprayed, and still they chase the animals after. This is a dog and dogs tend to be stupid in human terms.
The dog was alone with nothing to do and a plate of cookies on the counter, what did you expect? I am not trying to beat up on you, just pointing out the obvious.
I find a lot of humans teach their dogs to beg at the table for food so the dogs see it as a source of food, of course you never feed the dog at the table.
@jilshi (271)
• Malaysia
10 Feb 10
i am so happy to hear that your dog is alive. i had a dog too and knows how you feel. I think i will be very sad and do not know how to react if my dog not with me anymore. I cannot accept the fact.
You had a very cute lovely dog and i am sure you love him a lot. Luckily you send your dog to veterinarian on time. i shall learn from your experiance and be cautious on my dog's food.
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@sunyskies (126)
• United States
9 Feb 10
That must have been pretty scary for you. I'm glad to hear that you got him to the vet in time and that he's going to be okay. Was it the chocolate in the cookies that made him so sick? I've known a few people who have similar experiences when their dogs got into chocolate.