dont you think life would be better if we had just one religion???????????
By vorovo
@vorovo (67)
February 10, 2010 2:29am CST
have you ever imagined this topic??
how would life be with a single religion. assuming we have only hindu or muslim as the only religion how would it look like????
could it be better than now ?????
what do you think is responsible for religion diversity??????
lets learn
19 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Greetings vorovo.
One world religion is coming--but it will be the road to hell. Please read Revelation 13 and 17.
Sometime back I had read a Gospel tract titled, Religion is a drag. It pointed out there is a big big difference between religion and personal relationship with God.
Religion can condemn. Only having Christ inside works. Please see my response to you at...
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
10 Feb 10
I think one day there will be only one religion because God will get fed up with what mankind is doing. He will decide which religion pleases Him. And He will not allow other religions. Some might not like that because they want to create their own religion. But we didn't create the planet and we won't be allowed to create our own religions. God know best!
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I agree 1hopfulman. There are a lot of FALSE religions out there, and it is because people keep finding their own ways. God has given us free will because He loves us so much, but humans have misused that gift to the extent that they do horrible things and glorify false gods. There will come a time when all of us are gonna face the one true God, and He is gonna judge us accordingly.
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:21-22)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Ask the ppl around you..its pretty much already this way...the Muslims say there is only one religion = THEIRS....the Christians say there is only one religion = THEIRS...the Jewish say there is only one religon = THEIRS...the Hindus say there is only one religion = THEIRS and the list goes on....
what would REALLY be better is if EVERYONE realized that there are MANY religions and THATS AS IT SHOULD BE...and not only accept it but more so RESPECT IT...
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
10 Feb 10
yes everone does say theirs is the only one ...n the original one ..only god knows the truth
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I think there are many different religions because Satan has blinded the eyes of many and they're unable to recognize the truth. As long as Satan is working in this world, there won't be a single religion. However, a time is coming when Satan will be put in chains and cast into the bottomless pit and Jesus Christ will set up His 1000 year reign. Afterward, Satan will be released for a time and will reek havoc on the world, but he will be defeated and will be cast into Hell forevermore.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I don't see how the hindu nor the muslim religion could be a blessing. The hindus have too many gods and the muslims can't even get along with each other much less people outside their religion. I wouldn't want to be part of a religion that doesn't know who or what is god so they make everything god just to be on the safe side. And I wouldn't want to be part of a religion that chops your head off just because you question something.
I think religious diversity is people following the flesh rather than the spirit. They want to have it their way and if the teachings say otherwise, they'll start their own religion.
@novelcai (600)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
hi there vorovo. well on my opinion i think that would be better if we have one religion, because we only have leader to obey, only one rules and regulation but i dont want to tell w/c 1 religion would that be. but we also knows that even in a very good story or fairytales there is always a bad one that makes the story more complicated. like judas in jesus christ story
@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
13 Feb 10
I think its better off without any religion.... why bother even with 1 of those
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I cannot answer your question, as I don't have sufficient information. The only choices you gave were Hinduism and Islam. I know a lot about Christianity, a little about Islam, but nothing about the Hindu religion.
When you asked about the cause of diversity in religion, were you referring to the difference in religions or diversity within a particular religion?
@Makro74 (591)
11 Feb 10
We have to first understand what religion is. It is code of practice which adheres itself to a spiritual faith. It is often a set of traditions and practices which dictate a way of life. Usually this way of life has its ultimate destiny, a supreme being ie God.
Most religions have one thing in common, the worship and belief of One God. Mankind's religion at its very basic concept can be said to be unified at this level, unless you don't care for a religion.
Therefore, religion stems from this ultimate route, founded in various times in history by extremely devotees to the Almighty. They are excellent exemplars of that religion, to which all followers to adhere to.
But why religion, if God the worship of God is needed. This is a Benevolence of God Himself to bestow upon mankind a vehicle of religion on the road to God's Mercy. Since man is created with so many petty differences, and consumed by vices and other ills, God bestows a methodology to make it easier for man to reach Him. Man has to walk towards His creator and He comes running. Religion is therefore a mere transport, but an important part of life since it contains tools and preferences of God.
Religion however, needs to be looked at via the source at its inception, from the founders and its original scriptures - not by virtue of today's corrupt practices. Pure religion only has one basic tenet, to worship God, believe in His angels and all that He has manifested, and of course loving and merciful to others.
However, when we drive a car, we have to be on the correct side of the road and move within the rule and regulations of the highway. Similarly, religion as offered by the faith has codes of conducts of the world we live in to enable us to behave correctly in considering others.
In this respect, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses and Adam, and Abraham etc. were all similar in that they worshipped the one God to the highest level, and preached for the unity of mankind. Religion has only differed simply because of the interpretations with time of schools of though which have deviated from the true meanings of the religion and the Will of God. When we devote ourselves in the worship of God in the form that the aforementioned people did, we find that religion is one and united - if only people could ever reach that stage.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
11 Feb 10
Yes, of course. It is a great idea, which is not practical. So many people are loosing their lives everyday in the world because of religion. There are lots of terrorist activities only because of religion. It is strange that people are ready to die for their religion. The Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan would not have been such a big issue if there was only one religion.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
11 Feb 10
It would only be nice if that religion had managed to find the one and only absolute truth that there is. I think that there are so many religions because there is truth in almost every belief out there. I think that we need to find our own beliefs and ideas and not just mold ourselves to the castform of a religion. If there was only one religion I think that it would limit possibility because everyone would continue to believe the things that they are being taught.
A lot of the developments made today are from people thinking of a better way to do something or thinking that something wasn't right or could be fixed. The world is constantly evolving and our beliefs and ideas will continue to evolve with us. I don't care if we ever have a universal religion I just think that all religions should be able to be peaceful with each other and we should be able to benefit each other with our knowledge because every different kind of person research's and studies different things. If we can join together and focus our efforts on bettering humankind and the world itslef i think we could honestly make earth a lot better.
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
Human mind is the cause of religious diversity. The ability to think would never make human stay and stick to what they have already knew. A simple example would be the different sects in one religion. Why do they have that? Thinkers who had made some followers would never hesitate to be involve in exploring ideas that he think what should be aside from what was customary to common believers. Why there are many religions? Humans's beliefs are just out of their psychological need to worship a supreme one that they think would have power to give them what they are not capable of having. Its evident on prayers, chants and everything that has to do with worshiping. We ask, we give thanks, we propagate the goodness of the one called God. Everything that is beyond human capacity we attribute it to the supreme one. Its our inner longing to have someone that can be our refuge out of human ability that the concept of religion has encapsulated our mind. Why so many instead of one. Its just a simple answer to a very intricate minds of human being. Every one carries with them beliefs. With religions they can gather together to practice their same beliefs without animosities. One religion would never make world a better one. It would never be possible. Too many minds would never fit one bucket.
@venkatachary (1165)
• India
12 Feb 10
If one religion exists at least in the name of religion there will be no fighting.To some extend it will reduce tension between countries. People around the world can freely move.
@brijcrumbz (73)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
i think there is no real religion. it's just a representation of the beliefs of the human race in their faith. if you only have love then i think the world would be peaceful. that's all we need right now. It's not religion.
@Galena (9110)
10 Feb 10
I don't think it would be better at all.
if there was only one religion then a lot of people would be going against what they know in their hearts to be true.
each persons soul is their own business and their own responsibility.
if I woke up tomorrow and everyone had to follow the same religion that wouldn't stop my sincere belief in my Gods. you can't switch your beliefs on or off.
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
10 Feb 10
human can never agree to it ... when human have the thoughts tht one religion is better then another, they can never agree to this .. unless it was from the beginning ..
and the worst of all each religion, is further split into various cults/movements, and do not even believe the other cult/movement ..
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
10 Feb 10
Single religion in the world is very good for all. At least people can come out from religious conflicts. Communal riot free world we can imagine if the world is under single religion.
Main conflict and differences are caused by religion. The religion is the main cause that divided the world in piece.
Single relegion is good and it will be best if there is no religion. Religion free world will be like the heaven.
@charitylee (53)
• Taiwan
10 Feb 10
this is i ever heard befire in a small island there are three saints,they pray :GOD you 3,we 3....,but one day a missionary come to see they and suggest them to pary the right way .....such ,....such....than the missionary leve the island,suddenly he saw the 3 saints lighting shinging ,so he came back and say sorry to they,please do the same like before you do ,because you have got the light from GOD.....
@bananamen1 (442)
• Bulgaria
10 Feb 10
I don't think it'd be better. And it's just not possible. Just look at the religions - each one has so many directions. And what's responsible - human nature. We can't be so united. Maybe with the evolution one day we'll be, but for now..