How has the snow storm affected you? No mail here...
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
February 10, 2010 11:36am CST
Last Friday was the last time there was residential mail delivery in my neighborhood. I didn't know it would get this bad so I didn't mail my sons' Valentine cards the other day when we had a break in the storm. Now, if the mail doesn't come today they won't be sent out and get there on time.
While I know it won't break their hearts or anything, it's important to me that they know I think about them.
I would go mail them myself as the main streets are in fairly good shape but the snow plows have made a huge snowdrift at the end of the alley where I exit--my garage opens into the alley so I'm stuck here until it gets cleared. And the snow is about 2 feet deep outside my garage door. It's still snowing. My neighbor hired a couple of guys to shovel his drive this morning and now there's another 2-3 inches of snow, like they never touched it.
Has the storm affected you life this week or has it been just a minor problem?

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20 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Feb 10
You already know what kind of problem we've had around here, Dragon. I'd say we got at least 9 new inches of snow with this latest storm, plus we've had wind gusts up to 55 mph and it's pretty steady at 25 to 35 mph. Trees and large branches are coming down all over the place.
I wouldn't even try to get out right now, even if our driveway and private road were clear because of the threat of more trees coming down. I've already counted six trees down on our property. Once the wind calms down, I'll probably try to get out.
We have to drive to our mailbox because it's so far from our house. I'm not even going to check to see if we got mail today. I'm pretty sure we didn't. But, you know that postal service saying, "Neither rain nor sleet nor dark of night...." They don't mention anything about snow. LOL
I'm sure your sons will understand if the cards don't come in time. I know my sons would understand because they're stuck in the snow as well. I hope we can all return to normal life very quickly and that we have NO MORE SNOW for the rest of the season!
Stay warm! Stay safe!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I thank God every day that I have a warm and comfortable house, especially during this storm.
Wow, sorry about your trees!
It was really perfect a few weeks ago when it would snow enough to cover the ground then melt in the afternoon. I liked that! 

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I'm very thankful, too, that our house is sound and warm. I just hope we don't lose electricity because we have electric heat and our well pump is electric. This wind just won't let up!
It started snowing again, just a few minutes ago. Now, they're saying we could get up to 16 inches with this storm. Sigh!
The trees aren't a problem because there are so many and, so far, the ones that fell aren't very thick. They're extremely tall (some around 80 feet) but not wide, maybe six inches or so. I'll get my son to help me build a fence with them.
For now, though, I'm staying put. Guess it's time to go into hibernation, huh? 

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Not at all really.
The 35 years I've lived in Minnesota there was just once that mail was not delivered. That was on Haloween day 1991 when in a 24 hour period we got 4 feet of snow. No mail for 2 days was all. nO PUBLIC TRANSPORT FOR ONE DAY AS WELL. We are hardy people here in Minnesota and used to the snow, blizzards, and artic cold temps of 20 below zero and even colder at times.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Wow, 4 feet of snow!! We wimps in Ohio are overwhelmed with a foot of it. Stay warm!
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Minnesota has very cold winters, same in Illinois. It starts in Minnesota and is drifting over to Chicago. I was late for work over one hour...

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Feb 10
The only thing on the roads that day were skiers and snowmobiles.
I loved it.
as always......
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
10 Feb 10
We have about 8 inches. School is closed. My son is out trying to make money shoveling, but I am sure alot will turn him down, as the wind is blowing. We have quite a bit of snow in the driveway. I would say there is one 3 foot drift. Guess what my son will be doing later.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Poor kid! Working all day to make some money then coming home and laboring for free!
Well, we all went through that, it's what families do-work together and help with the chores.
I just had a couple of girls come and ask to shovel my walk but had to turn them down. It's just not in the budget this month! I'll go out and do it myself a little later, I don't want the mail lady to slip--if she shows up at all today, which I hope. That's a job I would not want!

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I got about 10 inches the other day and schools were opened etc. Traffic was a mess to say the least but otherwise it was good. Here in Minnesota we are a very hardy people. We can handle the snow and frigid temps. Hee hee! I love it.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
10 Feb 10
We have a lot...maybe more than 2 feet, I am so tired driving this morning, I couldn't move my car. Snow creates huge problem, but at least my town cleans it very fast. The sidewalk is mine to clean...

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I would have thought you'd have a LOT of snow way before now! Maybe you'll have a mild winter, I bet that would be nice.
@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Well it look like here in New York we are going to have close to a foot of snow, if not more, for me it hasn't been a mayor problem, because I can work from home, so I stayed home working, but my car is park in the street, and I am going to have to unburied it from the snow, and I am a tiny woman, I am going to be shoveling snow forever. My boyfriend is out of stay for school purposes, so I will be shoveling snow tomorrow by myself. Other of the things that I really hate about this storm is that you can't go outside because it is miserable.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I know how that is to have to do difficult things by yourself. Take it easy, take your time and don't stress. We got 17" here in Ohio, I'm very blessed to have a garage! I've seen those that have to park on the street dig their cars out and helped a couple of them today--hard work!!
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
11 Feb 10
The last two storms have missed our part of the state. It is cold, though and that is makes me feel really down. My foot hurts when it is cold, and I have not tried on a real shoe yet.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I'm so sorry you're in pain. My feet have a lot of problems and I know what a horrible impact that makes on your day.
I'm glad you missed the storm! It's absolutely gorgeous but I don't like the disruption in services when it comes to getting mail to my sons. I will probably end up sending them e-cards. The mail didn't come today, either. So much for the postal service vow of going through rain and dark of night, etc.! 

@thebeave (31)
• United States
11 Feb 10
We got quite a bit of snow here in central Michigan. The plows still have not come down my road yet but I'm used to it, It'll be about 3 days and by then everyone who owns a truck with a plow on front pretty much has the road plowed. The schools were called off Wednesday but no businesses shut down, I guess it's just something we are used to. I drove to work Tuesday night right in the middle of the storm and I made it, I just had to give myself extra time. It's inconvienent but it's definately life in these states. I was born and raised in Michigan and I'm not going to let a little snow make me leave.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I lived in the Southwest for so long that this is still new to me, even though I was raised here. It takes some getting used to. My ex inlaws live in Michigan and when they could, they used to go to Florida for most of the winter.
@GreenMoo (11833)
17 Feb 10
We haven´t had it as bad as you, no way! But the snow was pretty heavy earlier in the week and casued us a few problems. It took us about 45 minutes to get our car out of the drive, but we managed to get to the farm OK to feed the animals. I could have walked, but it´s school holidays just now and I didn´t fancy walking with the smallest in tow. It would have taken me hours and he´d have gotten really cold.
Anyway, when we finally made it down there we discovered that the winds that went with the snow storm had blown in some of our temporary windows on the house and the snow was inside. It was all over the untreated beams which is a disaster. It will take weeks, even months, for them to dry out, and we can´t treat them till they are dry. And of course, we can´t use them until they are treated. This is a real set back to our plans, as we were due to be meeting the wood treatment salesman that day (he cancelled due to the snow!), getting them treated, then getting the floors installed over the next week or two.
We ended up being stuck there for hours whilst we made and installed new temporary windows. Naturally, it was the ones right at the top which had blown in so we had to erect scaffolding to get up there and all the scraps of wood we needed were buried in the snow outside. Thankfully we have a gas heater in the workshop which little one played infront of with a pile of Daddy´s hammers and nails and scraps of wood, but we were really really cold by the time we got away.
The snow has melted again now which is great. I can´t see why people like snow so much myself! Yes it looks wonderful before it gets walked on, but then it´s just disruptive and dangerous.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
17 Feb 10
So sorry that it caused so much trouble! I love the snow but like it best when it snows one day, is beautiful, then stops at 1-2" and melts the next day. The jetstreams are causing havoc this year. Stay warm and safe! I hope you can get your work on the house done this spring and summer.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Hi, dragon54u. I can say that there has been no snow where I live at. No snow, at all. We were told that we would be getting some. But, there has not been an inch. I did see some sleet last week on the cars outside. But I waited for it to snow after that and it never did. The only thing that we had here lately is cold weather in the 30s and the 40s. We had rain off and on too. We never seem to get any snow that lasts for a very long time. If we get any snow, it will be here today then melt by tomorrow. I was surprised that we did not have snow for Christmas.
Because we usually do. I hope that the snow will go away so that you all can live peacefully without it. I hope that you are able to somehow get your Valentine's Day cards mailed out to your son's. Stay safe and stay warm!

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I'm going to try to mail my cards today. I like it when it snows one day and then melts. You get the beauty of the snow without all the trouble!
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
11 Feb 10
yeah we got the storm too, and no mail at all. we have our mailboxes at the end of our court and there is no way the mail man can even get to it because the plowed snow right in front of them,
but we also had to clear our roofs off of snow because its been leaking inside of the house.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Yikes! Sounds as if you're going to have to call a roofing company to inspect that roof, you could get a lot of damage from water. Good luck!
@coffeegurl (1467)
• United States
11 Feb 10
well obviously the
has not bothered this Florida chic. However,it did get down to freezing in Florida. Like in the 20's. One day it was nice, the next day my tootsies were cold even in my slippers. I couldn't deal with no mail. One of my employers refuses direct deposit and pays me with a check in the mail.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I have family living in Florida and they were astonished at how cold it got a couple of weeks ago! The weather has certainly been odd in the past year.
There was a mail delivery this morning but I didn't have my cards out. Now I have to brave the snowy streets and go to the post office. I'm glad it's only a mile away.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
In my country we can only wish for snow since we don't have it here. The weather here is just great. Lots of sunshine, no storms coming. Perfect to spend a day in the beach. But i'm really hoping to experience snow in the future but not as bad as what you are describing now.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
All winter we have had snow but it usually fell in late afternoon and in the morning it was beautiful only to mostly melt in the afternoon--that was ideal!! Now we have the snowstorm and I feel awful griping about it. I was born here in the Midwest section of the United States and always loved it but spent 28 years in the desert part of my country. I could not wait to get back home!! I should not be complaining about the snow as I missed it so much those years. But I'm upset that my sons won't get their cards on time.
You would like the snow! But I would really like your beaches right now, too! 

@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
Well maybe just once, just to fulfill a childhood dream of playing and making a snowman. But not to spend an entire winter really. I think that would be a nightmare. I already hate getting something from the freezer how much more if get to live in a freezer for an entire winter
. But i hope you get to send your cards just in time but as they say "better late than never". Cheers!

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Hi there, welcome to myLot! You'll have fun here and meet a lot of interesting people from all over the world. I've been here 2 years. Try to make your responses 2 to four sentences so you get credit for them and earn money. Read the rules carefully, there are a lot of things to remember but you'll get used to it.
I hope you enjoy the site!
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Well we don't get a lot of mail here so I'm not sure if mail delievery has been interrupted or not. However, the major problem here is that our roads have not been plowed or salted. They plowed once and that was just to make it a bit passable and that is it. It's hard to get in and out and it's pretty much a constant battle of sliding all over the place to do anything. I'm annoyed. Actually I'm far more annoyed because even with it being relatively nice out, it's hard to get anywhere. I don't want to drive anywhere because I'm afraid I'll slide into someone else. However I still got to go to work.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
They only take care of the main roads here, even though it's a small city. They'll salt the intersections but the rest of the neighborhood is on its own! That's why I haven't been to the post office to mail my cards. A plow finally went through today but I'm sure it made the drift at the end of the alley worse.
Stay warm and safe!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Feb 10
hi dragon54u oh my I am smiling as I live in southerm california where the only snow here is on MtBaldy. we were out shopping this morning and marveled at how pretty MtBaldy looked all covered with snow. She is about forty miles from here on the roads ,and maybe twenty five as the crow flies.We have had some humongous rain storms here however along with bizarre thunderstorms and hailstorms,unusual for this area. Sorry about all your snows, I grew up in snow country,South Dakota so I know a lot about snow drifts, blizzards and cold, cold weather.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Ya know, I'm thinking that when this house gets to be too much for me I could be happy someplace with a VIEW of snow instead of snow outside my front door! Although my neighbor does our walks with his snow blower, doing the steps and stuff is pretty hard for me. As is not being able to get or send mail from my house! I wouldn't want to live in California but I'm looking for someplace with 4 distinct seasons, changing leaves on the trees but snow at a distance within sight!
I'm glad you're warm and safe!
@Allie_xoxo (1063)
• Canada
10 Feb 10
Im from Canada so we only got brushed lightly by these storms. (this time...) I have been personally affected in an indirect way. I am taking an online class, the instructor is from florida and we were told she got delayed while travelling...I bet I know where.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Online classes are cool, eh? I took a lot of online classes and really enjoyed them! I hope you have a really nice winter with a minimum of trouble!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Well I'm glad she finally got there!
I didn't really care for Florida, I lived there a couple of years both north and south. Roaches freak me out and they're everywhere down there--even in the mansions of Palm Beach. I don't like the dampness but I do love the ocean even though I won't swim in it. My sister took me snorkeling in a bay and it was absolutely wonderful! I would miss the 4 seasons, too. The people in Florida are nice, I did enjoy the hospitality.
@CHumphreys (34)
• United States
10 Feb 10
For the past several years we have had fairly mild weather every winter, but this year has been totally the opposite. We have had a couple feet of snow overall this season which never has accumulated to too much, but it is aggervating for a couple of days. The schools have been out so much they are planning on making up classes into the summer break. As far as the mail, electricity, and water, we have been lucky. I can't wait for summer, I'm frankly sick of the snow.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I'm rather sick of it, too. I just heard on the radio that my county has 17" of snow! That's a bit much. Spring is right around the corner, though, so take heart! 

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