Could you be friends with an atheist?
By ronnyb
@ronnyb (6113)
February 10, 2010 1:38pm CST
Especially when you are a firm believer .Believe me I dont descriminate against people based on their beliefs but I would have trouble being friends(and I am talking close friends) as least I may be uncomfortable.
Mind you I dont know any atheists and I am not saying that there arent good people ,all I am saying I might have a problem being too close woth such a person based on such a deep philosophical principle.I mean this is not like a difference in what type of soaps you use for your laundry or even diffrerences political ideology .
Now that I am thinking about it though maybe those are the people that one should be friedns with in a hope that you can hopefully rub off in a positive way in the same way Jesus hung around sinners,but what do I know,just stating it the way I feel it now.
So are you friends with any atheists and how has that interaction been going? Do you ust accpet the persons beliefs or are there many passionate discussions on the subject of a God?Am I overreacting about Atheism and its just another beliefs system .
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62 responses
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
10 Feb 10
Hello, Ronny. I make friends with people I like and who I connect with. I'm a Christian myself, but I wouldn't care if my friend was a pagan who danced naked in the woods at the solstice, as long as the person concerned was a decent human being.
I have known Christians who were totally unChristian in their actions and words, and I've known atheists who were the kindest, most considerate people you could wish to meet. I base my friendships - especially close friendships - on people, not beliefs.
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@sheetalnr (586)
• India
14 Feb 10
Y not. I mean, it is the other persons belief to not believe in God. That's his choice and i respect his views. Everybody has a right to his own opinion.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I could be friends with an atheist. I don't have to agree with a person's religious views to go out and have fun with them, nor do I have to agree with their religious views to sit and talk to them...
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@AllenWiggs (404)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I am friends with a few Atheists, several Agnostics (fence sitters), plus people who have various beliefs in actual faiths. And I don't see what the issue is, though then again, I am one of those Godless Atheists you speak of.
I've also had deep theological conversations with many people of various religious beliefs, a large number of them being with very committed Christians. And I have honestly concluded that those who truly believe in their faith are willing to talk about it, are willing to deal with people questioning it and even pointing out flaws they find in the religion and as long as you treat them with respect, they too shall do the same. It is those who are close minded and follow their beliefs with blind loyalty or out of fear, that lash out at those who ask questions and hold different beliefs then they do.
As for your final question, it's not really a belief system as there's nothing to believe in, and there surely isn't any system to speak of. Also being an Atheist doesn't mean that they hold no morals at all, as morals and principles on how to act and treat others are not dictated or mandated by your religion. They are instilled in you by family, friends, and just your own thoughts. I mean let us not forget that Hitler was raised as a Roman Catholic, his religion didn't make him a good man, nor did it make him a bad man either, it was his actions and morals he decided upon that made him what he was and go on to order genocide.
@kaylayoe (293)
• United States
10 Feb 10
In my opinion I don't think you should base your friendships off of religion. You wouldn't disown your child if they had different beliefs then you. At least I wouldn't. I suppose your viewpoint may be different then mine because I may not be as religious as you. My friends and I don't discuss our religion but if they believe in something different I'm going to support them.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
10 Feb 10
Good point ,I wouldnt disown a child if they had different views but then that I blood.I dont know I am just asking and talking based on how I feel .Oh and I am not that religious just believes in a supreme being .I am thinking that if we became friends before I knew their religious beliefs then I dont think I would disown them but I am not sure if I would go out in search of a friends with these views
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
11 Feb 10
Agaiin I see where you are coming from.Religion is very important and so is friednship and as such you will have to be carefull with whom you befriend because soem persons are bad ,they are your friends but they are just bad and can influence you in a negative way.Personally I liek friends who share a certain common interests with me but that too is just me lol.Thank you for joining the discussion

@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I am close friends with a number of Athiests. I'm also close friends with a number of Christians. I accept their ways, they accept mine.
Trying to be friends with someone because you hope to convert them to your religion is fundamentally dishonest (not to mention a contradiction in terms), and I recommend you skip it. If you can't be friends with someone simply because you have deep philosophical or religious differences, your time is better spent correcting that flaw to your own character. In Christian terms, Jesus called this removing the beam in your eye before trying to remove the mote from your brother's.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Feb 10
I have a friend who has no time for religion. However she keeps saying she has no time for it and rubbishes people that do and I find that tedious. I do have time for it and I have my own beliefs and thoughts and feelings on the subject but how can I tell her that when she's so busy rubbishing the whole religion thing? This lady is gay and she also talks about her life as though I share her interest or at least as if I have only positive, interested thoughts on the subject myself. I have no problem having a gay friend but I don't want to hear about it all the time ...I'm hetero and I don't talk about that every 5 minutes. I like to think I'm tolerant of friends who are different...lets face it, we are all different but this lady makes it difficult for me to be tolerant.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
10 Feb 10
I'm friends with plenty of atheists, personally. Granted, I'm also friends with people from many different religious beliefs and walks of life.
Most of the time, such things don't really come up in everyday conversation. If they do, it's in a very casual way: "What did you do on (insert holiday here)?" "Oh, I don't really celebrate that because it's not my belief." "Oh, all right then. Did you have a good day anyway?"
Honestly, unless you're going around preaching all the time, most atheists aren't going to bring up their lack of belief or your belief unless you do. It's even possible that you do know people that are atheists and don't even know it!
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
18 Feb 10
Honestly, the atheists I know do not like for you to force your god upon them. As I find them as some of the firm believers of free belief. Plus, you should not think they are as hardcore as you do as they are just like you and I who choose certain beliefs and thoughts. Thus, I find them some of the most open-minded people to talk just about anything but god. 

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
I believe that everyone we meet in our life is here to teach us something. I have my own beliefs and I would welcome a good friendship with anyone regardless of their beliefs or whether they have any! I do have one friend who claims to be an atheist. It came up in conversation once and she casually mentioned. I was surprised although I didn’t display it. We talked about for a bit and I learned about another side of her I didn’t know and you know what? She is still a dear and close friend and always will be!
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Mar 10
Thank you for your answer.I am not surprised that you wouldnt turn someone away because of their beliefs because I know that is your personality and I may not turn them away too but I would feel really funny around such a person and as such that is why I would probably avoid them .Have a great day Paula
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@Galena (9110)
12 Feb 10
I like to talk about religion with my friends of different religions.
it's interesting, and we all respect each other and don't try to change each other, just learn about each other.
so you can be friends with people of different religions without ignoring that difference
@k15682 (300)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Let me tell you a story...I recently found an old high school friend on facebook. We were best friends in HS and hadn't spoken for 30 years! Since finding her the phone calls were many and the walk down memory lane amazing. About a month after finding her she found out I was not all that fond of God or religion and informed me her "only true friend was God" and hasn't spoken to me since.
Any wonder why I'm not a big fan of God or religion? Why must there be any discussion about beliefs?
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
12 Feb 10
Wow I understand where you are coming from but alos understand her point of view .Christians believe supremely in God and that is the major force in their lives and maybe God saved her life so she feels uncomfortable with the fact that you are an agnostic,maybe she could have dealt with it another way but she felt that was the only way lest she lost her own religion and go back to a life she doesnt want ..Sorry to hear about the loss of your childhood friend
@k15682 (300)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Ronny, I have to say that if her faith is so weak that being a friend with a nonbeliever might cause her to go back to a life she doesnt want....that's her problem she needs to work on. And I don't consider losing her as a friend much of a loss, intolerance is ugly in any form.
@dolphinlady128 (72)
• Australia
1 Mar 10
I think Atheist is some sort of a belief system.. or a non belief system we should say ? :) I dont discriminate against them, it is their own personal choice whether to belief or not :)
I have to say it might be hard for me to be close friends with atheist though because I am an active catholic so my life revolves around that, my action, my talks and my reason for doing things will revolve around my faith.
But, I dont think there would be problems with being just normal friends with an atheist, we can all respect each others :) I do love a passionate discussion on the subject though, as long as it is a discussion not a fight :) haha
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
16 Feb 10
I can be friends with anyone that I want, from a total atheist, to the most reliious person in the world. I don't think that religion should define a friendship. I do not wear my religion on my sleeve, and I do not drip it all over everyone else. As long as the atheist doesn't try and make an atheist out of me, there's no problem.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
12 Feb 10
i can accept anybody's beliefs..or disbeliefs as the case may be as long as they neither force theirs upon me or criticize my of my uncles was atheist and i had no problem with it,that's his peace to make with himself.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Of course. Why not? Many of my friends are of a different religion then I and that makes no difference. A persons religion or lack of is a very private and personal thing. I would really resent any one judging me on my religion so there for I would never ask a person what they believe or not believe. I have been reading your letter and I think maybe you should look at your self. I would like to know who do you think you are, judging another person for any reason? Never mind religion. If you so religious then maybe you have heard "judge not lest you be judged"?
@Picquarian (724)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I have friends that are atheists. We have an understanding that we do not discuss religion. That brings up too much controversy and arguments.
@venkatachary (1165)
• India
12 Feb 10
Friends do not have any sentiments with the belief. It is like minded people in some of their thinking.So, I do not find any hindrance to make friends with atheist. But both can share their own views on many matters.