How do you get rid of a lisps?

United States
February 10, 2010 9:56pm CST
I enjoy to sing and play music, but recently when I started to record just for fun, I've noticed that I have a lisps. It's kind of hard to tell, when I'm talking but the the mic can pick it up. I was wondering on how to get rid of it, or at least make it less noticeable. My theory is to read more and maybe read aloud(?). But please leave your advice.
1 response
11 Feb 10
People can learn to speak without a lisp if they practice talking like someone they know in person or someone on TV who does not have a lisp. This way they will be able to control it.
• United States
11 Feb 10
As in copy their voice? And will my theory work?
11 Feb 10
I think if you experimented with different tones you would start to see a change, try someone famous who's voice you like the sound of and see if you can sound a little like them.