Potty Training Advice Needed
By teamrose
@teamrose (1492)
United States
February 11, 2010 2:37am CST
My 3 year old niece is about 80% potty trained. She goes on the potty all day while at daycare but the minute she's home, she starts to wet her pants. Her mom has tried everything she can to stop this. They've tried scolding, time out, saying nothing, taking her to the bathroom every hour or two, trying to get her to talk about it (which she wont). They had to put the pull up back on her which she hasn't worn in a while because they are simply tired of her wetting the furniture.
She does go to the potty sometimes. The ratio is like 30% potty and 70% wet herself.
They've even invested in a neat potty seat from Fisher-Price, (see picture). Nothing works.
What works for you parents out there?

2 responses
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I have a lot of experience potty training because I used to work in a 2 year old classroom for several years and I've potty trained a lot of children. My son began potty training at 18 months and now about 5 months later we only wear diapers at bed time with only occasional accidents. The good news is if your child is smart enough to go and hide the fact that they are peeing in their pants then they know they should not be doing it. That is actually a sing they are ready to start potty training.
It's really important that you and anyone else who watches your child do the same techniques so he does not get confused. Constancy is VERY important.
First you are going to need lots of training underwear and pants. Be Prepared for accidents. Start by explaining to him that he is a big boy now and get him really excited about his big boy underwear. Make a big deal about it. All the adults should make a big deal about their underwear too. It helps him want to be wearing underwear like all the big boys and girls. Tell him that diapers are for babies and he is not a baby anymore. I remind my son of the above often. I always ask him do we Pee pee in our big boy underwear and he says "No Way". Also use the example of other big kids and adults. I always say "You go potty just like Daddy, Daddy never pee's in his big boy underwear" or "soon you will never need diapers like your cousin Jackson He's a big boy". Also it is weird but it does help when he see's that you also use the potty.
When you make the commitment to potty training there should be no more diapers or pull ups unless he is sleeping. If we are going out for a while I put a diaper on Jameson but I tell him it is just in case he has an accident not to pee pee in them we will go to the potty when we are out. It's good for them to see that their is a potty every where you go so there is no reason to have accidents. Just be prepared for the accidents.
Start by taking him to his potty every 20 minutes. Set a clock. I use a watch that beeps so no matter where we are we hear it. Whenever the clock goes off you can make it fun by singing a song and doing a dance. I sing "Tick tock, tick tock I just heard the potty clock" Then take him to the potty and tell him to push out his poopies and pee pee's. At first he might not know how to make him self go but set him up for success by giving him plenty of liquids. When he goes every 20 minutes he will learn what an empty and a full bladder feels like and so he will know when he has to go in the future. I tell my son if he has to go potty again before the clock goes off he should tell me and we can go early or he should hold it in.
You'll defiantly need a potty chart. If he goes pee pee give him on sticker and one M&M. If he goes Poopie give him 2 stickers and 2 M&M's. When he fills the chart give him another reward. We always give him one of my husbands old toys and say it is a big boy toy because he is a big boy now. When he does go potty sing and dance and celebrate it each time. Clap and cheer it is a big accomplishment. Make sure to tell him how proud you are of him. Also have him show off his potty chart to people and make sure they praise it and make a big deal about it. Jameson has to show his daddy as soon as he gets home from work and during the day I say wow I can't wait to show Daddy how many times you went potty. He is going to be sooo proud. That will encourage him to keep up the good work. If he does not go potty that's okay just say good try.
Reset the clock and repeat every 20 mins no matter what, even when you are out. One of the Hardest parts for the kids when they potty train is not wanting to stop the fun they are having to go to the potty. Going every 20 mins when the clock dings will teach him that being a big boy means having to stop playing to take care of business.
If he has an accident which he will. Don't scold him just say something like "oh no you should have went in the potty". Make him take off his wet pants and underwear. He should do as much of the work as he can. Say if you had gone in the potty we could be playing instead of having to change our pants. The inconvenience and the uncomfortable feeling will help him to realize going potty is much faster then having to have a diaper or pants changed. Sometimes when he does go potty say that was so much faster then having to clean up after an accident. When he is being cleaned up from an accident I always try to say "it would have been so much faster if you had just went potty instead of going in your pants".
They say after 7 days they should not be having accidents but having worked with so many different kids that's not true. Some are faster some are slower. It is annoying to have to go to the bathroom every 20 mins but every time he goes to the potty that is one less diaper you have to change. Plus it will help him learn how to release and hold his pee and poo.
Once he is having no accidents you can go to every 30 minutes and once he is more comfortable and independent with the potty process you'll be able to just tell him to go try to go potty. He'll be able to do it all by himself sooner then you think.
I hope that makes sense. Any questions you can always ask me. It is hard work for everyone involved but it is really great to see how proud they are of being a big boy or girl and using the potty.
Good Luck
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I think there must be deeper issues here. If she uses the potty in daycare but not at home, she may be asserting herself by wetting her pants. There are control issues here and she appears to be manipulating her parents. Does she get enough attention at home? Sometimes children who don't get much attention will do anything to get it. Maybe she has more choices in daycare and the home environment is very rigid?