When should parents stop?

United States
February 11, 2010 11:17am CST
So, I have a question..Parents are suppose to take care of their children and show them the right path but until when? Some kids are forced to get a job when they are a teenager to help out in the house or simply because of their work ethic. Other kids have parents that are well off and will never work until after college. In my opinion there are some parents who just overdue it by babying their child until they are 30. I know some young adults who are only required to go to class (college) and they will have the apartment, car, gas, etc paid for. But as the parent obviously you want to see your child succeed but by doing everything for them all the time is that necessarily going to show them how to progress in life. Those are the same young adults that don't know how to budget money and when they get their first credit card they max it out and their mom and dad always bail them out. So what is your opinion?
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15 responses
• United States
11 Feb 10
Different kids will grow up at different rates and parents have different ideas about when the kid should be completely on their own. Some parents will kick their kids out of the house as soon as they turn 18. Some parents will allow their children to live with them while they go to college. There's no really set place where a kid should be completely on their own, but I believe past 18 they should be making their own financial decisions, and should be completely on their own around 22-25.
• United States
11 Feb 10
I completely agree with you. Right after high school they should start understanding financial decisions and responsibility. I mean I know people who moved out when they were 18 and moved back in when they were 20 because things got hard for them but at least they tried..
• United States
11 Feb 10
I don't think it's always possible for a kid to be able to be fully on their own at 18. Most kids can only get jobs that pay minimum wage, and it's not possible to live on minimum wage comfortably without going into debt. Some kids can accelerate in the work-field fast, but most can't. Once they have a degree, they should get a suitable job. Once they have a suitable job, they should be moving out. That's the way I see it. But at 18, and even before 18, they should be learning about how to make their own good financial decisions.
• United States
13 Feb 10
I understand what you mean but at least with minimum wage they can learn that money doesn't grow trees and learn how to save and buy things they really want. I am not saying to move out at age 18 but at least your working.
@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Hi Flirtykumquat, Too funny, I'm guilty of this to a certain extent. But I gotta tell you, those same kids your talking about are and will be our future politians! I work for a non-profit government agency, 15 years now, and although we or rather the higher ups make the choices for Summer Youth (little) counselors...instead of getting kids from the community colleges, they get the spoiled brats from very uppitty schools...kids that really don't need the 10-15 $ an hour job! It's a shame. Sorry I went off but it really ticks me off to see the injustices that exist. Getting back to your comment, I must be totally honest, if I had the $$$ I would give my girls whatever they needed or wanted at the same time teach them to be generous,kind-hearted...and also, of course, get a job! ~G~
@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
14 Feb 10
Amen, you are soooooooooooo right!! Mostly all the Summer Youth Counselors we get each year are somehow related or associated with people like the Freeholders, or judges, lawyers and the like...UGH...it makes me sick because this program is supposed to be for the poor not for the rich!! And if they did a good job I would say it but most only want to either sleep or make rubber band balls or play with paperclips!! They really don't want to work, I believe they are made to work by their elder counterparts! Many times I have to bite my tongue because I want to express how I feel but I know that could cost me my job:-( But thank you for letting me vent here! ~G~
• United States
13 Feb 10
Those kids that are becoming politicians are the same ones who don't know how anything works because they get a hand out in life. Some kids don't even need to have experience to work because their mom or dad knows someone in corporate america where they end up getting a job
@thebeave (31)
• United States
12 Feb 10
My children will be required to get a job if they want a car and will have to learn the value of money in their teenage years. At the same time, I definately will not kick them out of my house when they turn 18 and I will always be there for them financially and so much more, I don't care if they are 40. If my son or daughter comes to me needing a place to stay or some money for a legitimate reason I won't even thing twice. They're my kids, thats what I'm here for.
• United States
13 Feb 10
You justified your answer. If they are 40yrs old and need something for a legitimate reason don't think twice. But if I told you that I maxed out my credit card shopping I don't think you should bail me out. Now if I maxed out my credit card on paying bills and grocery shopping that is a different situation.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I agree with what you've said here, but also know that it's unfair to judge them because I'm not walking in their shoes. I never felt I owed my children a college education. By the age of 14 they knew if they wanted to continue on or even if they didn't, encouraged them to get part time jobs so they did have the experience of the working world and managing their own money. Some of them were romanced by the idea of that first pay check and didn't think college was neccessary; however, when starting showing them what things cost they got grew up pretty quick. I think that parenting has to be each person's own style. I agree with what you said here and raised my children differently then some do, but I don't think it makes any one person a better parent over the other. Just a difference in the way you do it that's all.
• United States
12 Feb 10
Well then it still falls on the parents shoulders. I don't see why any person that is out of highschool still needs to live at home. I moved out when I was 18 as did all my children. Some parents are very different here, but I don't think any child should be living at home if they are able to work for themselves. That is why i'm happy to say all my older children went to college. I take a lot of pride in the fact that they are self supporting. To me, that makes them a productive adult.
• United States
11 Feb 10
I understand completely what you mean. At the end of the day the parent can only do so much. If the child doesn't want to pursue college and just work that is their choice. But then again it shouldn't be correct that you have a child living with you until they are 25 not working, not going to college and just being a bum and taking care of them. They need to learn that someone might not be there all the time for them and how life really works.
@slbwyc (63)
• Singapore
12 Feb 10
once you are the parents of someone, always you are the parents of them. it is an unstoppable task as long as they love their children. it is not the question that when parents should stop as they keep offer the great love. instead we should think about when the children can be mature and independant. therefore they may be able to take care of their parent. there is no way to stop one's love
• United States
13 Feb 10
Love seems to get misrepresented a lot. I understand that once you are a parent you always are..
@lhadie (32)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
As a teenager, I think parents should continually support their children as long as they are alive, that's the role of every parent, to support. But in terms of financial and other aspect, they can stop with it as long as they see that their child or children can stand on their own.But of course those children can't stand and survive if in the first place they are not taught how to do it. Parents must teach their children, slowly, on how to do things independently, they must also give freedom but instill the value of liability or being responsible of ones action.
• United States
13 Feb 10
I agree. Not everyone will succeed the first time of around and that first time the child needs to learn what they did wrong, not run to their parents to get bailed out. I think it depends to a certain extent how long the parent should support their child because at some point the child will have to support the parent because of old age or something..
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Hi flirty, maybe being poor had it's blessings. I was never able to spoil my girls like that but as a parent I wanted to. The rule in our house was that as long as you are in school, you can live here rent-free. That did not mean I'd supply them with all the luxeries they wanted. I could not afford to pay for college so that would mean scholorships and student loans which if they wanted it bad enough they'd go for it. I also believe that as a parent it is my job to teach them to be as independent as possible. Three of my girls are grown and yes, I do help out at times but they are all hard working and good people. I do not do everything for them or even close.
@Allie_xoxo (1063)
• Canada
11 Feb 10
This is an important matter, and if dealt with incorrectly could put strain on the relationship between the parties. Kids are all different and they and their parents need to work together to come up with a growing-up situation that works for everyone.
• United States
11 Feb 10
Some grow up faster than others and some never grow up that seems to be the problem
• China
12 Feb 10
Hi, my parents were taking care of me until I finished my collage, it means they taken care of me about 24 years, I know this maybe too long, but almost all my classmates are same as me, when we were graduated from collage, we had a job, then parents stop give us money, we can take care of ourselves.
• United States
13 Feb 10
I think it depends on how you were taken care of. If you went off to college you could show your parents that you are learning by taking care of your studies as well as getting a part time job. At least you are learning and have some work ethic. College will better your life in the end so you will have a career and now that you can take care of yourself it all worked out!
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
12 Feb 10
Some people get all the breaks. I never got trained to budget, or bailed out of anything. I grew up, then got out, and have been pretty left to figure it out since, been a trip. Learning to budget now, getting ahead in life(almost) even teaching my parents a little about it, not that they listen yet. I appreciate you.
• United States
13 Feb 10
Some people get all the help in the world who don't need it. And the people who actually struggle to try to make never get any help it seems..
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
11 Feb 10
A parent is suppose to help to get their children to be law abiding citizens. They should not be doing and giving everything to their children till they are 30. That will make their children very unstable mentally and non productive adults. They will depend on their parents forever. Parents are suppose to teach them how to grow up to be on their own, living a life for themselves. Once a parent gives a child everything they will except it forever. That is why my girls heard the word "No" alot. I was not going to give them every little thing that they wanted. They have to learn responsibilities at a young age by doing chores. I had a paper route as young as 12 years old. It made me responsible and earning my own money early. Not depending on my parents for everything.
• United States
13 Feb 10
I very much so agree with you. I don't know why some parents think by saying "no" that they are a bad parent. Once someone always gets what they want they will always expect it and never do anything for themselves. It is the parents duties to teach children what life is really about once they become an adult. I started working at 16 and when I went shopping I could splurge and my most of my friends barely had any money and was jealous of me. I never say don't help the children but you got to show them how to be responsible.!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
I am also a parent. And as a mother,i will be very thankful to had my kids with me,living with me until they want to settle down. I give my kids their freedom to choose and do things by their own. But forcing them to work at an early age is not my idea. I maybe consider them mature enough to work and live by themselves when they reach the age of maturity which i personally think is 20. By that time,i guess they were emotionally prepared to face life of their own. It doesn't mean that i will leave them..i will always be by their side..to guide and care for them. A mother never thinks her child as matured...but,her child will always remain her baby even of they're already married and had their own kids.
• United States
11 Feb 10
I am not saying to force them to work. If you are financially able to provide for them until the age of 20 okay. But at least have them get a summer job or something. It is the same when you train kids young to do chores and give them allowance. Show them how it is to go to work on time, budget money, etc. I understand that each parent will always think of their child as a kid but they need to grow up!
@divalounger (6182)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I think this is always a difficult issue for parents. As parents, we want our children to grow up to be self-sufficient. The question is how do we get them to that spot. Part of the answer will be dictated by the resources that the parents have. The more the resources, the more tied to the apron strings the children usually are. But the question of how to launch a child into the world is a complicated one. And perhaps there is some bailing out that has to occur instead of throwing them to the wolves so to speak. But in general, I think that young adults should work regardless of the resources that the parents may have. A strong work ethic is necessary in this society to succeed. Just my 2 cents.
• United States
11 Feb 10
A strong work ethic is necessary and a lot of young adults do not have that at all. I never tell anyone how to raise their kids but there are some things that parents do that I just don't understand..
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
11 Feb 10
moderation is the best. it is better for parents when her child is still young to try make him understand the idea of work. and after he grow up and become teenager let him work in summer jobs and not force him. and after he passes the teenage period talk to him that he must look for job to live and make familly
• United States
11 Feb 10
I agree. I mean I grew up wanting to work because I wanted my own money. It is hard to see that some kids actually think that life is easy and they can just get a job whenever they want and the responsibility of finding a home and paying bills is a shock to them
@summer77 (414)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I believe that parents will always be there to guide their children. That's their role. It's like when you are going to travel to somewhere, the parents would likely to give you the road map to guide you and everything that will help you in the journey but the ride is always yours. You drive your way to your destination. As for I can consider that I grow up depending to my parents, though not all. I sometimes think that, I wish I didn't and I was more of independent. In Philippines we have this custom, mostly of the children depends to their parents until they graduated or got a job but there are also those even they have job they still live with their parents. This idea is a bit okay to me unless you aren't so dependent about everything. I know a very rich classmate. she got a nanny even until now and that nanny of her follows her almost everywhere, she has a secretary, and she got around 6 credit cards in all. She is so damn lucky to have a wealthy parents. i remember during an exposure in a hospital her nanny was with her and she was late that time. Her anny was the one who take on her hospital gown and put her cap. And someone blab, since she's that popular(LOL), there was a time when she was eating her nanny would even ask her if she still want to eat this and that and then her nanny would give her. Imagine she was around 19 years old that time and until now. She's like a princess. But i don't think this is a proper way to raise a child. I'm not in the position to judge the parents but again, you are supposed to teach your child about life and she's so too far about the reality of life. To think of it, yes I say she has a good life but even if I were in her position, I wouldn't let anyone treat me like that like a princess. i would also prefer to be reserve and not bold. And then there were these 2 classmates of mine who are rich too but they would even ride in public vehicle or walk through their apartment. so reserve. I think I have said a lot. LOL =D