Is Marriage Dreaded?

February 12, 2010 12:57am CST
If the wedding day is such a blissful experience, why do the newlyweds-to-be spend separate nights out with 'boys only' or 'girls only' and have the time of their lives before the d-day, with lots of tears (alleged 'happy') in the girls-only group? Is there a notion of dread???
2 responses
• United States
13 Feb 10
I will never get married not because I Dread the expensive party where everyone drinks and eats at your expense (although it does not sound fun to me) Mainly I will not marry because I do not really believe in the Christian Ideals that come with it. I have been proposed to twice(when I was Very Young)and I have been with my current Boyfriend for 8 years, so It definitely was not the notion of not being able to find the right one I just have no desire to stand in front of all of my friends and Swear my undying love for someone cause chances are (statistically speaking) you are lying and one thing I don't do is Lie.
• Kenya
16 Feb 10
Well, well... does it mean that you don't have 'undying' love for your boyfriend? Why do we mostly like using figures and statistics when giving opinions even concerning emotions? your comments also makes me ask; does love die somewhere along the path of life or marriage? Or do you just get into a routine and settle for less as a compromise?
• United States
12 Feb 10
Hmm...well, ever since I met my husband I've never wanted a girl's only night. He tends to be all I want day after day. Whenever I'm with friends or even family and he's not there I find myself wanting to get home to him ASAP. Our wedding was just the two of us...I wanted no friends or family there because I didn't feel they were a part of "us". So I was in no way dreading the wedding or marriage. Marriage is a whole new chapter of life. If you do it right, you will die alongside this person. For some people, this realization brings the thought that life as you know it will cease. Lots of people want to have one last night out with their group of friends before being married and then being busy with the honeymoon and getting settled in whatever place they've decided. The beginning of marriage comes with a ton of things you have to figure out and it's not a far stretch to see that many won't have the time to have another friend's night until all of it is done and settled. For us, we didn't have bachelorette or bachelor parties because I hate the idea of them. I've always been super serious about marriage and I never wanted a male stripper or any type of "entertainment" that was against my own beliefs at my party, so I simply didn't have one. The same for my husband. Many will tell you that despite a happy companionship with one's spouse, you still may want to "get away" some nights and have a friend's night. For me that isn't true...I want to spend every waking moment with my husband. But I can understand that many people value friends very highly and want to see them often.