Are more afraid of water or fire?Floods or fires?

disaster -  flood
@icesmile (7160)
February 12, 2010 3:34am CST
Know how to extinguish a fire, or know how to swim and to save yourself? What scares you more in case of disaster? FIRE OR WATER? Where do you think you can save more easily? If you're in the situation to save you from a fire, or to save you from a flood, where you think you can escape more easily? Have you ever been in the situation to save you the fire or water, you and your family?do you know how you can save yourself? Some rules there?
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23 responses
• India
12 Feb 10
i m so afraid of fire so please suggest me some rule
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
12 Feb 10
Some rules to avoid a fire, or rules in the know to save yourself from a fire? If you want to avoid a fire, you must be careful to open fire on a house in the electrical, how to use the stove or not to leave children to play with matches. If you want to know how you can save in a fire, the first rule to keep your composure and call the fireman very quickly, then try to save people and animals who are in a house fire, then run away as far a house that burns,a house falls easily , so you must don t stay close.
@mylosha (286)
• India
12 Feb 10
to me both things are valuable to afraid i do scare about this two things still i never even walk in the side of the beach
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
12 Feb 10
Hi, i am agree both are dangerous, but i think that fire is more dangerous, water can destroy a lot, but if you know swimming, you can save yourself faster as you can if something is in fire
• Canada
12 Feb 10
You know what? I really would rather not worry too much about it right now. I mean, why be so worried and ruin today, worrying about tomorrow. I'll cross that bridge IF I come to it.
• United States
13 Feb 10
You have a point. Just enjoy today for what it is.
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
12 Feb 10
I know how to swim . And distinguishing fire is not easy. So I scare of fire more. I feel that I can save easily from flood than fire.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
12 Feb 10
 fire - so scaring, really
And i am one who are very afraid of fire, do not know if I would do in a fire, God protect us all. I'm much easier to save me from a flood, know how to swim very well, and water never scared me. I remember my mother as i was so afraid of water, ever not entered into the sea or in a other water situated in nature, have a pathological fear of water.
@saanjh (784)
• India
12 Feb 10
I afraid from both but if you talk about more then I afraid from fire may be because I know swimming but I cant tolerate the pain and burning sensation.
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@dgtempe1 (87)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I have a tendency to be more afraid of water than anything else. I grew up by the ocean and was always too chicken to learn. I'm super cautious with fire, so i guess my biggest fear would be a huge tidal wave, falling off the boat,and things like that. :)
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
12 Feb 10
swimming - water can be friendly
I very well understand your fear of water, probably parents wrong, not learn children to swim since they are very small, or no later leave them to do a sport that they learn that water can be conquered just learning to swim. Fire in my opinion is hard to be conquered. i am afraid of fire
• Canada
13 Feb 10
Where I am living, a fire is more likely to happen than a flood, so I am more worried about fire than I am about a flood.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Hi, icesmile. I am more afraid of fires. There was one time that I was about to drown at my middle school's pool. It was during the hot summer and I went within 5 feet deep. I could not swim and I was about to drown. If it were not for my cousin's cousin, then I would have never lived. I thank God for him where ever he may be at. I don't like fires either. They are too hot for me. I don't know how to swim but I do know how to let out a fire if I have to. I have never been around a fire. I have seen many fires set by burning trash.. I would be afraid of water more.
@May2k8 (18301)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 10
I can not swim and was afraid floods hit me and the fire that I feared, as long as we are in danger we panic and confusion if we're in a situation in a narrow room. if we get stuck and can not get out of the event's over our history. My friend ever experienced it but the important thing is to save their families and themselves first rather than the property was on the scene.
@vandana7 (100076)
• India
13 Feb 10
Hi icesmile, I dont know how to swim. :( But still, I would opt for water. This is because people can try to save me but when it comes to fire, it becomes difficult for others to try think of such things, isn't it? Nobody knows how to swim in fire. LOL. May be even if I land in sea, some dolphin will nudge me back on to land. :)
@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
13 Feb 10
Fire is scarier than water. It really scares the crap of me. I know how to swim so technically, i have a better chance of survival in flood than that of fire. If a person is trapped inside a burning house or building, it is difficult to find the way out, especially if the smoke is already all over the place. Flood on the other hand, though scary too can be a safer because you can grab floating things along the way.
• Philippines
13 Feb 10
Well thank heaven that i have never been in that kind of situation and has not plans of experiencing it. I cant say which one is the less evil, but what i know is, given a challenge or crisis, all we must do is survive at all cost. One may know how to use a fire extinguisher, but may not do so effectively when one is in front of that kind of problem.Or maybe the fire extinguisher is not enough. I'm scared of both, i know how to swim but floating only, i have a fire extinguisher, was taught how to use it. One think i know for sure, given a kind of problem like that, i must have presence of mind and do everything to overpower the problem at hand.
@richauni (108)
• India
13 Feb 10
i think i've affraid with both of them water means flood and fire both are horrable and its very difficult to face. we know that if any thing is cross their limit its dengerous.
• Mexico
13 Feb 10
Hello icesmile!! Well, thanks to God because I've never been in a situation like that!! But I guess I'm more afraid of fire, because it expands very easy, it can destroy things in seconds. Water doesn't really scares me, 'cause I've never been in a flood or tsunami or any danger. Plus I can swim pretty well and I know that people who doesn't get desesperate when they think they will draw and stay calm, they have more changes of surviving!! If there was a fire, I don't know what I would do, I guess go for a bucket of water!! I only know if a forest or some place is on fire, people can anticipate burning a perimeter because fire can't burn what is already burn so it will stop!!! Have a nice day, Libna.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Hi icesmile! I really wouldn't want to have to make that choice! Neither one is easy to save yourself from! I am deathly afraid of fire! Not only is fire difficult because of the flames moving quickly, but the smoke makes it difficult to breathe and see! And a flood, well it would depend on how high the waters were and how quick they were rising! Like, I said I wouldn't ever want to have to face either! But, of the two I am more afraid of fire!
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Hi icesmile. I believe that both fire and water can produce dangerous catasteophes. I think it woud be worse to be threatened with fire. There is no way to minimize a fire's damamge., Once you are burned you are sacarred for life. There are ways to get over water traumas.
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
Both of those things are extremely horrible. I ave actually experienced unexpected flood just a few months ago and though I cant swim, i think surviving flood is easier than surviving fire. I also think it's easier to rebuild your home when it gets flooded than when it gets charred. Also, flood is easier to accept since it's a natural phenomenon unlike fire which is often man-made (except forest fires)...
@dreamnishu (1247)
• China
12 Feb 10
I know how to swim. So i don't afraid water or flood. But i afraid of fire. Both are dangerous but as i know how to swim so from water it will be easy to escape. I don't have any idea about fire. I never fall such a situation. So no idea. I just can say people should know how to swim and from fire should away as much as possible.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
12 Feb 10
Hi! I think I am more afraid of fire, because you know, if you fall in the water yo maybe won't drown, if you can swim or someone jumps and saves you, or you just don't sink down, but if you fall in the fire there is no one who can help and save you. And I have been burned many many times, and maybe that's why i am more afraid of fire!
@lhadie (32)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I'm more afraid with fire. I know how to swim, although I'm not a good swimmer, but I know and i believe I can save myself in water. I think, it is easy to survive in water because we can float (even though we don't know how to swim) but in fire we can't just lie in the are because the fire will eat us, if we do. In water, we can inhale fresh air (as long as we will not struggle and will just let your body float)but in fire cases, the area will be full of smoke which may cause not to breathe.