Dad walked out. I miss him.

February 13, 2010 2:27am CST
In summer of 2009, my Dad left us. There was another woman involved, and he took our life savings. We are still trying to put our lives back together, but now I find that I miss him. I want to get in touch with him, but I wouldn't know what to say. It started a few years ago when he started leaving the country to tend to business overseas. Over time he became more distant and abusive to us, while becoming obsessed with money. I believe that maybe he might have had a mid-life crisis, but that doesn't excuse what he has done. I want to have him back in my life at some point, but I am wondering if there is anything that can be salvaged from this. What do you guys think?
7 responses
@MrsWalz (24)
• United States
17 Feb 10
It's so difficult when something like this happens. Especially since the children most often blame themselves. They feel like a parent left because of something they did. I am sorry to hear of your father leaving. I think it might be a good idea for you to try to contact him. If he doesn't want to be least you won't have regrets because you tried. Frankly, it's not your job as child to do's the parents duty to make sure their children feel loved and cared for inspite of what's going on with the other parent. I've never understood a parent just walking out...but I guess it's because I can't imagine just walking out on my own child. I wish you the best in all of this and keep your chin up.
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
No matter what is his reason for leaving it is still not right that he left his children and did not even supported you or attempted to get in touch with you. If he has issues with your Mom and that was the reason he walked away then he should have at least took his children into consideration. You said that he even took your life savings. Did he ever think or care about his children's future? I am just expressing my opinion. Maybe you are very close with your Dad and that is the reason you miss him so much. If I will be in your situation I would not let my self miss that kind of person. Instead, I will go on with my life and help my family fix our lives.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
I just want to say I'm sorry for your lost, this thing has happened to me too, only it was my mother who did the same. It's probably harder to have no mom at home because she does all the housework and you have to learn it all at a young age. Anyway, I'd like you to realize that it's perfectly natural to wish things were back to normal, and maybe miss a special person, especially an Important family member, after a while of being apart from him, but then you'd have to weigh some facts, not that I want you to put the blame on any side, just feel the right thing about the situation. It's going to be hard to accept things, you'd be wondering how things could have been if it weren't they were now and things like that but just learn to accept it and live with it. Make it a lesson in life and add it to your strengths. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how. :D
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
14 Feb 10
Hi, sorry about what happened with your father but there is no excuse for what he has done. However, you have to be careful in trying to contact your father, he may not be willing to have a relationship with you and you would be disapointed. If he really loved you, he would not have left you and take away all your money. Even if he wants to be with another woman, he can do it and keep up his relationship with you. I am not saying you should not try to get in touch with him, you can, if you want to. But you should call first and know what he feels for you before you go to him. For me I would concentrate on getting my life on track.
@kaylachan (75874)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Feb 10
I think you need to take this one step at a time. Its only natural you would want your father back in your life. Even though he's been a bad person and made some bad life choices, he's still your father regardless of his faults.I don't blame you one bit for the way that you feel. However, I still think the first step is to give yourself time to heal. You need to deal with your emotions first of all in order to maintain a healthy life. Once you manage to deal with the emotions, then when you do eventually confront him, then you can move on. But don't be fooled if he comes around sometime in the future, stay on guard. He's your father yes, but he needs some professional help.
13 Feb 10
It's natural to miss him - he is your father after all and I'm sure you have good memories of spending time with him when he was more considerate of you. He was a fixture in your life, whether good or bad, and it's normal to feel a void. I believe that most things can be mended with time and effort, but now is not the time. You have to consider your well-being first and there is a chance that he'll end up hurting you again if you reach out to him. It sounds like your father's priorities are different at the moment and family doesn't appear to be at the top of that list. In the future, he may realize the repercussions of his actions and want to mend things, but that's not certain. It's always good to talk about how you feel with people you trust and love. Everyone needs a good support system. I wish you the best.
• Canada
13 Feb 10
ok so, i can certainly understand that you miss you dad. I think no matter what happens in our lives, we will always miss our parents. No matter what they do to us. Now with that said, getting in touch with him could be a good idea or it could go really bad. Now your father may not have contacted you because he is afraid, or ashamed of what he did, but i do think you should give him the oppertunity to explain himself to you. There may have been other factors that played a role in his decision that you have no idea about. I've only recently gotten in contact with my father, as he has not really been a part of my life since i was a kid, and i asked him to tell me what happened, and to my surprise, a lot of it was my moms doing, and there was a lot of things i had no clue about. There are so many things that could have brought on his actions, and your right, no reason is a good enogh excuse to justify what he did, but im sure you asking him to explain himself, may mean a lot to him. When and if you deciede to contact him, once he has said what he needs to say, and you have expressed to him what exactely he did to you and how he hurt you, it will help you to make a decision on whether or not you want to bring him back into your life. I have chosen not to have my mom in my life, for personal reason, and for my own mental health, and i do feel it was the best decision i have made. Whatever you choose to do, just remember that you are in control, and that your father gave up control when he walked out the door, and now the decision is in your hands and he will have to live with the consuquences of his actions. Good luck with everything. Take care