Have you ever felt alone, even if you are in a couple?

loneliness - who i see there?
@icesmile (7160)
February 13, 2010 10:57am CST
I wonder how is better? Being alone and feeling alone, or be in a couple and feel alone too? Basically you are not alone, but you feel alone, people around you appreciate that you are in a couple, but you know in your heart, you're alone.??? If you are married or in a relationship, you have felt sometimes as if you were single? But if you're single, you have felt as if you were with someone? Mean, you have taken alone, bear, and try to do something to change this? Is is good and healthy for a relationship to be with someone but you feel alone? I'm sure you all have felt themselves at least once.
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12 responses
@galileo2008 (1170)
• Philippines
13 Feb 10
Yeah I do sometimes, especially when he's so busy with his job and I have nothing else to do but to sit there and wait for him to finish what he's doing...it bores me most of the time. I felt like it's even worse than having no boyfriend at all. There are times when I feel like it's a routine and there's no spark in a relationship anymore, and it scares me a lot thinking that maybe he's no longer interested in our relationship.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
13 Feb 10
And just try not to do anything to change anything? may need to change something about you, it draws him back, of course if you think you can change, so a relationship makes you got crazy, a man not interested to make a relationship go, I think deserves to be feel sometimes alone too. try to make him jealouse just a little, you will know if he love you or not; a woman can do this if she want
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
13 Feb 10
At this point in time, i really feel very lonely. No relationship is ever moonshine and roses. It is not always easy to keep on giving, but maybe we should just make those little sacrifices. That would hopefully help for this loneliness. TATA.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
13 Feb 10
I am sure will come and your time as it will come when all who are lonely . Sometimes you have to look right in your face, it is curious how sometimes something you can not see it is around us. life is strange sometimes.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
13 Feb 10
You can definately say that again.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
13 Feb 10
@cbjones (1147)
• United States
13 Feb 10
I can't recall a moment were I've actually had the feeling of being alone. Sure, there are times when I feel a little left out, or even misunderstood. But never alone in any situations.One could always think about the possibility of others being in their shoes at one point. Even when I'm being ignored, I never have that feeling of aloneness.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
13 Feb 10
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a matter of fact, you can feel happy in your world, whether you're completely alone, or you can feel alone with a lot of people around you. Maybe for that people are optimistic and pessimistic, and this makes the difference!!
• United States
13 Feb 10
yes i felt so alone when i was in my last relationship. my x-boyfreind never wanted to do or go any where with me. i dideverything by myself. it was such a depressing time i my life. i tried to make him apart of life with me but he still didn't want to be there. it is a horrable feeling to be this way. i wouldn't wish it on anyone in the world.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
13 Feb 10
I understand very well how you feel, and I'm sorry, even that does not want any enemies, better one, alone, than with someone you feel alone; i was for many years in a relation like this; feel alone is terrible
• Indonesia
14 Feb 10
hmm alone is not a good word. well if you feels alone even with your couples, then try talk to him/her. communication is important, i can assure you that its better to talk what you feel than keep it yourself.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
14 Feb 10
Of course, is the best solution, to communicate, but this is only possible if you have with who, if you understand what I mean
@brymel25 (285)
• Philippines
13 Feb 10
Hi there icesmile! Yeah, i do feel alone sometimes. I am in a relationship but my boyfriend lives far from me. He visits me once every 2 or more months. It would be very lucky if he gets to visit me every month. Being far from him makes me feel alone at times, specially on holidays and special occasions like valentines day. We both wish that we could spend more time together. we've been in this kind of relationship in almost four years and we're glad that we're still together.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
14 Feb 10
This is great, i mean that is great that your relation resist,mean that is true love there, this is a relationship that hold only if true love, not all people can handle such a relationship; i hope that you both will be toghether soon.
• Canada
14 Feb 10
My husband has experienced this during his three previous marriages, all of which ended in divorce. However, his and mine is my first marriage, and I didn't have any real boyfriends or lovers before him, so I am fortunate never to have felt this way at all. I know I am very lucky.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 10
Being alone gives you a chance to think your own thoughts, explore your own interests, dream your dreams. Yes, I might not be alone in my worldly existence but I am lonely. Lonely in the sense that the children have left the nest and my other half have forgotten that I am still moving and kicking. . I feel detached from being loved in my marriage. I'll spend time with myself.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 10
Oh yes Ocean....mylot friends means so much to me. That is why I spend most of my time in mylot interacting with friends here.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Feb 10
Hey icesmile! Are you talking about me?lol I am in a relationship and there are many times that I feel very much alone! I hate to admit that, but it happens to be true! Sometimes my bf just seems so far away! He gets so far into himself and won't talk or tell me what's wrong which makes our relationship have problems! And when I want to talk he just goes deeper into himself! Right now we are having problems that are very serious! He has been talking about moving out and then we talked and he said he would think about it! But, now I don't trust him so I don't know what to believe! So there are many times that we are here together that I feel totally alone and that is really not a good feeling!
@gunagohan (3414)
• India
14 Feb 10
well, i'm not involved in any relationships, but i do have a lot of friends, in virtual world and also in real world, i like to stand with my close friends, but i have felt alone sometimes, when my friends don't recognize me.. But i never had such hard feelings , because i prefer to stay alone and whenever my friends leave me alone, i would not do any thing to change it, i just leave it the way and i will go out for a movie and find some new people to mingle with !!!!
• China
14 Feb 10
sometimes,I really felt lonely.But I will try to let this feeling away from me.feel lonely is not such a good thing,when I am together with my best friend this kind of feeling will go.and I always think feel lonely will make me more strong.
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
My hubby is my best friend but there are moments when I feel alone because he wants time for himself. That I just have to deal with. In a marriage,it is not always a bliss. It has its own ups and downs. Emotions can deceive you. There are times when I complain to my husband that I feel neglected but actually, I was just overreacting. LOL.