Vacuum the floor and give me a pillow....
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
February 13, 2010 12:14pm CST
2010 started out to be the year from hell for me and mine.
So far it's only gotten worse.
My house isn't sold, my ex is taking me court, the hubs has had his income cut in half, my foster child died in the Haiti earthquake, my mother had serious surgery, my old computer hard drive will not give up over a thousand pictures I need to finish one of my books, my truck got stolen and my dog died.
Ok, the truck isn't stolen and my dog is just fine thanks, but I was on a roll of woe! LOL
HOWEVER! 2010 is going to end up being the best year ever after all.....
For the past week my hubs has been home dealing with the fallout of all the bad news we've been getting lately. Yesterday we went to the city as we do whenever he is home, to take care of financial business and stock him up for his next shift in the RV and the oilfields. He was so quiet most of the day that I was worried he was stressing too much over all the negativity that's come our way since Christmas.
You can never be married long enough I don't think, to always always know what your spouse is thinking. Here's what mine was thinking about all day:
Hubs: I've reached a decision.
Me: Uh, Oh!
Hubs: (laughing at me) I'm serious.
Me. Double Uh, Oh!
Hubs: Smarta*s! Take a deep breath and hold it.
Me: (really worried now!) Holding...........
Hubs: I want you to go to England. I want you to take the time in mid September to go over the pond and visit all your friends there, like your Mr. Fish, Gissi's Mum, and anyone else that will let you bunk on their floor for a night, that has come to mean so much to*t let go of me!
Me: Pull over, pull over! Are you serious?
Hubs:(pulling over) I said I was serious didn't I?
Me: (crying like a little girl) I don't want to go without you. It's always been our plan to go to Britain together!
Hubs: I know, but I've thinking about this for some time. You've put up with so much all on your own for a long time. You deserve to have this time to take the trip of your lifetime and to meet all the people who have become your friends, and revisit the countries you have dreamed about seeing again for so long. I'll go fishing, so when I buy that brand new canoe this spring, you can't bi*ch!
After much conversation, a visit to a travel agent, new passport pictures, it was decided. I am going to England in mid-Sept.! It's a fact.
Mind you, the house has to sell first to raise the money, but we've a new agent and the market has picked up and I have high hopes..........and the hubs says even if it doesn't, he will work extra to make the money by August. How cool is that?
Sign below if you want a visit from Sparks and are willing to vacuum your floor and give me a pillow for one night............
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22 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Feb 10
Wooohoooohoooooo yes yes yes I am going to see my Sparks and I am doing a dance on the Floor and I can't wait and Gissi can't wait either I am so happy because I am going to meet my wonderful and sweet Spark Floor will be vacuum, Gissi will give his bed to me and Auntie Spark will sleep in my Bed

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
LOL............seriously Gabs, you and Gissi can keep your beds. I'm little. I can fit on a loveseat! LOL I WILL NOT take anyone's bed from them.
But wowza, how great is this eh? I'm so excited I can hardly wait. We'll be in touch about details, but for now I'm just trying to wrap my head around this wonderful gift my hubs is giving me. What a guy he has turned out to be! LOL
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Feb 10
Oh how very cool. And ooh, ooh, can I come too? Pretty please? I speak the language..
OK that last was a lie. lol
That's fantastic. Hope it all works out and you have a great trip! Make sure Mr. Fish takes you to Stonehenge and gives you the cathedral tour and all that...
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
If you can fit in the one suitcase I'm taking, and still leave room for my flat iron, sure, climb aboard! lol
And yes, Mr. Fish is going to be a big part of this trip though he doesn't know it yet! LOL
And just what did you bet the Lamb.............?
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Sign me up. Royal Mom. *brrrrrrrrrr, vacuuming is done*
Put my name on the list of places you are going to visit. Yes, I know I am in the U.S. but as long as you have your passport and you are traveling, you better plan on coming to visit me. Go to England first, then on your way back come to my house.
I am glad the dog did not die and the truck has not been stolen. For a second there, I thought maybe that moose had attacked the truck again.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
LOL, I really should repost that story........after all it's Valentine's Day tomorrow and that story is all about animal love! LOL
And no worries Royal, when the hubs and I head south of the border, you are on my 'must see' list!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Hey Sparks!! I have new carpet!! LMBO!! Yippeeeee!! BUT. YOU will NOT be sleeping on any floor of mine IF you ever get your butt down here for a visit!! I have several beds to choose from, a queen which is downstairs, upstairs we have a queen hide away in our sectional, a queen futon, and a double bed in the far bedroom!! Although I'm not in England, I still hope to meet you in person some day!! Soooooo put me on the list anyway! We can dream of the day happening, can't we? HUGS!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Feb 10
LOL Yes I do have a lot of room. More than enough to accommodate a few visitors!! If you ever want to come up and get the chance to, COME ON UP!! lol I'm enclosing a picture of my house so you can see how big it really is!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
Hey sweets, long time no talk to! Good to see you. Been missing ya!
And yeah, you bet the hubs and I will be making a trip to the U.S. to see you all. But we'll have our RV, so you won't need to change the sheets on any of your beds! LOL
Oreo, we could always sent Kim and Sean off in my RV and you and I could visit Cats together! LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Feb 10
I'm looking forward to visit with your Hubby when I go to Canada in Mid September. Shame you won't be there! LOL. OK now we need to arrange an itinerary for you. Notwithstanding the house sale etc you have to tell us how long and what you WANT to see etc. I'm willing to vacuum the pillow and lend you the floor. I might even let you have a mattress to go with it! In fact, if we haven't sold it by then - and we have no plans to - we might even arrange a girls weekend in the family home in Devon provided that I can come too. It's my house after all! LMAO.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
All those place for sure! And I want to see King's College in Cambridge and go to London and meet the Queen (I intend to email her soon!) LOL. I'm making a list, checking it twice and trying to figure out if I can get everywhere by train, or bus! lol
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
You will be the first person I meet (I hope) when I get there. The hubs says you have to take me to Stonehenge, and of course give me the full tour and spiel of your Cathedral. lol He also says, just give me a pinafore and stick me in the garden shed when I'm not washing your windows! LOL
You and I will be having many convos over the next few months as things develop for this trip. No worries. And if you end up here, while I'm there, you'd better like canoes and fishing because you'll be spending all your time on the water.....
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
Yeah, hopefully the bad stuff is over for the year, but I'm a realist, so not holding my breath. lol
Blessings to you too Pat.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Feb 10
Darn it I am crying I can hardly see this keyboard.
What a nice thing for him to do.
ANy chance ya can take a side trip and come to Vegas? And see Lakota?Love to have ya.
and gabs is about in hog heaven right about now for I am sure she has read this already.
I sure hop you MOm is doing fine by now energies going to her.
And BTW how is your son doing hopeing much better.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
No trip to the U.S. is complete without a visit to Vegas, so no worries Lakota, when we go south of the border, you'll be on the 'must see' list!
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
Forgot to tell mom is doing fine and complaining that my dad is fussing over her too much! lol My son is doing spectacularly too. So it's all good...........Big Hugs to you too sweets.

@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
14 Feb 10
You seem to be in a very similar situation to me. Why is your ex taking you to Court?
That is terrible about your foster child dieing in the Earthquake, I'm very sorry.
You must have a wonderful husband, to want you to go on a holiday.
You can stay at my place, but I live in Australia!!
I am also trying to sell my holiday house, as I need the money and I need to qualify for benefits.
Plus, my ex tried to take out a domestic violence restraining order on me, but failed twice. I had to go to Court about it last week, and there is a final hearing on the 25 Feb.
This Friday Igo to the Police to lay charges of assault, plus I am considering suing my ex for defamation.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
My ex is taking me to court because 20 years of his not paying his child support finally caught up to him and he wants me to sign off on the debt. He lives in dreamland! Not gonna happen so I have to go to court to fight his suit to have the original Child Support Order overturned.
Sounds like your having your share of trouble this year too Jenny. I do so feel for you. Do let me know how the hearing on Feb. 25th goes and your charges against your own ex.
It is my firm belief all exes should be shot upon release from the relationship! lol
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
14 Feb 10
How pathetic! Wanting you to sign off on Child Supprt. So now you have to pay Court fees just for that.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Feb 10
Pathetic doesn't begin to describe this waste of space Jenny. And we have to pay a lawyer, costs to just get to the court as we are in different provinces, not to mention the damage he is doing to his sons...............I think for the first time in my life I truly know what it means to hate someone! Sad huh?
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
13 Feb 10
WTF?? You are leaving me here in Canada? For how long?
Only kidding dear. But, alot can happen between now and then, and you have had many plans cancelled or put off, so don't get too excited nor disappointed if it doesn't happen when you think it will. But I DO KNOW that it will, at some point, because you've gone on about it for some time now, so it's no wonder hubs finally broke down to make you shup about it. lol
Keep me informed as to the progress of the trip. I won't fit in YOUR suitcase, but I may just have to bring my own, cause I don't know if I can do without you.

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
LOL..........will do and I'll make sure he's rich too! And handsome, and sober, and loving, and romantic, and appreciates women, and, and, you don't need much do you? ROFL
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
Shall I bring you back a Sheppard? LOL
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
14 Feb 10
Hmmm, so you mean a fellow? If he's nice and loves animals, sure, drop him off on your way back home then.
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• United States
14 Feb 10
gOOD TO SEE U ON HERE FOR A CHANGE. Sorry u have had so much going on. When it rains it pours as the old saying goes. I think 'hubs' must be a special guy. Wish u were coming my way. If u get kicked out of england u can come on tothe u.s.a. I have an extra bed so u want have to sleep on the floor, lol. happy valentine's. hugs. jo
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
Happy Valentine's Day to you too Jo. And don't count yourself out yet. The hubs and I are planning a trip to the U.S. in the summer of 2011, so change the sheets on that extra bed! LOL
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@celticeagle (172504)
• Boise, Idaho
14 Feb 10
Well, I must say at first I was going to tell you you could write the proverbial western tune. Smiling* He$$ I will go to Britain with you! Hope your house sells with not too many delays. Your 'Hub' sounds like a cool dude! I want one! I tried four times and they were all wrong. Wish I lived over the pond cause I could muster the energy to vaccum and entertain for a night. Pillow? Now that is a different story.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
LOL, I was thinking country music song too!
I'd give ya my hubs, but you'd have to return him when I got home! LOL
And I can sleep without a pillow! ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Feb 10
LOL...........he's gonna blush when I tell him that! ROFL
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@celticeagle (172504)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Feb 10
Return them? Only if there was anything left. LMAO
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
13 Feb 10

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
Don't despair Louie. The hubs and I intend to tour the U.S. next summer (2011), and you'll be on that list for sure, for sure!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
Don't hope Louie................KNOW! I promise you, and I keep my promises unless the sky falls! lol
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
13 Feb 10
Hi sparky,
Yes this year has not been too kind to you, but I promise, from now on it will get better, and yes I'll sign and you, but you can have my bed and I'll have the couch, so don't worry, we will all be cuing up to have you stay with us, love and hugs. always.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
You're now officially on my 'must see' list tamara! I can hardly wait....though I do believe our Gabs may just explode from excitement before I get there, so keep an eye on her! LOL
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
I'm over the moon Tamara that my dream is finally coming true. Have given the hubs more than a big hug, let me tell ya! LOL He went back to work smiling from ear to ear.....
@tamarafireheart (15384)
14 Feb 10
Hi sparky,
I am really pleased about this news and I know Gabs is very excited as I am, Gabs neede some good news like this to perk her up and its something for us to look forward to, Bless your hub and give a big hug from me for making this possible for you, love and hugs,.
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Sparks sooo happy for you and your up coming visits. You have been through a lot these last years and this is well deserved. I can't imagine the suprise and excitement at his news.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
I nearly caused the truck to veer into oncoming traffic when I realized he was serious.
Made him turn around and go back to the city and go to a travel agent's! LOL
@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Sparks, that actually brings tears to my eyes. He is a real sweety. I hope you have the best trip ever and you can come back and report on all our friends and make the trip real for all of us. Have a wonderful time, but make hubby get a life vest to wear in the canoe. Good luck on the house and hugs.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
LOL Gert..........he's a sweety alright. Quite a change from a couple of years ago!
And he already has a life vest. I think that's why he wants a canoe! ROFL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 10
hi sparkofinsanity I have missed you. Well you sure did have a run of unpleasant things but now you have something really wonderful to look
forward to, a trip to England, wish you were coming to the US also.
Anyway its so good t o see you here again. You will get to see Gabs and Gissi and the fish,oh that will be so lovely for you wow. If you do get here in the states and get to California I m in Garden Grove and wouldlove to meet you. anyway hope that when September comes you will
have the greatest bestes
t trip ever.

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Feb 10
No worries Hatley! The hubs and I are planning on taking our RV to the U.S in the summer of 2011. And California is definitely on my list as many good friends live there INCLUDING YOU! So stay spry and I'll see you next summer! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
Oh you too cream? Well pack your bags then. Company is always welcome!
@mcelhenney (481)
• United States
14 Feb 10
You deserve this..Go and have a wonderful trip visiting friends..When you and the Hubs make a visit to the states maybe you can visit me in Alabama..Moondancer could come down and we could spend some time together..
May God's Blessings be with you and may all the bad things be behind you for good..
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
Martha, one of our main reasons for going to the States next year is to repay the visit Moondbeam and her hubs had with us when they were in Canada. So you can bet your bottom dollar, you will be a priority when we see them! Blessings.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Feb 10
I’m in Australia darn it! I wish you could come here but I guess I’m not exactly on the way am I? (LOL) What a great husband you’ve got! That is so exciting! What a fantastic thing to look forward to whenever you are down in the dumps! Looks like 2010 may have started off pretty crappy but it’s going to end up an amazing year! Fancy meeting some MyLotter friends as well…I am so envious…I would love to do that one day…I’ll need to do a lot of posts to raise the money and I mean A LOT of posts! (LOL)! Thanks for sharing your great news, love to hear good stuff!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Feb 10
Don't give up on me yet Paula. The hubs is in love with New Zealand and wants to make a trip there and also Aussie Land, so you never know who might be knocking on your door in the future!
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
14 Feb 10
If I wrote a discussion like this I would be critized up the wall and be called a liar! It just remains me how careful I have to be with my discussions! I don't take being critized well and there are a few Mylot members who always there to do that! Names will be not named. Anyway nice to hear things are getting for you in 2010 and I hope they continue! lol
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Feb 10
Well I won't call you a liar|! lol I'm known here on the lot for my dream to live and die (or in this case, visit) England and meet up with all my mylot friends there, so people know I'm telling the truth. And if any mylotters get on your case, just let me know............