Video, Laser Disc, DVD, Blu-Ray ..... what next?

February 13, 2010 1:04pm CST
I remember when videos first came out and suddenly you could watch a movie of choice from the comfort of your own home. I remember the VHS v Betamax battle. Then came Laser Dics follwed by DVD as watching movies became easier and increased in quality. Now we've just had the HD DVD v Blu-Ray battle and also the ability to download movies on demand. But what next, will they be able to compress the quality of a 3D Blu-Ray movie onto a flash drive and sell them cheaper than ever. Will be there something else, some new sort of media which causes us movie fans to not only buy new equipment but also buy the latest version of some of our favourite movies? What do you think will be the next evolution in home cinema?
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3 responses
• United States
14 Feb 10
i'm sorry,but laserdiscs sucked.they were hard to find,and it seemed they always skipped.DVD's are so much better. i'm not sure what will be the next format.but i know i'm getting tired of rebuying collections.outside of double sided more space dvd's,they really don't need to upgrade for awhile.
• United States
14 Feb 10
i have no doubt they are. look at video games for example. you buy the PS 2,next year 3 comes out..and some of the 2's don't play on 3,so.. either you keep both or hope they release it to the next. my bro has been raging about that..he says he's keeping the 2 for awhile even tho he likes some of the new games.
14 Feb 10
I have to sort of agree about laser discs they were expensive hard to get hold off and a pain in the butt having to turn them over half way through, although the quality of the picture was definitely an improvement on video. I am of the same mind with various versions of my favourite movies just because of changes in quality and media. It just seems that they have gotten into a routine of every couple of years launching the next break through technology and I do wonder if they already have plans for the next big format change but are waiting for people to have spent a fortune on upgrading their collections before they launch it.
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@Niltusk (131)
• United States
24 Feb 10
Wow, alot of hate for Laser Discs considering they were way ahead of their time. True, there were shortcomings, but look at the classic Arcade games like Dragons Lair or CliffHangers that would not have been possible without them? Also, ask yourself how many DvDs you owned when Laser Disc came out? Sorry, they never came through for you at home, but I was a teenager when this stuff was ground breaking technology and LaserDisc was just about magical in its technology.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
13 Feb 10
In my opinion the next evolution in Cinema will be HOLOGRAMS! Seriously! Look at Star Trek and all the innovations on there...all have come true in the modern world. So yes, holograms. Spooky, eh?
14 Feb 10
Now that would be stunning if they did manage to come up with that , I would happily subscribe to a mass upgrade of my film collection if it came along. Actually in a sort of similar manner I can't wait for them to master 3D so that there is no need to wear those infuriating goggles.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Feb 10
Yes, I must admit, the goggles do infuriate me too...and I wear specs so how does that work I wonder lol. I saw Alex Ferguson wear some goggles the other week and he looked even more of a kn*bhead than usual haha!
• India
16 Feb 10
Technology is always developing. I think there will be some technology which could compress the quality of a 3D Blue-ray movie onto a flash drive. HD Movies can be compressed in flash drive like pen drives.
16 Feb 10
Hi aviambitious and many thanks for your response. Out of interest do you know whether those HD movies which have been compressed on to pen drives suffer from and loss of quality?
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