What is your favorite life quote?

United States
February 14, 2010 12:09am CST
What is your favorite quote that offers advice for getting through life? I personally love the famous, "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade." I've also heard, "if life gives you poop, make fertilizer." I love these particularly because they remind me to deal with issues. Instead of running away from my problems, find some way to turn it into a benefit. For example, a leaky sink recently turned into a phone call to an old friend who knows a lot of secret about plumbing - and I got to spend lots of time with him. What quotes do you live by, and why do you like them so much?
18 responses
• India
25 Feb 10
My favourite life quote is a Urdu couplet by Iqbal. It goes like this: Insaan Woh Nahi Jo Hawa Ka Saath Badle Insaan Woh Hai Jo Hawa Ka Rukh Badalde!!!! Meaning He is Not a Man who changes with the direction of Wind... He is the Man who Changes the Direction of Wind itself!!!!!!!!!!!!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Feb 10
"If you want to make a better world then make a better you." This quote shows that we can influence others by what we do. So I try to be the best I can be and keep on improving. After all "the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement." As long as we are improving, we are progressing. And that's good!
• Malaysia
15 Feb 10
my quote,'if you have health, you probably will be happy. and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need'. in life, we take alot of things for granted until we are struck down with it. i for one, knows for a fact that i must be in control of my life. most of us when we are sick or ill, we take ourselves, that is our body, to the doctor as if the doctor is a body repair shop. we expect the doctor to fix us and we will be well. sometimes it helps and sometimes it does not help and then we jump from doctor to doctor. little do we realise we are our own best doctor. i like this quote above because i believe that happiness lies in first and foremost being healthy. when we are healthy, we can embark on whatever we want to do and achieve. when we are healthy, we have the stamina, energy, vitality, enthusiasm and strength to do a project till sucessfully completed , appreciated, recognised and rewarded.
• India
16 Feb 10
Swami Vivekananda Words"Everything can be scarified for Truth but Truth can not be scarified for anything." Similarly , If,Money is lost nothing lost, Health is lost something is lost, if character is lost everything is lost.Theses are the quotes has been kept in my mind in doing everything in life.
• India
15 Feb 10
"Live the moment" is my favorite. and there are more like - Helping hands are better then praying lips.
@timasma (123)
• Poland
15 Feb 10
My favourite quote is: God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference.
@jesoccer (90)
• United States
15 Feb 10
"Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorow. i like this qoute because this is the way everyone should live in the world and i also like the quote that cordharmonie said about the lemons because you have to work with what is at the table and use all of your talents dont just waste them.
@Tallygirl09 (1380)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I have a few and they seem to help me get thru some very tough times! Rome wasn't built in a day This too shall pass Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger God never give you more than you can handle with his help Mostly because they remind me to focus on what I can do today to solve whatever the issue is and that things will get better! Interesting topic! Be well!
@Cheiyen (317)
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
"life is beautiful" is my favorite. why is that? i'm a person with a sunny disposition in life and loves to smile and appreciate the good things in life more. i see hard times as challenges instead of burdens. i don't give up easily when i experience difficulty. i usually come up with a way to solve any problems whether they're mine or not but not come to the extent of getting into other people's case. i live by it because it reflects how i see life and that being alive alone has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to live with beauty. most importantly, the beauty of one's life comes from his heart. a beautiful inner self radiates its beauty outwards. our actions reflects what lies in our hearts. evenso, i'm not a perfect person in anyway. but no matter what the circumstance is, i'll believ and live by that LIFE is indeed BEAUTIFUL. happy mylotting!
@coolsudan (313)
• India
14 Feb 10
my favorite quote is " nobody can ever tell us what we are not capable of, not even ourselves"..... i heard it in the movie "pursuit of happiness" .... the best thing that i like about this saying is that it makes us realize that whatever happens we should not lose self confidence. and that is the most important thing as far as i think.we have to face many problems in life and at at all times we should first have confidence in ourselves and then in others ....in life we will meet many people who will tell us that u cant do this boy ur notmeant for it.... but if that is what our heart wants us to do then we should go ahead and do it ....even if we are not capable of doing it we should atleast give it a try.....in this way we can say that at least i've tried...
@natjohn20 (200)
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
For me my favorite quote of all time is "FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT DON'T GIVE UP THE FAITH" Because life is full of struggles and problems that you have a hard time solving but every problems and struggles in life have answers in it and to find that answer is to seek for it through fighting all the ODS and the problems and struggles in life. You cannot seek the answer if you've just give up right there and then you have to fight with it and never lose faith in yourself and in God. ^ ^
• Slovak Republic
14 Feb 10
"Live life like there is no tomorrow"....this the quote which i mostly live my life by.but somethings in life you have to do today which may make your tomorrow better. the daily planning on how to be successful and earn an living.
• China
14 Feb 10
life is a dream,we must do my best ,nothing is impossible ,nobody can beat you except yourself
@ravi40 (35)
• India
14 Feb 10
You live only once..But live it right and once is enough. You owe it to yourself to be as happy as you could possibly be. So be now.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I'm goal oriented about virtually everything in my life and here are two of my favorites. "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land in the stars." (Les Brown) That tells me to always do my best because even if I don't achieve the desired outcome, there will still be something positive as a result. The second quote that I've come to love is "Expectations that aren't followed by actions are just hoping and hoping never accomplished anything." That quote tells me that I am the only one in control of my destiny. One of the problems that I had with "The Secret" is that the book never talked about doing anything other than to focus on the things that you want. I could never understand that. ie. I can focus as much as I want to on being a successful published author but if I don't pick up the pen to write, it's never going to happen. Good luck
@Katie2009 (144)
• China
14 Feb 10
"Where there is a will,there is a way."has accompanied me for many years which is and will continue to escort me to my destination. My instructor always exhorts us to go for everything we pursue for the important impact of objective it has on our life which will put our life into different catagories. She said before"you never fall down before you reach the end line.you should try hard till the last minute". This sentence reminded me of my original passion and motivation whenever I was confronted with tremendous difficulty or discomfort,and it has brought me abundant fruits by performing it. I always hear people say to me"You should never give up however hopeless you feel." Very desparate consolation! A strong will functions in many ways in our life,including providing us with an impetus to proceed,offering us a opportunity to challenge our extreme,and supplying us with a persistent brave heart.It is similar to hope,as it lasts long,but it has more encouragement and resolution.This is why I like it. Happy Chinese New Year!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
14 Feb 10
Life is like a nickerball. Damn hard but then again so sweet. And believe me this is really true and i live according to that saying. TATA.
• India
14 Feb 10
i live on the principle that " whatever happens life has to go on " . . this is my principle we should not worry about the things that happen to us instaed we should think that how we can get out of that situation . the other principle i work on is " life is short so enjoy to its limits " but on the way we enjoy it we should achieve our goals . . .