Story Writing

Ahmednagar, India
February 14, 2010 6:54am CST
Are there any such websites that are exclusively dedicated to story writing. Actually, I am aware of some. But I need such websites that give some keywords and then we write stories for them. I know one such website that is which I am working on currently. But I am in search of some more. Please do tell me if you know them. Thanx.
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4 responses
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
Hi Abhi, are you looking to earn on your stories? If so, these are what I suggest: Odesk - this is actually a freelance site wherein employers are looking for freelancers who can do stuff for them. one category there is writing, most employers there give exact keywords they need mainly because they will be posting the stuff online. Writing contest websites - these sites have regular contests going and mostly are themed, thus keywords and topics. i hope my answers help your search. ill be staying tuned to this discussion so i can learn as well. cheers!
• Ahmednagar, India
14 Feb 10
Thanx for what you have told me. I am slightly aware of odesk even before this. But the problem there is that there are bidders. And then that takes a lot of time because, if suppose, I lose a bid, then I have to start all over again. Is not there any such site where we can write and earn without having to bid at all.
@anujain75 (1059)
• India
21 Feb 10
I think you can write for squidoo. They paid on the basis of rank. benefit of squidoo you can put all your referral links. If you manage to keep your rank between 1-2000 then you can earn about 10-15$
• India
15 Feb 10
there are lot of websites where you can do your writing work using keyword. one of the most famous site is i have worked in that site. it is really a very powerful writers hub.
• Philippines
14 Feb 10
hi there! you might want to try Triond go to ...i've been paid by Triond 3 times (starting December of last year until this present) what I do is I post my story chapters and every accumulated visitors/traffic you will earn. hope i answered your question. or if you want just to read you can go to go to forum and look for Fanfix. but you have to register to go in. you can also go to there's no registration here if you want to read stories. enjoy!