V-Day Armor
@AntronReshaud (13)
United States
February 14, 2010 11:54am CST
After waking up from a good night, a few drinks in my system and marijuana that took me sky high, i realized that the day had arrived. Valentine's Day. Lover's favorite holiday and the most dreaded doom's day by single lonely hearts everywhere. I on the other hand have nothing against this day. When I was younger and more prone to try and find a date to avoid being lonely, disappointment would always have an impacting factor on how I would spend the time alone after all. Now that I'm 25, I'm too old for this depressing act that I used to play on myself.
Maybe it has something to do with having love and lost or at least believing I had it and lost something that to him ( my ex-boyfriend) didnt mean much. So why arent I bitter about this day you may ask? Maybe I've grown to a place of maturity to look at this day simply as just another day. I know some of you are thinking to yourselves that I am in such denial. Well Im not. I decided to not allow this day ruin nor rule my emotions and judgment on myself. I had to learn to change my perspective on my own life and stop assuming things about me and what I am capable or incapable of enduring. Yes I am single but that doesnt mean I have to treat it as if its a death sentence. It took a lot of strength to get here in this emotional state of mind. To be quite honest Im proud and surprised of myself for I didn't think i would be carrying on so well about this day let alone advocate for it. If anything my torch should be lit and my feet should be tired from the constant ambushing couples and chasing them out of the village. But I'm not. Instead I'm taking a very much enlightened approach to all of this Valentine Madness.
Being my own Valentine is not so much work due to I already know the things I do and dont like. Grant it, it would be nice to have another person try and figure this out however seeing that I don't have the patience to teach someone how to love me, I rather do it for myself. I am currently dating but I'm not expecting anyone to call or make dinner reservations or even send a text. Instead I've learned how to stop expecting and just move on from there. Not being a pessimist or anything however I think it's better for my psychie to not get caught up in the expectation we tend to place on humans and become disappointed when they seem to come up short. As a matter of fact, dating to is a tedious proess to me. Not saying I dont have feelings for the guy I'm getting to know, but its about time to add some spice in my dating life. Make things interesting. Well I take that back. The gentleman that I'm getting to know is interesting and I enjoy the conversation. What I mean by making things interestng is doing something so spontaneous it would take me by surprise. Until that moment happens, Im going to the store, picking up a few things to cook, make dinner, pop in a dvd and then after treating myself to a great home cook meal I will venture to the coffee shop and ge some work done there. Valentine's Day will be just another day of loving Self.So don't worry, I won't be needing any pity parties this year, just a party to go to or have a party of my own on my own and believe meit will be filled with utter complete fabulousness.
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