Who orders diet soda with their Burgers?!

Omagh, Northern Ireland
February 15, 2010 7:21pm CST
Apparently it's quite a common occurrence here for somebody to be ordering a diet drink along with their "Everything on" McWhopper Sandwich Meal Deal (supersized,of course!) My question is Why?! The food has probably put a big dent in your recommended daily allowance..is it the conscience kicking in a that point? Let Me know what you've seen or experienced!
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28 responses
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
I once preferred to drink Diet Soda because I like its taste better. I don't prefer it because I'm conscious of calories. I don't have to because no matter what I eat it seems that I don't gain weight. However, someone told me or I have read somewhere that it contains a chemical that is harmful to health when taken in large quantity. They say it's safer to drink the regular soda. Starting that day I stopped drinking diet soda. My friends thought it's weird that I prefer the taste of diet compared to regular soda. I still prefer it's taste until now though it's been more than a year since the last time I had one.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
26 Feb 10
I saw a bit of a TV programme recently (I think it was something about healthier eating) that had a Priest on who was something of a soda addict..Thety took him into a room they'd filled with the quantities of soda He'd drink in a month,(I think the plan was to shock him with it) and his reaction was more "Wow,It's like Aladdin's Cave in here!")
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
I've heard that one too,but I think that was only said to be a problem if you were drinking the stuff in family size bottles per day...
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• Philippines
21 Feb 10
Hahahaha! Your comment made me laugh as I could consume 1 family size bottle of soda in a day. I started to minimize my consumption of soda though since I'm pregnant again and our fmily has a history of being diabetic. Soda is always a part of our meal even breakfast. I know it's not healthy so I told my husband that we should stop or even just minimize the intake. Just right now there's 5 family size bottles of soda in our fridge. My mom is diabetic and I guess it was triggered by the fact that she also loves soda. Morning, snack, lunch and dinner there will always be a Soda. I am not sure if my Mom still takes a lot of Soda as my husband and I live in another town. My younger sister is a Nurse and still lives with Mom and Dad and I've heard that they started a healthy living ever since my Sister took Nursing. Soemtimes when my sister and I would talk over the phone or through email or chat she would tell me what I need to know about healthy living.
16 Feb 10
I don't see what's so weird about people doing that. I do it from time to time just because I don't necessarily want to have more calories. If you look at the difference between regular and diet sodas you would be surprised at the amount of calories that add up.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
I'm not trying to annoy people,just trying to provoke a discussion and get a cross section of opinions on the issue,but would you agree that the diet soda chaser after the big gulp burger meal wouldn't make a whole lot of difference by that stage,given what had gone before?
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
26 Feb 10
Calorie wise,you wouldn't want to be eating much more in the day than the Burger meal..
16 Feb 10
It all adds up and the reason I doubt often have the regular soda is because it adds a lot of calories that you would not normally think about. With a diet soda there's around 1 calorie in the whole drink compared to around 100 calories for the regular soda. If I have a burger out I don't usually have that much else that day for my lunch or dinner.
@littleone3 (2063)
16 Feb 10
Yes I am one of them people that does that but as I don't eat meat I will have a diet soda with a veggie burger which in some cases are a bit better for you. I only drink diet soda as I do not like the taste of ordinary soda.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
Most of my thoughts on the Burger type meal here would be based on having seen "Supersize Me" and the Effect a fast food diet had on the researcher in a relatively short space of time. How would veggie Burgers compare,(calorie wise) against a regular fast food burger?
16 Feb 10
Well according to what I have read on here veggie burgers are lower in fat and calories then the meat version. Veggie burgers have between 70 and 170 calories.
16 Feb 10
I do this but, not because I want less calories from my drink but, because when drinking a full fat coke (as I say!) the sugar hurts my teeth and because mine are sensitive it is better for me to have less sugar! : )
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
a fair point...Thanks for the response!
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@sender621 (14890)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I would never be one to order a diet drink with my food. I have never really cared for the taste of diet sodas. I prefer the real thing.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
I think you're the first one to speak up for the "Fat" soda's side in this discussion!
@joaomacp (67)
• Portugal
16 Feb 10
Yeah, it seems kinda stupid right? Well, I think they just don't want to add up even more calories.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
I suppose so,but it does make you wonder....
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@verabear (796)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
I guess this is more for those who want to somehow control the amount of sugar they take in, not specifically for dieting purposes. But you are so right though, it doesn't make much sense to eat THAT much and cut back only with the soda. But I guess every little thing counts too right?
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
Yes indeed..One TINY step at a time!
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
16 Feb 10
Hold on people, it is not as stupid as it seems. Some of us are diabetics and I know sometimes we succumb to temptation and have some fast food. McDonalds is particularly bad for us. Usually the bun gets discarded because it is made of white flour which will convert to sugar immediately after being ingested. The meat itself does no harm it is protein but the French fries, starchy as they are also onvert to sugar. So if on top of all that I would have a regular soft drink which contains 10 teaspoons of sugar I would most certainly end up in Emergency with a massive sugar shock.(It happened to me once) So yes, I order a diet drink, even though aspartame is bad too but at least it is tolerated by diabetics.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
17 Feb 10
I'd be thinking of Fast food (Especially Burger Joint Meals) as something to be best avoided by diabetics,but You describe it as being a calculated risk...that's fair enough. Thanks for posting!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I do that! I will order a Big mac, fries and a diet coke. It is not due to calories, I prefer the taste of saccharin to sugar. Sugar sodas to me are too sweet. I also use sweet n low in my coffee or on my cereal. It is a matter of preference.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
17 Feb 10
Another vote for choice and a preference for the taste of the diet drinks..thanks for commenting!
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
16 Feb 10
Its not stupid at all. It does mean taking in less calories. At least its trying a little bit. As for me, I just prefer the taste of diet cola to regular by far, and I know a great many who agree.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
I'm not saying it's stupid,but maybe a bit late is all!
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
There's not that many meal sized hot food items you can eat without cutlery,but the Burger has to be high on that list for popularity! (just don't forget the napkins!)
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I agree with you, I really do not care for the taste of regular drinks anymore. They seem to be to sweet. Yes, I have ordered the combo meal with a diet drink. Not that often, usually only if we are traveling. A hamburger is alot easier to eat than a salad while driving.
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@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
16 Feb 10
i would rather have diet soda because of the added amount of sugar and calories in regular soda. i think fast food is good in moderation; and yes, i would order diet soda with my burger.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
24 Mar 10
Personally speaking,I stay clear of "fat" sodas,due to the amount of sugar in them,and have done so for a good while now..Given a choice,I might take diet soda,or water,or tea/coffee with a meal.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Feb 10
Here's one for ya - I LIKE DIET SODA. In general I order diet soda - I prefer diet coke to diet pepsi but that's just me. They taste different. I don't order super sized anything, I don't need that much food. I might eat that much food if it was something I made myself, or say at a nice sit down type of place (pasta is my downfall) but as far as burgers and fries? Not really. I often wonder why nobody stops to consider that some people drink diet soda because they like it. I often end up fielding all sorts of stupid comments about the diet soda - first of all because people assume I drink it because I am on a diet. I'm not on a diet, I probably weigh 95 lbs soaking wet. I do like the idea that I'm not ingesting 12 teaspoons of sugar if I feel like having a soda... but then you have the people who go on and on about artificial sweeteners. I don't get headaches or blurred vision, I don't get all high and crazy, and I don't have cancer sooo I think my occasional diet soda with my non super size chicken sandwich and fries I share with my daughter is just fine.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
17 Feb 10
I have no problem with the diet soda itself..I was just puzzled about the reasons that many drink it along with a gutbuster feed,that being sort of missing the point of drinking the stuff! From the responses so far,preferring the taste of the Diet drinks seems to be top of the reason why,with a number of diabetics in second place..
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
16 Feb 10
A good number of people will get the supersized meal with a diet soda simply because they are diabetic & cannot have the sugars in a regular soda. Of course, a lot lie to themselves thinking they are offsetting the calories in a regular soda. It has been proven that people who drink diet sodas tend to gain more weight than those who drink regular sodas...mainly because they rationalize that they've saved up more calories than they actually have!!!
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
26 Feb 10
good point!
@MrKennedy (1978)
16 Feb 10
It seems kind of dumb, especially if somebody exclaims loudly "I'm on a diet" The only reason I can think of is people who have health problems relating to sugar. At least by having a diet soda, it's not as bad
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
26 Feb 10
"I'm on a Diet!" (Yeah..riiight.....!)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I know I do it because of taste. I'm a gymnast and not over-weight at all. I just think that regular sodas are too sweet. Even if people do order a belly-buster and a diet soda that's their choice. At least they are cutting calories somewhere.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
26 Feb 10
As a Gymnast,do You eat much fast food?
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
16 Feb 10
my roomie always ordered a diet soda (before her surgery as you might guess) because she's diabetic I order soda because I don't like drinking all that sugar - waste of calories -
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
2 good,convincing reasons for the Diet soda!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Feb 10
sheperdspy You may be under some misapprehension as a lot of people who order a cheeseburger and a diet soda are diabetics who can handle what little sugar is in the cheeseburger but the whopping amount of sugar in an ordinary soda is way way too much for us to handle. so yes we do order diet cokes with our cheeseburgers or hamburgers, and I did not know we were being judged. most of you people who judge us that you do not even know judge wrongly so you may as well look somewhere else for your fun.And yes we can eat hamburgers if we order the right size ones and as for calories we mostly count all calories in a day and even out the calories from each meat so that a the end of a day we have always stayed within a fixed amount of c alories. we can do this occasionally aslong as we do not go past the limit of calories in one day.Conscience has nothing to do with ordering diet sodas as we have already pre planned our eating for the day including the occasional treat at BurgerKing. so go else where with your judging or just dont prejudge people.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
I have no intention of dissing Diabetics! I can appreciate a proportion of those ordering fast food may be diabetic and counting calories,and that diet soda may be the way to go with that,but based on my limited experience of standing in a burger line (I seldom visit a burger chain) there's a lot of diet soda being ordered..I'm just sayin'! no prejudgement intended..I wouldn't order regular soda myself-I'd prefer Tea or Coffee!
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
that is really funny. a lot of women do that, they even order double cheese burger then a diet drink har har har. who do they think they are fooling. it is better if you make your own burgers if you are really on a diet. i see on tv this cooks or chef uses turkey or chicken to make burgers then you can drink a diet cola to go for it. i can not answer why but i guess people does not want to add more on the everything on it but it does not work that way.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
That's it..if it's a diet you want,the Burger or fast food counter's probably not the best place to start..
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
16 Feb 10
I've seen that too they will have a big whopper or something that is just not healthy and then have a diet soda. If they think that is helping them its not. The only thing I eat fast food is one in a blue moon taco bell. I don't drink soda so I will bring the tacos home and drink iced green tea or plain ice tea. I think no matter if its diet or not soda is not good for anyone including that big whopper! I guess they think "well at least I'm have a diet soda."
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
It could be just Me being cynical about the issue of somebody ordering a gutbuster takeout feed and capping it off with a diet drink,as though that'd help at that stage,but in fairness I'd have to consider that it could be they actually DO like diet drinks,may be diabetic,or have some other reason for doing this..but,just sayin', there's a lot of it about...just my $0.02 worth...
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I usually drink a sweet tea with my burgers but if they don't have that then I will ask for a diet pepsi. Of course, why would that matter, since the meal has so many calories.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
yep-too little,too late!
@sunyskies (126)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I think it may be for taste or dietary reasons. My dad is diabetic, so if he's having a soft drink, it will be a diet one. He isn't heavy, he just drinks it because it doesn't have sugar. He very rarely eats fast food, but once in a while it's okay for him to do so. And if he ordered a whopper, he would order a diet Coke with it because that's what he drinks. I do understand the point you're making, though.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Feb 10
So there IS a valid reason for it happening! thanks for dropping by!