Second Chances

February 15, 2010 7:27pm CST
Hi Guys! Have you ever said and done something that hurt someone deeply and then wish you could undo the damage done? i feel bad whenever i hurt someone so bad then just realized it after a couple of days thinking about what i did to that person., but i always make sure to say sorry and tell him/her how bad i was that i didn't intend to hurt him/her. how bout you guys? tell us what was the moment that you said or done something that hurt your someone special. have a nice day ahead!
1 response
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
honesty is somethign people really look in a relationship. I lied to my boyfriend about having class just so i can go to his house and take care of him because he was sick. He got angry when he later foudn out that i skipped class just once for that, Of course we didnt talk for an hour, but I apologized saying I shouldnt have skipped class. Education is something really important and i told him i'll never do it again. Love is nothing but minimal requirement for a relationship. It's trust and Honesty that really make it worthwhile.. ask for a second chance and remember: there are ono regrets, ONLY lessons learned :D