Obama gives 8 billion dollars for nuclear power.

Slovak Republic
February 16, 2010 6:39pm CST
On Tuesday 16 February President Obama pledged 8 billion dollars towards nuclear power plants. He plans to build two new plants in the next few years.It has been seen as a alternate to oil.Nuclear power plants can generate new jobs in construction and in the energy sector.It is a step towards a green planet as believed by many people. I will surely have to disagree with that point of view.With introduction of new nuclear plants will increase the amount of toxic waste produced in the world.I do not think it could be a step towards a greener planet. Yes it will surely reduced some of the emissions which are created by the current power plants. With no long term storage of toxic waste, is it really a step towards a greener planet ? Wat are your views on it ?
1 response
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Feb 10
Yes it produces some nasty waste. But the waste it produces is a great deal less than burning coal and the waste is storable...unlike the waste from burning coal which winds up in the air. Historicly when done propperly, nuclear power is exponentialy safer than other forms like coal, natural gas etc. in the history of nuclear power...there has been 1...count em...1 accident that resulted in the loss of life. and that was because the plant was NOT propperly run and maintained, I am of course refering to cherynoble. Now, how many people have lost their lives mining coal over the years? How much nuclear waste has made it's way in to the environment? None. Now, how much coal waste has made it's way to the environment? ALL of it. I agree though ther needs to be a better way to permanantly store it. Perhaps a plan could be developed to use old decommisioned ICBM's to launch this waste straight in to the sun, where it will do no more harm to anyone. Either way, something needs to be developed. but over all it is still a better idea than continually burning fossil fuels for electricity.