Do you pick up money that is left on the ground?

@pandaeyes (2065)
February 17, 2010 9:19am CST
Most days if I walk into town, I will see money on the ground. I always stoop down and pick it up. It may be as little as 1 penny and often is but sometimes as much as £1 coin. So someone must drop it and not bother to pick it up again! Will you pick up money from the ground? If you will, what is the most you have found? Or are you the kind of person who drops money and just shrugs and leaves it there to be found by others?
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23 responses
17 Feb 10
Oh yes, if I find money on the ground I will pick it up and think myself fortunate.
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• Argentina
25 Mar 10
In my country it is said to be good luck if you find money on the ground, even if it's a 10 cent coin. so I definitely would pick it up!
@pandaeyes (2065)
18 Feb 10
It adds a little skip in my walk even if it is only a penny :P
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
17 Feb 10
If money is dropped by me, I will pick it up, if I notice it. If it is my money, I will not let it stay on the ground at all. I may need this money. But, if I see money that is already on the ground, I will not touch it. There is no telling who dropped that money. And what all has touched this money while it was on the ground.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
17 Feb 10
I don't worry about where the money has been. I wont pick it up if it is lying in goo or something but after all the money in your pocket was handled by hundreds of people before you,who knows what adventures it has had.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
17 Feb 10
absolutely because this is money and even if it is a small amount, it really does add up over time (although it may take time) but why not? if i dont pick it up, someone else will.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
17 Feb 10
My husband will not pick it up. He is from a much more affluent background in his childhood and thinks it is a trivial amount. I don't care, I still pick it up. If he says have you got 5 pence because he is just that little bit short to pay for something,I say 'here you go,it is the 5p i picked up on Tuesday' :)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
17 Feb 10
I do indeed. But there must come a point where we say "No". I read about a man in the City once who found about £12 million in bearer bonds. That means that the bank pays out to whoever presents the bonds. No questions asked. He could have pocketed the lot. Instead he took them to the Police. I'd have done the same I think. But a penny or a pound - yep unless I see someone else obviously looking and then I return it to them.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
17 Feb 10
I would go to the police with a lot of money too. Not just a coin though . I once found £5 in a dustbin on m way to school I did keep that as there was noone to ask . My husband found a roll of money with a rubber band around it once. The police found the owner who had stuffed it into his sock for safe keeping on his way home an hadn't noticed it fall out. It was his wages from work.
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• Argentina
25 Mar 10
I'm sorry guys, I don't trust the police with that amount of cash. There are a lot of good cops but there are some bad ones too. If I found that huge amount of money I would probably give it out to charity if I couldn't find the owner.
• United Kingdom
18 Feb 10
Yes, I do this but only if it's something worth picking up. I don't pick up pennies or anything like that, I much prefer the silver! One pound coins are even better but there aren't too many of those lying around. I heard a saying on a movie once and I'm going to quote it now. It was from the film 'Grease'. "See a penny, pick it up; all day long you'll have good luck!" I don't know if you saw the movie grease or remember that quote! Even though that's the saying, I don't pick pennies up! Andrew
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@pandaeyes (2065)
18 Feb 10
Oh yes I have heard that saying but with 'pin' instead of 'penny'. I do pick up pennies. When I was a school girl,my mother would give me bus fare for the week. It was the 1970's and a bus ticket to school was 2 pence. I never got pocket money so I would walk to school and keep the pennies. It was the only way I ever had spending money until I was old enough for a paper round . So something as small as a penny doesn't seem so insignificant to me even now.
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• Philippines
18 Feb 10
i agree on you on that andrew..i will just pick something who's worth picking up..but if that amount is too big and for instance that the owner is still there near me, i would definitely return it to the owner BUT if the owner is no longer there, well, lucky me. and i like the quote that you share with us.
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@skbrence (475)
• Philippines
17 Feb 10
Hi there pandaeyes... Well, whenever I see money on the ground, of course, I pick it. But, after picking it up, I will search first for the owner for about several minutes, I would also wait for someone who would search it and claim it as his or her possession... If several minutes past and no one claimed for it, I would definitely keep it. xD
@pandaeyes (2065)
17 Feb 10
Yes I see, if it is a lot then you would look about for the owner. So would I. Mostly I see one coin lying there and it is abandoned so I will bend down and pocket it. Not inside a shop of course or in a house but out in the street.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
18 Feb 10
I pick up money when I see it, everytime. I've found twenty dollars before, and three times in a row...same stretch of walkway...lots of people just walking was amazing. O_O
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@pandaeyes (2065)
18 Feb 10
wow very lucky and unlucky for those who dropped it too. I have found paper money only 3 times. Once in a dustbin on my way to school, once outside of school which I handed in as it was dinner money day and once with my daughter we found 2 £5 notes just laying in the street without a soul around. My daughter found it really but I was there too.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Feb 10
Hi pandaeyes, I do pick up money that I find on the ground. It is almost always just change. Last year, I stepped out of my car and saw a 5 dollar bill frozen in the ground right next to where I parked. Oh you bet that my boots broke up the ice and I did pick that up. I have a big jug that I throw change in all year long and use it for something over the summer with my daughter. the pennies add up slowly but they do add up.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
18 Feb 10
That reminds me of when I was a child,we lived in the council flats and there were quite a lot of children to interact with. One day one of the boys was bent over looking in the storm drain at the side of the road and gradually a small crowd of children joined him. Me too. He was trying to fish out a pound note that had washed down into the drain. These drains are maybe 4 feet below the grating before they change direction to go off into the sewers but the note was just too far to get to. We had to give it up in the end.
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• United States
18 Feb 10
I'm not too proud. Yes, I'll bend down and pick up money off the ground, even as little as a penny. One day at work I found two $20 bills, but I turned it in.
@pandaeyes (2065)
19 Feb 10
That's good I'm sure whoever lost it was really glad to get it back again. I know I would have been.
@23uday (2997)
• India
18 Feb 10
hi friend, When i see money on ground i pick up the money first i see here and their. If i found money 2Rupees i will give it to bagger or i leave that money. If i found some big money then i give it to police persons. have a good day.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I will admit that I am the person that is sometimes guilty of leaving a penny behind if I drop it on the ground. Now, I am also the person that will bend over and pick up money that I see on the ground, so I figure that in the long run I am probably ahead. Besides that, it is rare for me to drop money on the ground. Sometimes it will be a penny or another small coin, but other times it will be a quarter to as much as a five dollar bill. The most recent money find that I've had was about two dollars worth of pennies in front of my in-law's house.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
20 Feb 10
I used to be devastated if I lost money. It was almost painful. Well maybe not if it was a penny but I would still look for it. Once we came out of a shop and I realized my 2 £10 notes were gone but I had only spent enough to have paid with one of them. It was a very anxious while and in the end we rang the shop to see if I had handed the two in by mistake. I had, they checked the till and kept my note until I could go back for it. It was an enormous relief as money was very tight back then. It's rare that I will find large amounts on the ground,usually it is small change.
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@MrKennedy (1978)
18 Feb 10
Of course I do Any less than 10 pence though and I'll just leave it there. I consider myself quite lucky at finding money on the floor, and have found £20 notes just laying there on several occassions
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@pandaeyes (2065)
18 Feb 10
wow I cant imagine seeing such a large amount of money just lying there. I will pick up even 1 penny,I'm not fussy :)
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• Philippines
18 Feb 10
yes i will pick up money that is left on the ground if no one see's me picking it up. but if it so happen that the owner of the money is right there in front of me, i will always make it sure that i will return it to the owner for they may need it. but i remember, sometime in my life i had found an old and ugly pouch bag. i was so surprised to see that its full of money inside and some I.D's. but without second thought, i returned it to the owner.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
18 Feb 10
I wouldn't think to keep it if I could discover who it belonged to, don't think many people would .
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@TAZNEM (656)
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
well in our country, money is not something you can find on the grounds. i have never experienced finding money on the ground. cuz people here needs money desperately. but if there is a time that i should find money i would pick it up and shout three times if someone owns it, if no one answers then i'd take it. its how we do it in our religion.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
19 Feb 10
It just shows you how different our cultures are. In this country a child will drop 5 pennies and shrug because they don't want to look uncool picking up such a small amount. Not me,I would pick it up when they are gone. I like how you would check for ownership.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Feb 10
I always pick up money I see on the ground. I have what I call a "found money" piggy bank. Any money I find whether it be outside or in the laundry goes into this bank. The most I have found is a $2 coin. One day I was walking along the road, which we tend to do in the winter when the sidewalks aren't plowed, and I found coins scattered all over the road. What a windfall!
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@pandaeyes (2065)
17 Feb 10
How strange. Someone must have been in a hurry not to want to pick it all up again. Once I saw a 50 pence piece (half a pound) on the pavement and tried to pick it up,there were some giggles and I looked up to the pub(bar) beside the pavement and noticed a few people watching me try ,through the open doorway. The money was glued to the ground. It was there about a week then one day it was gone. I think someone went back with a pocket knife and prized it up.
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@derek_a (10873)
17 Feb 10
Yes, I have notice that if somebody drops some a small coin that they often can't be bothered to pick it up. I always pick it up and I am always finds small amounts in this way. It only takes a few seconds and the cash slowly mounts up. _Derek
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@pandaeyes (2065)
17 Feb 10
I do the same. sometimes you are a penny or two short when you want to buy something and it makes a lot of difference then. Children often will not bend to pick up their dropped coins because they think their friends will laugh at them.
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• Atlantic City, New Jersey
18 Feb 10
I will pick up money that left just about anywhere ...LOL. Time are hard these days and money is nothing to be wasted- so yes I do pick up even pennies at times. Change adds up...people don't realize that. I keep a "change" jar in my house especially for all my pennies and what not and once a year right before my vacation I cash it in to use for the trip.
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• Philippines
25 Mar 10
as long as its money then why not. i will surely pick it up besides its not my fault if its was drop from the pocket from someone else. even a single dollars will help and make it big if to be added to the rest of my money. but if i saw the money that just drop from someone else then i will call that person and tell him about the money.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Mar 10
Yup its all pennies. I would tell someone too if I saw them drop it. It has to be nobodies money for me to pick it up.
• United States
22 Feb 10
Yes, definitely. I would stop traffic to pick up a penny, lol.
• United States
23 Feb 10 is money. I'd do if if I were the richest person in the's good luck.
@pandaeyes (2065)
22 Feb 10
:) I have stooped to pick coins up in the crowded street before and nearly caused a human pile up. I remember to look behind me now before stopping. At Christmas time in our town,it is almost elbow to elbow in the pedestrian zone and that is the time you are most likely to see money dropped too.
@Niltusk (131)
• United States
26 Feb 10
I'm die hard superstitious, so yes, I will pick up every penny I see, then I throw it over my shoudler when I make my wish.
@pandaeyes (2065)
26 Feb 10
I have never heard of making a wish on found money. Sometimes people will throw money in water for wishes.