Praising God! ~ I have a Question?
By barehugs
@barehugs (8973)
February 17, 2010 1:43pm CST
Its been said, "God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did, or didn't do!" God is routinely called,"The Supreme Intelligence!"
My Question is, (in light of these two ideas)why does God require Praise,and Worship?
A Nobel Prize winner,or a Great Scientist,( highly intelligent minds) require no praise, and would be very embarrassed to be worshiped, yet Religion tells us "God Requires Worship,and Praise, even to the doffing of hats and shoes in His Presence?
Heads of State who rule and terrorize their own people- tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry Dictators, (the world over) insist on Praise and Worship, from their unfortunate subjects. It would seem that Praise and Worship, are fatuous flattery's only required by small minds!
Is God then, one of these?
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5 responses
@flashgo9 (52)
• India
18 Feb 10
i would like to start by asking you why the nobel prize winners or great scientists or sportsmen for instance, would be embarrassed to feel praised. everyone loves to be famous and has the right to. moreover, worship and praise never makes anyone feel the people are out of their minds.
you should have brought in a source, before asking this question, from where you found worship is appreciated only by small minds. here's an example. why are the patents for? it's to make you famous and tell the folk you invented or discovered something and not the others. isn't that a part of praise too?
praise and worship in the human mind needs a lot of attraction and will remain so forever, may it be a scientist or a nobel winner. we need to thank the almighty for who he is and worship him for what he does to us. it was a nice question though.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Of course you are correct when you say," its ok to be famous!" but how would famous people feel if the general public divested them selves of hats and shoes in their presence? What about bowing down with foreheads on the floor? I'm sure there would be some very embarrassed famous people!
(Patents are to keep people from stealing the time and effort invested in a salable idea.)
Its ok to be thankful, sing praises if you feel the need, but does this include grovelling on bended knee, and prostrating your self while tearing your hair, with your forehead in the dirt? Thanks for your nice reply though!
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
18 Feb 10
I read this earlier in the, and have been thinking about and dwelling on it, and praying about it. In the end, I think it has a few merits, but, fails to take into consideration what I believe to be the most important aspect, of the difference between God asking for Worship, and "Politicians" doing the same thing.
And that would be God, (if you believe in God, if you don't then this is a mute point) Created the earth and all that is in it. I think that merits being thanked every once in a while, and asking for guidance now and again from the person that did that, you thank your parents, and ask advice from them don't you? Why not the supreme being that made all life possible?
Praise and Worship, have different connotations, and each thing in the world can be viewed through a different perspective. You can put a negative twist on the best of situations, or a positive twist on the worst of situations. It really just a matter of what you make of it.
Cheers, I appreciate you.
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@LoSouLyricist (125)
• United States
18 Feb 10
I like that take on it too... "praise and worship" can just be waking up in the morning, opening the window, breathing in some fresh air, hearing the birds chirp and seeing the sun shine and saying "thank you for this wonderful morning" - and not necessarily the conventional idea of kneeling for hours and scrutinizing your every action with endless guilt. 'tis good to have a conscience and remorse though that makes you question your actions at the end of the day, but more for yourself, than for higher reasons.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Waking in the morning with a thankful heart has been an important tenant of my life style for many years. Ending the day on a thankful note, is truly a supplication for a good night's rest. I feel no need to bend the knee or prostrate myself, (before my Awesome Maker, shaking with Fear while contemplating a hellish afterlife!)
My God is a God of Love! A God who loves Absolutely, and a God whose Absolute Love demands Absolutely Nothing in return. He has the authority to forgive before the Sin is committed. Therefore we have Absolutely Nothing to worry about, and everything to be Thankful for! ( Hitler would have gone to heaven, had there been such a place)
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
18 Feb 10
Oh, how I do Love this new feature where it has all the posts in one place.
Sounds like my God and your God are the same Barehugs, I would never contemplate a hellish afterlife, not any more at least. I really dislike that part of the Bible, if every one had of focused solely on the rewards of Being Grateful, of Loving your Neighbor, and the like, then the world would have been a much better place, but no sense dwelling, just join the movement to promote the benefits of doing what is right. Focus on that rather then what happens when you do what is wrong. I tell you, give me eternal life and peace, and I will take that over a hellish afterlife any day, tell me to do something to get that, rather then not do something so that hell doesn't happen. It has just so much more power. Forgive before the Sin is committed that is a great way to look at it.
I totally agree, Nothing to Worry about, and Everything to be Thankful for.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Feb 10
Hi barehugs, Although I had not seen your discussion before, I'm afraid I've started one very similar to this just a few hours ago.I know that our thinking on religion and the like, is much the same, and I also know where you are coming from here.Blessings.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
17 Feb 10
You know already what you are going to get from me. Man requires praise and worship of his Gods, this gives them power in his mind.
Giving thanks to God which is in all of us is just a way of recognizing that energy. The mind gives strength to that on which it focuses.
Man created Gods to give comfort when unexplainable things happened. It seemed reasonable that there were unseen forces at work that were more powerful then man, and if one could in some manner control those forces by praise and worship as they could the most powerful men this also seem reasonable. Well you know it didn't take long for the scammers to see this as the scam to end all scams and that created the priests, it's work very well for them. Now enter the scientist who is the ruin of the priests, it turns out it's all a matter of energy and we all have access to it. Blesssings
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
17 Feb 10
Oh! I see where you are coming from! It's the power of mind over spirit. Strange isn't it that there has never been an tribe of humans, no matter how isolated, with no a Spiritual Beliefs? Man desperately needs something beyond himself in which to place his trust.